Message from @Jacob
Discord ID: 503296591193702401
This is all speculation, guys.
It wasn't even manslaughter
Manslaughter is when you kill someone due to reckless actions. He was chased by a guy with a gun, attacked by the crowd with a baseball bat, freaked out, and hit the break. It honestly could have happened to anyone.
it can probably be argued that it was because prosecution can probably argue that the accident induced enough stress for the heart attack - 'a situation was created by fields that heyer wouldnt have otherwise been in'
accelerating into a crowd is kind of reckless lol
It's easy to say that we would have been the cool level headed ones in that situation, but I think almost anyone would freak out if being chased with a gun and having your car attacked by a maniac with a baseball bat.
or crowbar or whatever
but maybe this isn't the place for such conversations
@Koba The official cause of death, used in court, is blunt force trauma to the chest.
that was admitted to court as evidence?
It was the conclusion that the medical examiner reached
Yea because they gave her CPR.
CPR will mess up ribs, this is full retard because the negligence of the medical personnel then could be argued to be a superseding factor
you guys think Bernie will run?
hes a mega cuck
maybe but he'll probably lose
The Democrats are literally retarded if they run Bernie
I could see even liberals refusing to vote for him since he could die in office
Nvrm the negligence of medical personnel is 'foreseeable' enough to not be a defense
I got scared when I saw this title at first
because I didn't notice the double negative
I really want him to run
Cool painting I saw in a museum today:
My ballot came. Should I just vote straight down the line Republican?
research the candidates
I usually vote straight republican non jewish
Good democrats will still vote on the side of the democrats the vast majority of the time
I'll read the voters pamphlet
Isn't the Republican candidate guaranteed to be better than the Democrat, though?
we should really be shooting for an 'aryan sandwhich' sort of phenomenon but i think itll be way more difficult to get white guys into the democratic party in white states
I guess not if they're strong neocons
I would vote straight down Republican for the institutional clout and because they’re beholden to the party
Rep and Dem are both garbage. Rep is only better in that Trump can, in theory, corral them into supporting his agenda.
I probably would have voted Bernie Sanders over John Kasich
If I hated both I wouldn't have voted.
"Consent of the governed." Voting is consent.
Better to vote for lesser of two evils tbh
Nah. Lesser evil is still evil, and what got us here.
Don't play the game.