Message from @Jacob
Discord ID: 503304756962394130
This measure would charge pollution fees on sources of greenhouse gas pollutants and use the revenue to reduce pollution, promote clean energy, and address climate impacts, under oversight of a public board.
Based and redpilled, or cringe and bluepilled?
Your vote will change *something*, though, just not as much as you'd like
@Jacob It sounds good, but I don't trust our current government to do anything and would prefer them to have less power than more, so I'd probably vote no.
hard choice then
wait a second
Will it really? Would voting for Mitt Romney or John McCain really change anything? Or just maybe make it seem so in some illusory ways?
Voting yes = less money for corporations = less money for them to lobby for immigration
Romney or McCain? Probably not
Maybe even make it worse
hmmm the initiative is backed by the Latino Community Fund, though
Always follow the money...
holy shit
the initiative exempts the largest polluters
"Six of the state's top 10 carbon admitters would be exempt"
uhhh wut
Voting for the govt to "help" anything...
also, why write "six" as a word but "10" as a number?
it looks stupid
>just don't ~~goys~~ guys
Granted there are some really valid criticisms of republican democracy, but I think we have to engage and play with the paradigm that we've inherited.
there's an initiative to ban food and beverage taxes
To be clear I'm not saying don't ever vote, or don't vote for a candidate that you actually think will do some good. I'm just saying, if presented with two options that are both garbage, both going to hurt my people and my own interests, but maybe one will do it less - no thanks. When someone decent is on my ballot, hopefully thanks in part to my own efforts, I'll definitely vote for them.
and the "rebuttal" of the argument for the initiative says that it "reduces choice" for local communities
what a retarded argument
if I don't like a certain choice, wouldn't I *want* to "reduce choice"?
the Republican senate candidate opens her statement with "Our people"
In 2016 I voted straight Republican except for the House because my congressman was terrible on immigration and anti-Trump
She also managed to include her German and Norwegian ancestry in the statement
this is weird
Susan Hutchinson
I think she's fairly moderate Republican
literally opens it with "Our people deserve better"
sounds very identitarian
I guess she has no chance in WA, but I like the rhetoric
The Washington house of representatives was actually majority Republican until very recently
she's down by 14 points lol
ya she's not gonna win