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2018-10-23 05:32:41 UTC

I could see the Jefferson thing happening. A full Calexit would be a catastrophe for everyone.

2018-10-23 05:33:11 UTC

the rest of the country won't miss Cali/Northern Mexico. i promise. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

2018-10-23 05:33:25 UTC

calexit would be hilarious

2018-10-23 05:33:37 UTC

it would be like the "it's all fine" dog

2018-10-23 05:33:42 UTC

I'm not of the mind to give up any of my great nation

2018-10-23 05:33:57 UTC

you gotta give some if you want to take some

2018-10-23 05:34:53 UTC

Cut off a gangrenous limb in order to spur ethnonationalism.

2018-10-23 05:35:31 UTC

Most people who hate California have only been to LA and SF

2018-10-23 05:35:46 UTC

SF is a nice city what are you talking about

2018-10-23 05:36:08 UTC

I agree with dairy, a calexit would spell the end of the U.S.

2018-10-23 05:36:14 UTC

my brother lives in SF and it turned him into half a fag

2018-10-23 05:36:19 UTC

>end to the US
isn't that good?

2018-10-23 05:36:24 UTC

Im not saying all CA exit. But if Latino nationalism in LA wants to happen. Hah. Have at it while we control your freshwater and watch from afar.

2018-10-23 05:37:04 UTC

There's no way the Federal Government would allow full secession and right wing Californians would have a fit. Other governments would get involved, private armys, a mess

2018-10-23 05:37:05 UTC

@Aquatarkus bro I was born and raised in the USA and it only made me ... a radical nationalist

2018-10-23 05:37:43 UTC

(((other governments)))

2018-10-23 05:37:54 UTC

@DairyMaxx probably won't allow it, but I wouldn't mind the US collapsing tbqh

2018-10-23 05:38:07 UTC

free russian citizenship if u know what I mean

2018-10-23 05:38:29 UTC

I'm not saying I would stop Latino nationalism, that really helps bolster our cause. I'm just not so eager to usher in the complete fall of the United States. You guys don't know what that really means or will look like.

2018-10-23 05:38:46 UTC

we have to roll the iron dice

2018-10-23 05:38:54 UTC

or hope that someone rolls it for us

2018-10-23 05:39:09 UTC

if the dice ain't rollin, it's going all the way to Tel Aviv

2018-10-23 05:39:27 UTC

Any loss of territory would likely cause a global conflict.

2018-10-23 05:39:30 UTC

Cali is the fall of the entire country @Deleted User ?

2018-10-23 05:39:41 UTC


2018-10-23 05:39:46 UTC

genuine question...

2018-10-23 05:39:58 UTC

if Cali falls, russia or China will put a base there

2018-10-23 05:40:14 UTC

you think successful secession will stop with Cali?

2018-10-23 05:40:21 UTC

sounds like some tom clancy bullshit

2018-10-23 05:40:27 UTC

USA, which barely produces anything, will collapse because financial institutions won't have the security they have now

2018-10-23 05:40:30 UTC

which is now a foreign, alien, easily manipulated state

2018-10-23 05:40:46 UTC

basically everyone in the USA is broke and non-whites are roaming the streets in gangs

2018-10-23 05:40:50 UTC

If and when the US falls apart, the entire post cold war world order goes belly up

2018-10-23 05:40:56 UTC

which looks bad, but it's actually good imo

2018-10-23 05:41:03 UTC

@TMatthews and tha'ts a good thing

2018-10-23 05:41:28 UTC

a unipolar world with USA in control is bad

2018-10-23 05:41:39 UTC

or the (((usa))) at least

2018-10-23 05:41:40 UTC

It's inevitable. Whether it's good is irrelevant. Our job is to make the best of it and influence it where possible to suit our race's interests.

2018-10-23 05:41:41 UTC

I think you think acceleration and decline sounds cool, but you don't get it.

2018-10-23 05:41:52 UTC

I do not think that some kind of Left wing secession could happen until things polarize more. Whether or not that is in some Trumpian Third term or some extreme leftist that comes to power post Trump who is unable to countersignal due to purity spiraling.

2018-10-23 05:42:02 UTC

@Deleted User my hope is that it will suck for the lemmings

2018-10-23 05:42:07 UTC

and they will realize what's up

2018-10-23 05:42:17 UTC

that's the gamble at least

2018-10-23 05:42:56 UTC

@Sam Anderson yeah no calexit anytime in the foreseeable future

2018-10-23 05:43:09 UTC

it will be on the ballot sooner or later

2018-10-23 05:43:17 UTC

it wasn't on this ballot because of a court order

2018-10-23 05:43:29 UTC

but the secretary of something is suing the state

2018-10-23 05:43:36 UTC

@Deleted User I don't think anyone thinks it would be "good" or "fun" or'll be awful. But long term, Cali sets the left wing standard, then the other crazies on our coast follow suit slowly after.

2018-10-23 05:43:36 UTC

for batting it down

2018-10-23 05:43:44 UTC

If California seceded, it would buy the rest of the country much needed time. Unfortunately, I can't see them being allowed to go peacefully

2018-10-23 05:44:12 UTC

any secession would start the end of Pax Americana

2018-10-23 05:44:18 UTC

which is good

2018-10-23 05:44:23 UTC

any instability is good

2018-10-23 05:44:45 UTC

and benefits our cause

2018-10-23 05:44:53 UTC

i'm not calling for creating instability

2018-10-23 05:44:57 UTC

simply saying that it benefits us

2018-10-23 05:44:59 UTC

Honestly, I support Texas seceding now too, before they become 40+ solid democrat electoral votes

2018-10-23 05:45:21 UTC

You mean East California?

2018-10-23 05:45:23 UTC

My point is, a right wing White secession would never fly unless it is a reaction to a far larger event of Leftist Che Guevara type secession. We will always be judged at a different standard.

2018-10-23 05:46:31 UTC

We aren't talking about a right wing white secession's the left that wants to break apart the country (most literally now).

2018-10-23 05:46:47 UTC

But we could benefit from their folly.

2018-10-23 05:46:48 UTC

I think that, should there be civil war, the government will not be on our side. It would most likely be after we become a minority and are politically powerless, and be a reaction to outright land seizures or a reparations tax or some sort

2018-10-23 05:47:02 UTC


2018-10-23 05:47:05 UTC

that's why you start learning a foreign language now

2018-10-23 05:47:19 UTC

which one though? GermanoArabic?

2018-10-23 05:47:25 UTC

any really

2018-10-23 05:47:25 UTC


2018-10-23 05:47:33 UTC

Eh. Civil War sounds a bit much for me. Barring some extreme event. Likely could end in some form of apartheid.

2018-10-23 05:47:34 UTC

russian, chinese, castilliano

2018-10-23 05:47:50 UTC

by chinese Imean mandarin

2018-10-23 05:47:54 UTC

Leftist areas like California leaving now could usher in decades of right wing rule, hopefully slowing down immigration and buying time for identitarianism to grow

2018-10-23 05:48:02 UTC

@Sam Anderson But the apartheid would be against whites at that point. Think Benny's "browning of America"...

2018-10-23 05:48:31 UTC

It wouldn't be apartheid because they want and need to be around us to have civilization

2018-10-23 05:48:37 UTC


2018-10-23 05:48:41 UTC

It could be wealth based. Regardless of one's political leanings, nobody wants to live in an 80% Latino or Black area

2018-10-23 05:48:53 UTC

anti-white laws at the very least. gibs for the many, not for the few at that point

2018-10-23 05:49:01 UTC

I don't forsee any particular "War" gents.

Just a steady decline into dysfunction.

ala Brazil

2018-10-23 05:49:10 UTC

yeah ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

2018-10-23 05:49:15 UTC

Brazilian racial dynamics are interesting.

2018-10-23 05:49:27 UTC

whites will simply keep getting used to the worsening America until we are politically powerless

2018-10-23 05:49:41 UTC

Indo European bed time

2018-10-23 05:50:08 UTC

yeah, i need to hit the sheets as well.

2018-10-23 05:50:12 UTC

At this point, I see two main possibilities. One is a dissolution of the United States. The other is steadily becoming Brazil

2018-10-23 05:50:14 UTC

And yeah old school WN types have been race war fantacizing for decades. Not gonna happen in such a clean cut manner like you read in your fiction books bud.

2018-10-23 05:50:28 UTC

all you MD/VA peeps need to stop being bums and get sleep too!

2018-10-23 05:50:32 UTC

it will suck

2018-10-23 05:50:33 UTC

Yeah, that's the most likely outcome, but they were speaking of secession, so I was expressing that the U.S. isn't just going to split apart with no backlash.

2018-10-23 05:50:39 UTC

a civil war will suck, very bad

2018-10-23 05:50:44 UTC


2018-10-23 05:50:48 UTC

if we stick together

2018-10-23 05:50:53 UTC

we'll be much better off than the lemmings

2018-10-23 05:50:55 UTC

or antifa

2018-10-23 05:50:55 UTC

You would know

2018-10-23 05:50:56 UTC

@TMatthews I see us becoming Brazil sadly.

2018-10-23 05:51:03 UTC

Even Brazil has a secessionist movement in the wealthier, more conservative, mostly white South

2018-10-23 05:51:03 UTC


2018-10-23 05:51:06 UTC

@Kingfish exactly, I started one already

2018-10-23 05:51:14 UTC
2018-10-23 05:51:20 UTC


2018-10-23 05:51:25 UTC

I refuse to accept becoming Brazil

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