Message from @National Trotskyist
Discord ID: 355406015136661505
@Anchovy >Tfw Joining any commie discord
I consider myself a Commie, but the people in the Community is fucking Cancerous
*Cough* @Deleted User *Cough*
@Anchovy Lol retard
lol fag lolxd
Suck my dick whores
k e k
@Some C U N T#1599 send nudes
@Some C U N T#1599 did you block me, you faggot
I have no fucking idea who you are, so the logical answer is No you dumb bitch
this server is really weird sometimes
thanks tho boo 🖤
Leftists are fucking scummy race traiting nigger lovers.
@Deleted User niggers are better looking than you
and have nicer dicks
how can you compete lmao
Wow communism is still a thing?
Yeah, for quite a time already.
Have you heard of the DPRK and Cuba?
I remember back when James bond had raped goerge lopez. It was a scary day for everyone, I was milking my hamster when the news first broke out. Everyone was confused as to why optimus prime would let this happen. Hillary clinton then endorsed anal sex that day however Mario was quick to protest this idea along with Stalin who had just gotten out of jail for commiting anal rape. Though he did wrong he know his crimes were unjust. After the plane hit the seconde Kevin James everyone knew what was going on. Darth Vader had returned and we all knew it, some were in denial but had to face the truth. 9/11 RIP
Pick one
North Korea is an absolute monarchy
It cares little about its working class
Well Cuba has hereditary rule too...
From Fidel to Raul, brothers
Communism doesn't truly exist anymore
Are we talking about communism? Are you for or against communism?
Indifferent. It can't be as bad as capitalism, but I personally wouldn't want to live in leftist globalism.
@National Trotskyist Are you a mutualist?
how do we seize the memes of production?
hory shet
✊🏿 ✊🏾 ✊🏽 ✊🏼 ✊🏻
<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> ***Ollie#9236 was banned!***