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2018-10-23 04:37:46 UTC

i live in CA and trying to move away but im from Wi only been out here 4 years came out stupidly for a job, people in CA are the most dumbed down self hating people iv'e ever met

2018-10-23 04:37:50 UTC

California needs to be isolated so all the liberals can live with their fantasy world they voted for

2018-10-23 04:38:02 UTC

not all but most, i mean as far as voting and politics

2018-10-23 04:38:17 UTC

Get out while you can. California is sinking

2018-10-23 04:39:09 UTC

California: "lets pay for everyone else and give them everything we possibly can, even if it brings down the rest of the country!"

The rest of the country: "๐Ÿ–•๐Ÿป"

2018-10-23 04:39:44 UTC

It's funny that the liberals in California point to FOOD as a benefit of this crap ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

2018-10-23 04:39:45 UTC

Give Cali to the Mexicans. They will be dependent on us for freshwater. Plus a massive earthquake is coming to SoCal. We do not wanna be on the hook for that. If there is gonna be any existential crisis to this nation caused by finance itl be from something like that. 20 mil people devastated by an earthquake. Gotta amputate the infected limb.

2018-10-23 04:40:00 UTC

it is, iv'e been so miserable since i came out here, a lot of the people here especially in SF hate being american and the mid-west

2018-10-23 04:40:01 UTC

Food > replacement

2018-10-23 04:40:45 UTC

California can go to hell.

2018-10-23 04:41:00 UTC

Los Angeles can... for now

2018-10-23 04:41:09 UTC

i'm in the process of saving up to come back to the mid-west. i can honestly say i hate CA

2018-10-23 04:41:38 UTC

@american_frankenstein dude yeah, you gotta get out of there

2018-10-23 04:41:39 UTC

san andreas fault more like the san andreas today plz

2018-10-23 04:42:47 UTC

i love the nature out here but however the people and politics out here are really twisted, i was actually spin on by a total stranger in SF for wearing a trump shirt

2018-10-23 04:43:02 UTC

@Nemets Montana, Colorado, Utah...all beautiful...and *not* Commiefornia. ๐Ÿ˜‰

2018-10-23 04:43:03 UTC


2018-10-23 04:43:06 UTC

@Nemets the funny thing about forest fires is that they are caused by liberals. The liberals vote no on cutting back the brush and ground-foliage. They think it is anti-environment... even though clearing the brush actually helps protect the trees from catching fire during a forest fire

2018-10-23 04:43:28 UTC

thats the "tolerant left" for ya...

2018-10-23 04:43:34 UTC

When you're living poor and stressed you're more likely to live in that sort of good/evil dichotomy mindset.

2018-10-23 04:43:48 UTC

@american_frankenstein When I moved to CA in 1989, it was still about 85 percent White. I could see why it was the White middle class utopia. I lived there 27 years. By the time I moved back to GA, CA was drowning in Leftist pathology, and insane Mexican "values."

2018-10-23 04:44:01 UTC

Did you knock their ass out? If somebody spit on me they would be missing teeth

2018-10-23 04:44:31 UTC

If someone spit on me I would have given them their immediate family a reason to do so as well, Lol

2018-10-23 04:45:40 UTC

@Deleted User When the state decriminalizes AIDS transmission, I doubt spitting is assault... <:pepe:359012488920039424>

2018-10-23 04:45:49 UTC

LOL so true

2018-10-23 04:45:55 UTC

Ha ha. I had a guy spit on me once. It was about 1980 I guess. I was about 25 years old.

2018-10-23 04:46:10 UTC

Breathing in San Fran is bio warfare

2018-10-23 04:46:22 UTC

@Deleted User Are you Polish?

2018-10-23 04:46:30 UTC

was very tempting but not worth going to jail for though. i'm just going to get out of dodge save up and get back to the midwest. if someone is so bitter he/she feels the need to spit on strangers with trump shirts or has an opposing opinion they can rot here with the crap on the street

2018-10-23 04:46:42 UTC

I'm not. I am Norwegian, German and French... and a little bit Blackfoot native

2018-10-23 04:47:39 UTC

If you fly into LA you can see the pollution when you're about to land/just breaking through the clouds

2018-10-23 04:48:26 UTC

@Deleted User You can see the pall of pollution really well as you crest the Grape Vine.

2018-10-23 04:48:27 UTC

holy shit yall still here

2018-10-23 04:48:35 UTC

Spent a week in rural MN. Spend the next week in LA. Los Angeles was like a dystopian Bladerunner hellhole.

2018-10-23 04:49:54 UTC

i think a lot of it is brain washing from the Media, a lot of people out here actually believe the MSM and a lot of it is the couture, this area of CA has no morals they actually have things like folsom street fair ect which would be illegal in any other state

2018-10-23 04:51:10 UTC

literally everything wrong with this country starts in California

2018-10-23 04:51:12 UTC

when i moved out here it was for a job with a friend that came out here, had no clue how it was, if i knew ca was like this i would have never came in the first place

2018-10-23 04:51:31 UTC

@Sam Anderson Ditto. And just about a generation ago, L.S. was a stronghold of the White working-class. All those vast suburbs built after WWII. L.A. was a hub of White achievement and innovation. Now it's a third-world hellhole.

2018-10-23 04:53:10 UTC

they actually have public bondage sex festivals in SF it's really sick, a lot of drugs as well. it's like everything that builds a stable foundation for a society is frowned on in SF thats why it's so corrupt

2018-10-23 04:53:22 UTC

Thats where my German Grandfather moved to after he left the US Army. He hates Mexicans and is pretty Jwoke.

2018-10-23 04:53:31 UTC

Hey athiest where will you get your morals? " I'll just know! Ok!? " * watches cnn 4 hours every night "

2018-10-23 04:53:53 UTC

it's mind blowing how crazy and messed up SF really is.

2018-10-23 04:56:19 UTC

i have always loved the Mid west and am actually a bit appreciative of getting to see CA and SF because it's really enforced my love of our country and has opened my eyes to the damage people are trying to us and our country

2018-10-23 04:56:21 UTC

SoCal can be redeemed, the suburban whites are getting fed up, and the working class whites have always been on or near our side

2018-10-23 04:56:50 UTC


2018-10-23 04:57:04 UTC

socal whites whos heads aren't full of cheese are supremely outnumbered

2018-10-23 04:57:15 UTC

We will have enough woke gen z whites to make a difference

2018-10-23 04:57:43 UTC

yeah, but the silver lining of white genocide is that the dumb liberals didnt reproduce

2018-10-23 04:57:58 UTC

I'm thinking Gen A2.0 will be our saving grace.

2018-10-23 04:58:26 UTC

Dude I was looking at the comments under some YouTube Mr. Bond songs. There are 12 and 15 year olds getting the bad optics out of their system. I emailed one of these kids. Gen Z is gonna be a wild ride

2018-10-23 04:58:30 UTC

white picket fences keep the evil at bay

2018-10-23 04:58:34 UTC

and i miss cheese curds they don't sell them around here lol, got to have the cheese curds

2018-10-23 04:58:44 UTC

It's hard for me to think of leaving my state, even if most of my generation deserves a third world country

2018-10-23 04:59:11 UTC

They are available at A&W @american_frankenstein

2018-10-23 04:59:15 UTC

dude almost anywhere else in the nations is better than degenerate california

2018-10-23 04:59:18 UTC

speaking from experience

2018-10-23 05:00:42 UTC

SF actually has full time trucks dedicated to cleaning human waste off the sidewalks, it's pretty nasty

2018-10-23 05:00:49 UTC

I think once I'm done paying off my car imma go look for some hardware store out in one of those mid-west fly over towns that needs delivery work done and settle down out in the gun-friendly part of the country

2018-10-23 05:01:09 UTC

I've basically decided that most of my close high school friends aren't worth caring about but I dont care, SoCal belongs to me not them

2018-10-23 05:01:09 UTC

I dunno @Balgias have you ever been to the Triple Rock?

2018-10-23 05:01:25 UTC

I was thinking like colorado springs or something

2018-10-23 05:01:32 UTC

however people are waking up to the issues i believe a lot of it is the government brain washing the public

2018-10-23 05:02:21 UTC

colorado is beautiful

2018-10-23 05:02:22 UTC

gov't isn't nearly as complicit in the social decay as the media

2018-10-23 05:02:24 UTC

Plus we increasingly have rich whites who realize that they have a lot to loose if we become more of a third world state that we already are, or at least their kids see things our way since they actually will have to live with the consequences

2018-10-23 05:04:09 UTC


2018-10-23 05:04:15 UTC

Come to large activism

2018-10-23 05:04:26 UTC

Its a blast. The rush is amazing

2018-10-23 05:04:51 UTC

I'll have to give it a demo trial, last time I was over there as A WEE LIDDLE LADDY I about died from allergies

2018-10-23 05:10:32 UTC

Agree with @Sam Anderson, irl activism, especially in a large group is amazing.

2018-10-23 05:11:15 UTC

The South Africa action was outstanding.

2018-10-23 05:11:20 UTC

Shame I missed DI

2018-10-23 05:11:37 UTC

Got some cool snapchats of it tho

2018-10-23 05:23:31 UTC

i just came from a weekend in Northern California; there are parts of Northern california that are very red-pilled and give me hope. Red Bluff, Chester, Grass Valley, Susanville.... these are still very white towns. I wish i could move to a town like Mineral California or Chester California..... in the middle of that beautiful Lassen National Forest... i love talking to the locals. Chester CA makes me feel like I am back in time .... I did not see any Mexicans.... I went to a Stake house in Red Bluff CA and all the servers were wearing hats that read: Keep American Great 2020"

2018-10-23 05:25:56 UTC

tfw you kinda agree with the Left on Calexit

2018-10-23 05:27:17 UTC

for totally different reasons though

2018-10-23 05:27:31 UTC

Get these minorities out of my waterpark reasons

2018-10-23 05:27:31 UTC

I would cheer on Calexit. "Bye Felicia!"

2018-10-23 05:27:47 UTC


2018-10-23 05:27:52 UTC

calexit would be awesome

2018-10-23 05:27:53 UTC

The problem with these separatist California movements is that they always have either Sacramento, SF or LA as their capitals. Any one of these cities would fuck everyone over.

2018-10-23 05:28:08 UTC

if the state split in 2 you would have 2 blue states

2018-10-23 05:28:08 UTC

accelerationism mah dude

2018-10-23 05:28:21 UTC

i mean the entire state...not a break up of the state into 3 like I've seen.

2018-10-23 05:28:43 UTC

leave the union. ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿป

2018-10-23 05:28:46 UTC

what has gotten into this man

2018-10-23 05:29:06 UTC

If Los Angeles exit would spur some form of ethnonationalism among non-whites. Thus making it more acceptable for Whites in a reactionary sense. Its a good thing.

2018-10-23 05:29:15 UTC

Accelerationism gay. Calexit would become a world war

2018-10-23 05:29:52 UTC

"muh 6th largest GDP"...also billions in debt, AIDS is legal, crime rampant, sh*t in the streets.... we wouldn't miss Cali one bit.

2018-10-23 05:31:07 UTC

said like a true east coaster

2018-10-23 05:31:35 UTC

2018-10-23 05:31:47 UTC

they gotta fix that flag though

2018-10-23 05:31:50 UTC

i'm pretty sure elon musk browses /pol/

2018-10-23 05:31:57 UTC

or at least /g/

2018-10-23 05:32:02 UTC

i wouldn't vote for that just because of the flag <:sad:366743316475281408>

2018-10-23 05:32:11 UTC

yeah the flag is atrocious

2018-10-23 05:32:11 UTC

it's a fine flag

2018-10-23 05:32:14 UTC

looks like moonshine

2018-10-23 05:32:27 UTC


2018-10-23 05:32:41 UTC

I'm from Cali originally... Calexit is sad

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