Commander Davis (TWP)
Discord ID: 178688706373353472
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This is the end for you old man.
Ah just community service
yeah you're connected but muted
like that
nope you gotta unmute yourself
weird the test one I just made works
Mr. Bond is the shit
Maybe you just don't have a mic selected in the settings
Still says you're muted brah
good good
That feel
>Hitler evil
>Hitler dindunuffin
>Hitler did something good.
"Join my call confrence line" Nationalism
I had one non-advanced class I went to in high school and the nigger tier shenanigans were unreal.
My wordpress is garbage too tbh
Antifa may have slashed my tires for this one
God tier troll challenge: get an article published on
Not that I know of but my crew is doing a hatehike on Saturday
I was there
Wew lads
My friend @youssef is already getting IP banned just by joining alt right fb groups
basically unless you're the eternal nomie you can't make new accounts and get away with it
Made an escape pod out of it. there's a subgroup for us tho
better safe than sorry
If you don't have a label let me know where you're from
then you can access those specific chats
well that didn't take long
you're already sorted brah
How autisticly organized is this server tho
fuck broken keyboard
Better for networking tbh*
would't be suprised, I'm already a known person so not the biggest deal for me.
can't promise I can drag everyone here lol
I like the idealism
you gotta send him an invite yo
Yeah I keep losing contact with my native ethnonat freind because they keep shuting his accounts down.
of courrrssseee
Hell yeah
the charlottesville dischord
Alright then
lol most people in this chat rn are va XD
"Normie event"
The beltway bigots is hereby the most esoteric group in the channel
The heart of darkness in more way than one
A new link for the Cville event discord
The ree heard roundthe world
How does he not get it?
Not to point out the obvious but Western chauvinism is by definition implicit white supremacy and the left knows it too.
I'm not even a white supremacist in the true sense and I can see that
Alright cross your fingers goys
I'm the leader of the Virginiaryans
Mainly Richmond
Well if they're going to post that conspiricy I posted that the Klan rally is an FBI sting op to get SURJ Charlottesville Disbanded. The leader of that Klan group happens to actually be FBI
The NSM had a rally we were at. But those guys were from Texas these guys are from VA
What if someone did a "let my people go" speech warning of a great plague if they don't. XD
@everyone I'm putting together a decentralized guild in an attempt to keep economic attack via job loss go be effective. If you want in on this network we're running a discord atm. This is intended to be secret and underground so keep it to yourselves.
@everyone If you're a buisiness owner or someone in a position of power to employ let me know and you can get a shiny yellow nametag
The only requirement for guild "membership" is a willingness to help other members who need it if you are in the position to do so.
@O.W. von Diez done
I philisophically prefer guilds to unions cause class cooperation and whatnot
Also out of flag autism there is a flag now.
Modeled after the silver legion
Jason at it again
Getting mobs called on him for existing
It's a guild, employers and workers in a group helping each other out
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