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2018-10-22 05:43:42 UTC

My inner monologue is Patrick doing an eternal fireside

2018-10-22 05:44:02 UTC

Commenting on absolutely everything I do

2018-10-22 05:44:30 UTC


2018-10-22 05:44:46 UTC

Yes, I just tried to imagine a tesseract of sorts, I saw it without words

2018-10-22 05:45:04 UTC

And yeah you can think of pictures and talk about them in your head

2018-10-22 05:45:09 UTC

Well, I guess that word describes it though

2018-10-22 05:45:56 UTC

He refers to everyone in my life as their first name and their state

2018-10-22 05:46:36 UTC

You're inner monologue in constant fireside format <:nervous:359009898115104770>

2018-10-22 05:47:04 UTC

"Jacob is that guy doing?"

2018-10-22 05:47:43 UTC

"I have time for 2 more questions and then I'm still here forever....Jacob in Washington is eating breakfast."

2018-10-22 05:48:09 UTC

I think the inner monologue is a seperate function from conjuring imagery

2018-10-22 05:48:14 UTC

"We're going to start off the week as always with a grocery round up. Yesterday we ran out of eggs..."

2018-10-22 05:48:22 UTC


2018-10-22 05:48:33 UTC


2018-10-22 05:48:37 UTC

I'd kms

2018-10-22 05:49:24 UTC

I'd want to shut it off in the bathroom &c

2018-10-22 05:49:32 UTC

@Nemets Sometimes I come up with a concept and discover a new word that way.

2018-10-22 05:49:51 UTC

"Your mom, from Washington, just called you"

2018-10-22 05:50:24 UTC

hmm, so you may not talk to yourself in your head per say, but can you say or pronounce words on your head anyways? @Nemets

2018-10-22 05:50:46 UTC

@ophiuchus Turns out there's European options on every popular index, suxh as SPX, NDX, RUT

2018-10-22 05:51:34 UTC

Instead of a conscience I have little Discord moderators in my mind that whisper reprimands whenever I say something edgy

2018-10-22 05:51:51 UTC

okay i figured

2018-10-22 05:52:50 UTC

Nemets is *actually* an NPC

2018-10-22 05:53:10 UTC

didn't know that this game update was going to have identitarian characters

2018-10-22 05:53:15 UTC

I'm wondering if this is a miscommunication or not

2018-10-22 05:54:04 UTC

Do you *never* hear a voice?

2018-10-22 05:54:49 UTC

hmm okay, like I don't need to describe things I'm seeing. If I see someone get hit by a car, I'm not describing it in my head, I'm saying "Holy shit" lol

2018-10-22 05:55:14 UTC

7 - Productive Conversation
All conversation on the server must be productive. 'Shitposting' and spamming are not permitted. Theoretical discussions, like the sort of 'this is what we should do when we have an ethnostate' are likewise prohibited.

2018-10-22 05:55:28 UTC

Seems like this rule is the most ignored.

2018-10-22 05:55:50 UTC

Did they remove the rule about ligma?

2018-10-22 05:55:53 UTC

Okay so, this is what we should do when we have an ethnostate.

2018-10-22 05:56:03 UTC

@Zilna Jestov there's definitely an order of precedence of urgency

2018-10-22 05:57:08 UTC

@Patrick Bofa those rules are in tact.

2018-10-22 05:57:20 UTC

trust me you haven't seen anime hour <:sad:366743316475281408>

2018-10-22 05:57:35 UTC

Or minion hours

2018-10-22 05:57:37 UTC

@Deleted User we come down harder on that

2018-10-22 05:58:13 UTC

Gosh no, I'm not a robot @Nemets

2018-10-22 05:58:24 UTC

@Nemets that would be a bit much

2018-10-22 05:58:24 UTC


2018-10-22 05:59:09 UTC

I mean, that line of thought could appear in a situation in which second thoughts came up, and I needed to justify an action to myself with morals or something

2018-10-22 05:59:50 UTC

Words and language are inefficient ways to process thought, they just happen to be one of the better ways to communicate them

2018-10-22 06:00:04 UTC

yeah, good take

2018-10-22 06:00:20 UTC

It's important to understand thoughts came before words existed

2018-10-22 06:00:40 UTC

and THOTs came before thoughs

2018-10-22 06:00:42 UTC

I think the internal monologue thing is just us practicing our words in our head

2018-10-22 06:01:28 UTC

@Deleted User that sounds right

2018-10-22 06:01:36 UTC

idk my internal monolouge isn't a whole lot about words as it is about concepts

2018-10-22 06:02:17 UTC

is a dream a narrative or dialoge?

2018-10-22 06:02:31 UTC

It's something which only kicks in for higher levels of thinking

2018-10-22 06:03:07 UTC

@Nemets It's not *just* that

2018-10-22 06:03:08 UTC

Just now I wonder if size of a group's vocabulary is related to their ability to form a variety of concepts.

2018-10-22 06:03:14 UTC

er, idk If higher levels is the rightway to compartmentalize that, but it's a type of something

2018-10-22 06:03:33 UTC

yeah thats wrong

2018-10-22 06:03:43 UTC

g'night guys, interesting convo

2018-10-22 06:03:47 UTC

good night

2018-10-22 06:03:55 UTC

The emotion happens in an instant and we have to try and hold it in memory in order to try to rationalize it with language

2018-10-22 06:04:42 UTC

I would say my internal monologue includes:
Playing out how I would say things
Imagining hypothetical situations
Commenting on stuff to myself

2018-10-22 06:06:13 UTC

How you would say things Hypothetical situations is the worst

2018-10-22 06:06:19 UTC

many sleepless nights

2018-10-22 06:06:33 UTC

Mine is:
choreographing a fictional world
laughing at a meme I looked at a week ago
thinking about how I would sneak to someplace

2018-10-22 06:07:14 UTC

nah playing out *past* conversations is worse

2018-10-22 06:07:20 UTC

Ooh interesting thought, does @Nemets keep himself up at night with his thoughts going wild?

2018-10-22 06:07:54 UTC

my head throws away conversations, nothing but a lot of frustration in them usually, rofl

2018-10-22 06:08:05 UTC


2018-10-22 06:08:53 UTC

Same. Or shivering.

2018-10-22 06:09:09 UTC

I have trouble going to sleep every night

2018-10-22 06:09:13 UTC


2018-10-22 06:09:20 UTC

I just wait until there's no more night, works like a charm!

2018-10-22 06:09:25 UTC


2018-10-22 06:09:26 UTC

I tell myself to shutup every five minutes lol

2018-10-22 06:09:39 UTC

begging my brain for sleep some nights

2018-10-22 06:10:16 UTC


2018-10-22 06:10:17 UTC

Mine are too crazy, usually taking place as some adventure I'm having on a cruise ship of sorts, or as someone else, in some location I don't recognize

2018-10-22 06:10:18 UTC

I remember them less and less as I get older

2018-10-22 06:10:26 UTC

I love remembering dreams

2018-10-22 06:10:29 UTC

they're so weird

2018-10-22 06:10:59 UTC

They disappear quickly once I wake, but if I make a conscious effort to remember it right then I will

2018-10-22 06:11:10 UTC

I remember some of my dreams. Usually if Iโ€™m extremely tired I wonโ€™t remember them. Also sometimes music will help me sleep, or just getting off any electronics for an hour or two before bed

2018-10-22 06:11:44 UTC

I know I have multiple dreams in a night sometimes

2018-10-22 06:11:54 UTC

the scene just changes

2018-10-22 06:12:16 UTC

those crazy easterners were onto something with learning meditation in order to relax for sleep, after practicing it for a bit I can pass out whenever I really want to really

2018-10-22 06:12:22 UTC

Had a dream the other night I was at a fancy restaurant with family all dressed nice and the ceilings was covered in roaches, one fell on me and everyone was oblivious to them but me....I played it off as a metaphor for living in CA.

2018-10-22 06:12:35 UTC

Really made me think.

2018-10-22 06:12:46 UTC

hella symbolic

2018-10-22 06:13:10 UTC

I was afraid it was a warning...but it already happened.

2018-10-22 06:13:35 UTC

Try writing them down. You will find your room littered with little bits of tissue paper, cardboard, envelopes, anything you can write on.

2018-10-22 06:14:00 UTC

Sketches too.

2018-10-22 06:14:16 UTC

When I was in school I could pass out on my desk and go right into a sort of dreaming, one of them a very vivid dream of me going with john goodman to some penthouse suite where arnold schwarzenegger was waiting for us, we had to recruit for our team because terminator 7 " has gone live "

2018-10-22 06:15:07 UTC

I hated falling asleep in school...I would drift in and out afraid I'd fart in class.

2018-10-22 06:15:12 UTC

I got accustomed to sleeping on those wooden desks too...

2018-10-22 06:15:13 UTC

A lot of my dreams make zero sense. I doubt that there's symbolism behind them, because I don't think my subconscious is that advanced.

2018-10-22 06:15:14 UTC


2018-10-22 06:15:36 UTC

I once had a dream that I was passing through a crowd of people and I kept seeing duplicates of the same person in the crowd

2018-10-22 06:15:38 UTC

Couldn't get a straight 15minutes ever

2018-10-22 06:15:53 UTC

no idea if that was supposed to symbolize something, or if it was just my subconscious being weird

2018-10-22 06:16:05 UTC

Maybe they were NPCs

2018-10-22 06:16:17 UTC

I often got that falling feeling while snoozing in class... my legs would kick anything in front of me in a sudden reaction lol

2018-10-22 06:16:28 UTC

@Deleted User I would either flump my backpack onto the desk or fold my othersized leather jacket as a pillow, I had an instinctive distrust of the globalist shilling going on school thanks to me dad

2018-10-22 06:16:58 UTC

backpacks make best pillows

2018-10-22 06:17:00 UTC

also damn my grammar goes out the window when typing on my 2nd monitor

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