Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 355913306093125633
hory shet
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<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> ***Ollie#9236 was banned!***
I want the world to explode and my dick to grow
is everyone here an unironical commie
@ClibtardMario Nope
Marxism is hard.
There's a reason why dumb people like me are right wingers.
Private property = right wing.
@Deleted User Any private property, anywhere, anywhen, is wrong?
I mean, yeah, if private property or defence of it is apart of your ideology, that's right wing. Why do you disagree with this definition? What is a better one?
Yeah, what's your point?
I thought that egoism was inheriently anti-marxist, since it allows for private property to exist in an uncontrolled scale?
All property is a spook. It is defacto left wing.
Also I don't have to follow Stirner exactly. Stirnerism is for Stirner.
Private property just doesn't *feel* right. It is too uptight. I am just as likely to destroy *my* property as someone elses.
Cool self-portrait.
@Deleted User >He is worried about destroying his and other peoples property
Consequences are a spook.
I am not worried at all. I am just saying that I have no special attachment to this or that objects. 'Property' is all the same, 'property' doesn't exist.
'Property' destruction is fun. Primarily because people attach themselves to it and are frustrated by its removal.
Me? I don't care. Burn it all down. I would have lost nothing.
I want to see that tested.
If you really do not care, then why not burn down your own house?
Two main reasons. I'm neutral about it. It would be an inconvenience.
Consequences are spook
You said yourself that you hate all property, so why would it be an inconvienence to you now if you hate it all?
I didn't say I hate property. I said I don't believe in it. The physical existance of objects is still real.
It takes work to burn things down. I need motivation.
The revolution won't start itself, so go ahead and burn that couch.
Revolution? What revolution? Doesn't seem likely.