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2018-10-20 19:41:37 UTC

thats an astounding over prosecution

2018-10-20 19:41:42 UTC

Does he have the same lawyer as cantwell did? I hope not.

2018-10-20 19:41:54 UTC

if they really go for that on the grounds that it was 1st degree murder I think he might get off

2018-10-20 19:42:19 UTC

he committed manslaughter and fled the scene of an accident - I dont think you can get the death penalty for that

2018-10-20 19:42:35 UTC

even though technically he never even struck heyer with his vehicle

2018-10-20 19:43:24 UTC

This is all speculation, guys.

2018-10-20 19:43:42 UTC

It wasn't even manslaughter

2018-10-20 19:45:02 UTC

Manslaughter is when you kill someone due to reckless actions. He was chased by a guy with a gun, attacked by the crowd with a baseball bat, freaked out, and hit the break. It honestly could have happened to anyone.

2018-10-20 19:45:09 UTC

it can probably be argued that it was because prosecution can probably argue that the accident induced enough stress for the heart attack - 'a situation was created by fields that heyer wouldnt have otherwise been in'

2018-10-20 19:45:18 UTC

accelerating into a crowd is kind of reckless lol

2018-10-20 19:46:25 UTC

It's easy to say that we would have been the cool level headed ones in that situation, but I think almost anyone would freak out if being chased with a gun and having your car attacked by a maniac with a baseball bat.

2018-10-20 19:46:29 UTC

or crowbar or whatever

2018-10-20 19:46:45 UTC

but maybe this isn't the place for such conversations

2018-10-20 19:48:47 UTC

@Koba The official cause of death, used in court, is blunt force trauma to the chest.

2018-10-20 19:50:01 UTC

that was admitted to court as evidence?

2018-10-20 19:51:26 UTC

It was the conclusion that the medical examiner reached

2018-10-20 19:52:58 UTC

Yea because they gave her CPR.

2018-10-20 19:54:26 UTC

CPR will mess up ribs, this is full retard because the negligence of the medical personnel then could be argued to be a superseding factor

2018-10-20 19:54:27 UTC

you guys think Bernie will run?

2018-10-20 19:54:39 UTC

hes a mega cuck

2018-10-20 19:54:46 UTC

maybe but he'll probably lose

2018-10-20 19:54:56 UTC

The Democrats are literally retarded if they run Bernie

2018-10-20 19:55:14 UTC

I could see even liberals refusing to vote for him since he could die in office

2018-10-20 19:55:59 UTC

Nvrm the negligence of medical personnel is 'foreseeable' enough to not be a defense

2018-10-20 20:01:03 UTC

I got scared when I saw this title at first

2018-10-20 20:01:10 UTC

because I didn't notice the double negative

2018-10-20 20:01:13 UTC

I really want him to run

2018-10-20 20:08:50 UTC

Cool painting I saw in a museum today:

2018-10-20 20:10:19 UTC

My ballot came. Should I just vote straight down the line Republican?

2018-10-20 20:12:21 UTC

research the candidates

2018-10-20 20:12:30 UTC

I usually vote straight republican non jewish

2018-10-20 20:13:09 UTC

Good democrats will still vote on the side of the democrats the vast majority of the time

2018-10-20 20:13:15 UTC

I'll read the voters pamphlet

2018-10-20 20:13:36 UTC

Isn't the Republican candidate guaranteed to be better than the Democrat, though?

2018-10-20 20:13:45 UTC

we should really be shooting for an 'aryan sandwhich' sort of phenomenon but i think itll be way more difficult to get white guys into the democratic party in white states

2018-10-20 20:13:49 UTC

I guess not if they're strong neocons

2018-10-20 20:13:56 UTC

I would vote straight down Republican for the institutional clout and because theyโ€™re beholden to the party

2018-10-20 20:14:00 UTC

Rep and Dem are both garbage. Rep is only better in that Trump can, in theory, corral them into supporting his agenda.

2018-10-20 20:14:18 UTC

I probably would have voted Bernie Sanders over John Kasich

2018-10-20 20:14:39 UTC

If I hated both I wouldn't have voted.

2018-10-20 20:14:52 UTC

"Consent of the governed." Voting is consent.

2018-10-20 20:15:09 UTC

Better to vote for lesser of two evils tbh

2018-10-20 20:15:22 UTC

Nah. Lesser evil is still evil, and what got us here.

2018-10-20 20:15:30 UTC

Don't play the game.

2018-10-20 20:15:31 UTC

if you want better candidates then get better candidates in

2018-10-20 20:16:00 UTC

I voted for Trump because I actually believed in what he said, and I'll vote R on the 6th only because I want him to be able to forward his agenda, and to continue the general right wing cultural revolution.

2018-10-20 20:16:03 UTC

Did that get us, here, though? If we consistently voted for the most far right candidate available, then the selection of candidates would have shifted right over time

2018-10-20 20:16:37 UTC

Frog in the boiling water. Taking the thing that's the least bad compromise.

2018-10-20 20:16:41 UTC

Don't like it.

2018-10-20 20:18:38 UTC

Well... if you don't take what's least bad, then you get a higher chance of getting what's more bad

2018-10-20 20:20:41 UTC

Better to take nothing. What would happen if everyone, or even a substantial portion of the population, just refused to vote? Refused to consent to be governed by any of the evils? I don't know, but it would have to be better than continuing to play a game set up so there's no way for us to win.

2018-10-20 20:21:34 UTC

Morally, I refuse to choose evil.

2018-10-20 20:21:39 UTC

Lesser or not.

2018-10-20 20:21:57 UTC

What would happen? The elites would laugh at us, I guess

2018-10-20 20:22:16 UTC

that's a pretty stupid position for a smart guy like you to take @sigruna14

2018-10-20 20:22:23 UTC

In the short term.

2018-10-20 20:22:55 UTC

@Deleted User So the elites, system, whatever, present two candidates, no meaningful difference between them, both slaves to interests who hate you, and they ask you to choose - think it's stupid to refuse to play the game at all?

2018-10-20 20:23:04 UTC

Write ins are our equivalent of a vote of no confidence

2018-10-20 20:23:17 UTC

@sigruna14 yes. you're still playing the game

2018-10-20 20:23:32 UTC

"not playing the game" would be going anprim. removing yourself from society.

2018-10-20 20:23:53 UTC

Whether or not you vote, you're still governed, still pay taxes, still "live in a society"

2018-10-20 20:24:17 UTC

Might as well support incremental improvement, bu voting for the less bad option.

2018-10-20 20:24:34 UTC

Let me ask you this. Did you even vote for Trump?

2018-10-20 20:24:34 UTC

okay guys help me decide

2018-10-20 20:25:08 UTC

But if my vote isn't going to actually change a damn thing, I'd rather not vote for evil, and have at least the satisfaction of knowing I didn't vote for evil. Then work to get a worthy candidate on the ballot, then vote for him, when it's actually worth doing and means something. Yeah, I voted for Trump because I thought he could actually do good.

2018-10-20 20:25:14 UTC

In 2012 I voted third party.

2018-10-20 20:25:30 UTC

This measure would charge pollution fees on sources of greenhouse gas pollutants and use the revenue to reduce pollution, promote clean energy, and address climate impacts, under oversight of a public board.

Based and redpilled, or cringe and bluepilled?

2018-10-20 20:26:07 UTC

Your vote will change *something*, though, just not as much as you'd like

2018-10-20 20:26:08 UTC

@Jacob It sounds good, but I don't trust our current government to do anything and would prefer them to have less power than more, so I'd probably vote no.

2018-10-20 20:26:23 UTC

hard choice then

2018-10-20 20:26:30 UTC

wait a second

2018-10-20 20:26:40 UTC

Will it really? Would voting for Mitt Romney or John McCain really change anything? Or just maybe make it seem so in some illusory ways?

2018-10-20 20:27:15 UTC

Voting yes = less money for corporations = less money for them to lobby for immigration

2018-10-20 20:27:25 UTC

Romney or McCain? Probably not

2018-10-20 20:27:46 UTC

Maybe even make it worse

2018-10-20 20:28:40 UTC

hmmm the initiative is backed by the Latino Community Fund, though

2018-10-20 20:29:31 UTC

Always follow the money...

2018-10-20 20:29:34 UTC

holy shit

2018-10-20 20:29:41 UTC

the initiative exempts the largest polluters

2018-10-20 20:30:56 UTC

"Six of the state's top 10 carbon admitters would be exempt"

2018-10-20 20:30:59 UTC

uhhh wut

2018-10-20 20:31:05 UTC

Voting for the govt to "help" anything...

2018-10-20 20:31:21 UTC

also, why write "six" as a word but "10" as a number?

2018-10-20 20:31:26 UTC

it looks stupid

2018-10-20 20:31:34 UTC

>just don't ~~goys~~ guys

2018-10-20 20:32:21 UTC

Granted there are some really valid criticisms of republican democracy, but I think we have to engage and play with the paradigm that we've inherited.

2018-10-20 20:33:25 UTC


2018-10-20 20:33:37 UTC

there's an initiative to ban food and beverage taxes

2018-10-20 20:33:40 UTC

To be clear I'm not saying don't ever vote, or don't vote for a candidate that you actually think will do some good. I'm just saying, if presented with two options that are both garbage, both going to hurt my people and my own interests, but maybe one will do it less - no thanks. When someone decent is on my ballot, hopefully thanks in part to my own efforts, I'll definitely vote for them.

2018-10-20 20:34:02 UTC

and the "rebuttal" of the argument for the initiative says that it "reduces choice" for local communities

2018-10-20 20:34:09 UTC

what a retarded argument

2018-10-20 20:34:23 UTC

if I don't like a certain choice, wouldn't I *want* to "reduce choice"?

2018-10-20 20:37:53 UTC


2018-10-20 20:38:21 UTC

the Republican senate candidate opens her statement with "Our people"

2018-10-20 20:38:32 UTC


2018-10-20 20:39:06 UTC

In 2016 I voted straight Republican except for the House because my congressman was terrible on immigration and anti-Trump

2018-10-20 20:40:21 UTC

She also managed to include her German and Norwegian ancestry in the statement

2018-10-20 20:40:23 UTC

this is weird

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