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2018-03-12 01:52:35 UTC

Pinterest is basically just tumblr for people that don't understand how the internet works

2018-03-12 01:52:52 UTC

Which is why nearly all of it is cancer, just like tumblr

2018-03-12 01:53:19 UTC

I actually used to run a history page on tumblr back in the day; it was themed on different tanks of WWII

2018-03-12 01:54:50 UTC

Fascinating. Do you still have the page?

2018-03-12 01:54:57 UTC

I put a lot of effort into it for a little while, even did a weekly post that I called "Tank of the Week" where I would essentially do a mini-report on some rare or interesting tank that people didn't really know much about
I stopped running it a few years back because it was taking too much time, and I received a message from tumblr warning me about posting "content that encourages or glorifies Nazism", because I had done a post praising the Panther II design and what had led up to it

2018-03-12 01:55:14 UTC

No, I don't; I got rid of it because I didn't want it to be traceable to me somehow ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

2018-03-12 01:55:24 UTC

Felt like Old Yeller getting rid of it tbh

2018-03-12 01:58:40 UTC

That's terrible. Sorry to hear it. Unfortunately, anything related to the *other side* is considered an endorsement.

2018-03-12 01:59:55 UTC

Yeah, I know. There were a couple guys that I was friends with on the site that were somewhat similar to me, and had their own pages where they would just post pictures of different stuff, so they were able to stay under the radar because they weren't writing anything that was their own thought about the past

2018-03-12 02:22:35 UTC

@SamanthaM i have an anime Containment on my private server

2018-03-14 13:19:50 UTC

Does anyone have an opinion on E. Michael Jones? Finished his book "Degenerate Moderns." Although the work is well documented and reasonable, he may come off as a 'conspiracy theorist.' Is this someone who would be worth citing in debates?

2018-03-14 20:07:43 UTC

@SamanthaM never heard of him. Was the book worth reading?

2018-03-14 20:24:42 UTC

I've read one his books and know what you mean. If I was going to cite him in debates i would look into his sources. Overall though, his conclusions make sense, even if every source isn't accurate

2018-03-14 20:28:51 UTC

@TV That's a good tactic. He's got a lot of sources, so it shouldn't be a problem. Which book did you read?

2018-03-14 20:30:37 UTC

Libido Dominandi. I can't say enough good things about it.

2018-03-14 20:31:21 UTC

@CarletonJ It's fantastic. Great analysis of the way (mainly Jewish) revolutionaries have influenced modern culture.

2018-03-14 20:34:00 UTC

@TV Great. I bought it, but never got around to starting. What were some of your impressions?

2018-03-14 20:43:11 UTC

I'll get back to you on that when I have more time to write in depth. It made me understand that a strong value system is the key to freedom, which is a concept that has been grossly distorted by various "liberation" movements

2018-03-14 20:51:05 UTC

That makes it sound really boring but it's actually fascinating. He gives many examples throughout history and breaks down different liberation movements, exposing the twisted intentions behind them and how they spread. It's also a history of how sex has been used as a method of control.

2018-03-15 04:38:01 UTC

Hey friends, I'm doing some research on warrior philosophy and looking around for general books on self-discipline and martial mindsets, I was wondering if anyone would be able to suggest any relevant books?

2018-03-15 04:49:09 UTC

@Gene Fillmore I would suggest looking at Julius Evola's "Metaphysics of War" as well as some of the works of Ernst Junger such as "Storm of Steel" and "On Pain." I haven't gotten around to reading these books myself yet but they're very high on my list and from what I understand they deal with topics very similar to the ones you're interested in.

2018-03-15 04:49:38 UTC

On Pain is very meaningful. Short, but every sentence seems to count.

2018-03-15 04:51:46 UTC

I've heard really good things about Junger, especially about the material he wrote in the interwar period. I'd like to get into his books over the summer when I'm free from school

2018-03-15 04:52:35 UTC

There seems to be a lot of great material on this subject from Japan.

2018-03-15 04:52:55 UTC

He's a favorite of mine, some of his best work hasn't even been translated into english yet, unfortunately.

2018-03-15 04:54:09 UTC

Hagakure, Yamamoto Tsunetomo
Book of Five Rings, Miyamoto Musashi
Ecce Homo, Friedrich Nietzsche
Art of War, Sun Tzu
The Unfettered Mind, Takuan Sลhล
The Code of the Samurai: A Modern Translation, Daidลji Yลซzan
Liji (The Book of Rites), Confucius
Life of Lycurgus, Plutarch
On War, Carl von Clausewitz
The Teachings of Don Juan, Carlos Castaneda
Sun and Steel, Yukio Mishima
Dokkลdล, Miyamoto Musashi
The Analects, Confucius
Havamal, Hermann Pรกlsson
On Duty, Marcus Tullius Cicero
Meditations, Marcus Aurelius
The Prince, Niccholo Machiavelli
On Pain, Ernst Junger
The Book of the Courtier, Baldassare Castiglione
The Maxims of Ptahhotep
Handbook of a Christian Knight, Desiderius Erasmus
The Way of the Fight, Georges St-Pierre
Dialogues, Seneca

2018-03-15 04:54:32 UTC

This is the current reading list I have, some of it I've read, other things I'd really like to find a copy of.

2018-03-15 12:14:10 UTC

@Gene Fillmore Great list. I've got about half if you're interested in a temporary book swap. What are you looking for?

2018-03-15 18:41:10 UTC

2018-03-16 01:58:28 UTC

2018-03-16 01:58:34 UTC

2018-03-16 02:00:23 UTC

@shekelsworth & @Fox you both are all set!! Welcome to the ILC server!! Feel free to DM with any questions. Also, join us this Monday at 8pm EST for our final discussion on the book White Identity by Jared Taylor.

2018-03-16 02:01:24 UTC

What's the next book being read for the discussions?

2018-03-16 02:01:34 UTC

Thank you! Maybe I can brush off my literature degree and learn a thing or two.

2018-03-16 02:01:45 UTC

rules for radicals

2018-03-16 02:01:45 UTC

You can find all of the information on the book of the month in <#393247901545005056>

2018-03-16 02:01:51 UTC

But yeah, it's rule for Radicals

2018-03-16 02:01:57 UTC

We start it in a few weeks.

2018-03-16 02:02:17 UTC

you can find a pdf of it online as well

2018-03-16 02:02:23 UTC

If anyone doesn't think they will have a physical copy by then, please DM me and I'll get you taken care of.


2018-03-16 02:02:29 UTC

2018-03-16 02:02:45 UTC

Woops. Didn't mean to pin lol

2018-03-16 02:07:51 UTC

So Rules for Radicals,by whom? Starting when abouts? (still finishing other)

2018-03-16 02:08:18 UTC

saul alinsky is the author

2018-03-16 02:08:31 UTC

Ok thanks

2018-03-16 02:14:19 UTC

Red and white cover,yes? Just found off thrift books

2018-03-16 02:30:39 UTC

3 cheers for leftist jews!

2018-03-16 02:32:30 UTC

Despite that, it's an important book.

2018-03-16 02:34:04 UTC

Want to make sure i have right 1 before i buy it

2018-03-16 03:10:55 UTC

Celtic yes it's S. Alinksy. The hard copy I have is consistent with the cover you're describing.

2018-03-16 03:11:21 UTC
2018-03-16 03:16:45 UTC

Yes,thanks just dm'd @CarletonJ carletonand confirmed,ordered,hopefully will get in time๐Ÿ˜‰

2018-03-18 22:56:01 UTC

I just found this book in my school library. Sounds like it might be interesting.

2018-03-18 22:56:28 UTC

2018-03-18 22:56:45 UTC

You're all set

2018-03-18 23:15:28 UTC

@Bjorn - MD Welcome!!

2018-03-18 23:46:26 UTC

2018-03-19 02:01:22 UTC

@Tanner - SC You're all set. Welcome to the IE Literature Club. Feel free to DM with any questions.

2018-03-19 02:02:00 UTC

Thank you.

2018-03-19 02:03:20 UTC

When is the next book discussion? @CarletonJ

2018-03-19 02:10:54 UTC

@shekelsworth tomorrow at 8p EST

2018-03-19 02:11:11 UTC

Finishing up the rest of White Identity.

2018-03-19 23:06:37 UTC

Check out what I just got in the mail

2018-03-19 23:06:50 UTC

lol you just got it?

2018-03-19 23:10:42 UTC

Yeah, apparently the order got lost, so I brought it up to him at the conference when I gave him a donation

2018-03-19 23:10:56 UTC

We should do that for book of the month someday

2018-03-19 23:10:56 UTC

oh damn

2018-03-19 23:16:23 UTC

Dude, Jared is such a great guy

2018-03-19 23:16:29 UTC

Totally unassailable

2018-03-20 00:24:56 UTC

i am having trouble getting voice to work on my phone

2018-03-20 00:34:57 UTC

Even in countries with few jews (Ukraine, Bulgaria, FYROM) have lots of issues with corruption

2018-03-20 00:35:18 UTC

pietism and protestantism really improved the parts of E Euro that they went into

2018-03-20 00:44:51 UTC

"I ast Ruf could she bring it ovah to Tom crib." (SE: I asked Ruth if/whether she could bring it over to Tom's place.)

2018-03-20 00:44:53 UTC

@Jacob watch the edge bruh

2018-03-20 00:45:10 UTC

From an example page at Stanford

2018-03-20 00:45:56 UTC

"She BIN had dat han'-made dress" (SE: She's had that hand-made dress for a long time, and still does.)

2018-03-20 00:46:18 UTC

</ebonics >

2018-03-20 00:46:31 UTC

It's actually unintelligible

2018-03-20 00:47:04 UTC

I have a bit of experience with it; my mother was a teacher in an inner-city school and had a class full of third graders that had been held back at least twice

2018-03-20 00:48:50 UTC

Didja axe dem whah de tink?

2018-03-20 00:49:40 UTC

Asking for an axe emoji

2018-03-20 00:54:59 UTC

have they really lessened?

2018-03-20 00:55:07 UTC

do you have proof?

2018-03-20 00:56:00 UTC

i am referring to the linguistic gap between modern blacks and blacks from the 60's or whateevr

2018-03-20 01:32:10 UTC

Can someone post the link to the paper with the black children of the 1%?

2018-03-20 01:51:13 UTC

@Why Tea Thank god!

2018-03-20 02:06:11 UTC

That's horrific.

2018-03-20 11:40:32 UTC

@Jacob just to be clear we are supposed to read up to "Of Means and Ends" or through it?

2018-03-20 19:19:16 UTC


2018-03-20 22:49:50 UTC

2018-03-21 18:18:32 UTC

I started reading the book last night, I'm only 20 pages in but did anyone else crack up at the judge and lawyer story?

2018-03-21 18:18:58 UTC

"Fuck you, Campbell."

2018-03-21 18:37:29 UTC

@shekelsworth I didnโ€™t understand that all that well

2018-03-21 18:39:48 UTC

Sounds like the lawyers got shut down

2018-03-21 18:58:38 UTC

Well he was making a point about how they failed to make change through their actions.

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