Message from @Koba
Discord ID: 503300254066540565
I got scared when I saw this title at first
because I didn't notice the double negative
I really want him to run
Cool painting I saw in a museum today:
My ballot came. Should I just vote straight down the line Republican?
research the candidates
I usually vote straight republican non jewish
Good democrats will still vote on the side of the democrats the vast majority of the time
I'll read the voters pamphlet
Isn't the Republican candidate guaranteed to be better than the Democrat, though?
we should really be shooting for an 'aryan sandwhich' sort of phenomenon but i think itll be way more difficult to get white guys into the democratic party in white states
I guess not if they're strong neocons
I would vote straight down Republican for the institutional clout and because they’re beholden to the party
Rep and Dem are both garbage. Rep is only better in that Trump can, in theory, corral them into supporting his agenda.
I probably would have voted Bernie Sanders over John Kasich
If I hated both I wouldn't have voted.
"Consent of the governed." Voting is consent.
Better to vote for lesser of two evils tbh
Nah. Lesser evil is still evil, and what got us here.
Don't play the game.
I voted for Trump because I actually believed in what he said, and I'll vote R on the 6th only because I want him to be able to forward his agenda, and to continue the general right wing cultural revolution.
Did that get us, here, though? If we consistently voted for the most far right candidate available, then the selection of candidates would have shifted right over time
Frog in the boiling water. Taking the thing that's the least bad compromise.
Don't like it.
Well... if you don't take what's least bad, then you get a higher chance of getting what's more bad
Better to take nothing. What would happen if everyone, or even a substantial portion of the population, just refused to vote? Refused to consent to be governed by any of the evils? I don't know, but it would have to be better than continuing to play a game set up so there's no way for us to win.
Morally, I refuse to choose evil.
Lesser or not.
What would happen? The elites would laugh at us, I guess
that's a pretty stupid position for a smart guy like you to take @sigruna14
In the short term.
@Deleted User So the elites, system, whatever, present two candidates, no meaningful difference between them, both slaves to interests who hate you, and they ask you to choose - think it's stupid to refuse to play the game at all?
Write ins are our equivalent of a vote of no confidence
@sigruna14 yes. you're still playing the game
"not playing the game" would be going anprim. removing yourself from society.
Whether or not you vote, you're still governed, still pay taxes, still "live in a society"
Might as well support incremental improvement, bu voting for the less bad option.
Let me ask you this. Did you even vote for Trump?
okay guys help me decide
But if my vote isn't going to actually change a damn thing, I'd rather not vote for evil, and have at least the satisfaction of knowing I didn't vote for evil. Then work to get a worthy candidate on the ballot, then vote for him, when it's actually worth doing and means something. Yeah, I voted for Trump because I thought he could actually do good.