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2018-09-25 02:56:23 UTC
2018-09-25 03:02:20 UTC

Mercury is temporarily down.

2018-09-25 03:05:13 UTC

@Reinhard Wolff what did you argue about with the NBC anchor?

2018-09-25 03:16:55 UTC

Hey goys...anyone have any good suggestions for a flip-flop?

2018-09-25 03:19:37 UTC


2018-09-25 03:24:28 UTC


2018-09-25 03:25:15 UTC

@NateDahl76: He was making stupid arguments, e.g. "Isn't it illegal to discriminate against non-Whites?" (Within the context of joining IE.)

2018-09-25 03:26:02 UTC

I responded that it was not, and that no one minds when non-Whites do the same. He claimed that Jewish, Black, etc. fraternities also allow outsiders in, but that really isn't the case.

2018-09-25 03:26:23 UTC

He also asked how what we're doing isn't racist...insisted that diversity was our strength, etc.

2018-09-25 03:26:36 UTC


2018-09-25 03:27:05 UTC

Ah. Odd

2018-09-25 03:27:06 UTC

Or should I say NBCs?!

2018-09-25 03:27:11 UTC

He seemed incredibly disoriented being in a small town.

2018-09-25 03:27:13 UTC

It will be interesting to see if they try and do untruthful editing...

2018-09-25 03:27:20 UTC

"Where's the closest, like, big city?"

2018-09-25 03:27:51 UTC

Bet he got confused because the streets werenโ€™t numbered ๐Ÿ˜‚

2018-09-25 03:28:04 UTC


2018-09-25 03:28:20 UTC

Pretty much.

2018-09-25 03:29:33 UTC

Be sure to respond quickly with a video if the editing is inaccurate

2018-09-25 03:36:27 UTC

Might acquire actual goth gf

2018-09-25 03:38:20 UTC

Visigoth or Ostrogoth?

2018-09-25 03:42:13 UTC

We're back online everyone

2018-09-25 03:42:48 UTC

SSL certificate just expired no big deal. I'll keep it in the calendar for the future

2018-09-25 03:48:14 UTC

Oh thank goodness I thought the JIDF was at it again

2018-09-25 03:50:12 UTC

has anybody heard if it is true that President Trump has put an end to the "anchor baby" policy? someone was telling me that at work today.,

2018-09-25 03:51:51 UTC

I think we would have heard about it. Overturning birthright citizenship is a big deal.

2018-09-25 03:52:16 UTC

Maybe even more useful than a Wall.

2018-09-25 03:52:53 UTC

this coworker of mine swore it was true... i would be happy if it was ... but i had not heard...

2018-09-25 03:53:50 UTC

anchor baby and chain migration are two major issues that he should address RIGHT AWAY

2018-09-25 03:58:16 UTC

I still want my wall.

2018-09-25 03:58:29 UTC

sincerely, Texas IE

2018-09-25 04:01:54 UTC

I feel like Trump is going to keep saying "we're building it" during elections then it never actually happens, either because he can't get the money, the Dems take back part of Congress or it was all just a lie.

2018-09-25 04:05:05 UTC

My hopes are that he sincerely wants it. then its just a matter of pushing it through, (even though it has been two years already).

2018-09-25 04:05:28 UTC

I want a wall too, but if I had to pick either 1.) wall or 2.) end to chain and birthright and a drastic reduction in visas and further reductions in refugees, I would take the latter.

We should get both, of course.

2018-09-25 04:06:03 UTC

Definitely lose the house and maybe even senate too if GOP flakes on Kavanaugh

2018-09-25 04:07:12 UTC

St Kitts, Dominica...places like that REQUIRE a donation of hundreds of thousands of dollars for citizenship to be granted to foreigners...that 1 single step could destroy immigration for decades.

2018-09-25 04:07:36 UTC


2018-09-25 04:08:02 UTC

The GOP needs to understand if we lose both, Trump gets impeached. But maybe that's their plan. ๐Ÿค”

2018-09-25 04:08:18 UTC

And you have to pass an HIV test with a score of 0%

2018-09-25 04:08:39 UTC

Be high agency, be skilled, don't be poor, don't have aids or gtfo

2018-09-25 04:11:36 UTC

Lmao there are 100 British Jews in the IDF and 80 British Jews in all the British armed forces combined

2018-09-25 04:13:08 UTC

Why am I not surprised?

2018-09-25 04:14:47 UTC

They are merely fleeing the virulent skin hate perpetrated by White so-called Britons

2018-09-25 04:15:30 UTC

Almost like.. they are more loyal to their race than they are to the government of their nation of birth??

2018-09-25 04:15:47 UTC

Nah, couldn't be!

2018-09-25 04:16:58 UTC

Jews don't serve another race because they are just White people with a different religion.<:boomer:394308007217070080>

2018-09-25 04:48:24 UTC

How many of you know this type of person? ๐Ÿ˜”

2018-09-25 04:55:05 UTC

Do you know someone like that @micbwilli ?

2018-09-25 05:00:47 UTC

I know why too many people like this. Alabama is pretty sad. Some of these are in my family.

2018-09-25 05:02:23 UTC

Sorry to hear that

2018-09-25 05:04:39 UTC

Modernity is a set of gnashing teeth. It eats my friends and tried to eat me too.

I got better things to do than be a doomer.

2018-09-25 05:05:20 UTC

Right on, what've you got goin on lately @micbwilli ?

2018-09-25 05:05:50 UTC

>was a doomer/misinterpreted Nietzche
>Found meaning in life via living life rather than "accepting" it.
>Realized "dooming" is only faking accepting mortality.
>Found Id-ism & hereditary culture.
>Life love feelings intesify
>Loves life

2018-09-25 05:06:23 UTC

Just work stuff. Spent most of my night finishing a project that started in 2013. I hope it's actually done this time and can be send off.

2018-09-25 05:07:17 UTC

What you up to this week Chris?

2018-09-25 05:08:37 UTC

Mostly work stuff too. Going out to visit my parents next weekend. First time since Labor Day. My Mom wants us to watch the last Mets game of the season that will be on Broadcast TV

2018-09-25 05:10:17 UTC
2018-09-25 05:11:02 UTC

Had a nice dinner of sushi and lamb with my mom last night. She wanted for weeks to take my out for birthday celebration stuff. We talked about Kavanagh the whole time. She hates the way he is being treated.

2018-09-25 05:11:30 UTC

I have never been to a ball game.

2018-09-25 05:12:54 UTC

That's great to hear you spend time with your mom. As for baseball, Alabama has some good Minor League teams

2018-09-25 05:14:07 UTC

I like them, spectating is somewhat similar to football in that its Action, Pause, Action, Pause...

2018-09-25 05:14:33 UTC

Seems every time my boss wants everyone to go to a Barons game something happens and we miss it. She wants us to go for Thisty Thursday cause she's a lush. ๐Ÿ˜…

2018-09-25 05:14:52 UTC


2018-09-25 05:16:21 UTC

I usually like solo sports and games. Pool, bowling, rifle. I've never been good in team sports so maybe that's why I never took the time to go see one.

2018-09-25 05:19:51 UTC

Yeah, one thing about spectating any sport is you really need to know the rules to appreciate a game well. Explaining the rules of baseball to my wife took a pretty long while, there's a minor league ballpark we went to afterwork a few times this year, took pretty much the whole summer to really explain all the rules and strategies to watch for.I played in a local little league until I was 12.

2018-09-25 05:22:39 UTC

Snooker is fun to watch if it's a high level match. Once I knew the rules I used to check out the old matches on YouTube a lot. It's amazing what some of those guys can do.

2018-09-25 05:23:05 UTC

I gotta hit the bed guys. See you all!

2018-09-25 05:23:34 UTC

Me too, good night!

2018-09-25 06:08:51 UTC

So does she exist?

2018-09-25 06:10:15 UTC

Man, I find it particularly ironic that the emotional animals rights crowd, is all of a sudden anti-race mixing ๐Ÿ˜…

2018-09-25 06:13:11 UTC

2018-09-25 06:13:57 UTC

Gosh, these are almost... like arguments for our side ๐Ÿ˜…

2018-09-25 06:25:26 UTC

@Deleted User Watch any video from Tim Pool where he mentions Identitarianism. He is sooooo bitter that he has no real identity and is trapped between two worlds.

2018-09-25 06:26:59 UTC

Yeah I've heard, never subjected myself to watching a full video of his though

2018-09-25 06:27:29 UTC

I force myself to watch center lefties just so I'm not stuck in an echo chamber.

2018-09-25 06:27:53 UTC

He annoys the crap out of me with half the stuff he says, but it's good to hear the other side so I can argue our points better.

2018-09-25 06:28:06 UTC

I follow a bunch of leftists on Twitter similarly to that

2018-09-25 06:29:26 UTC

I'll watch some Tim Pool, Sargon, Dave Rubin and occasionally I'll see what little Ben Shapiro is kvetching about.

2018-09-25 06:29:53 UTC

eugh I can't even

2018-09-25 06:30:46 UTC

That's OK, cause I'll bring myself back with stuff like No White Guilt, Red Ice, etc. ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป

2018-09-25 06:30:49 UTC

If something interesting happens, word usually travels enough out of their sphere of influence for me to know

2018-09-25 06:32:55 UTC

As far as grounding goes, some of the Leftie, NASA sciencey types I follow have literaly "Abolish Ice" as their pinned tweet

2018-09-25 06:34:27 UTC

The intersecting of the aerospace community and "big gay" makes me mad

2018-09-25 06:34:39 UTC

What will they chill their drinks with? <:teehee:381917632359563264>

2018-09-25 06:35:38 UTC

We are doomed if social justice takes over science. Literally nothing of actual value will be learned if scientists are shamed for anything controversial.

2018-09-25 06:36:17 UTC

The world would still be "flat" if scientists back in the day were ruined by the cancer of social justice.

2018-09-25 06:37:15 UTC

Idk, social justice controls the pr of the places the money flows from.

2018-09-25 06:37:32 UTC

The money that's the lifeblood of science

2018-09-25 06:38:28 UTC

Tbh scientific funding will always be biased

2018-09-25 06:40:29 UTC

2018-09-25 06:41:17 UTC

God I love leftie Twitter

2018-09-25 06:41:26 UTC

these fucking takes

2018-09-25 06:42:19 UTC


2018-09-25 06:43:08 UTC

If trump looks like anyone, it's not Carpathian, it's Patton.

2018-09-25 06:51:53 UTC


2018-09-25 07:06:04 UTC

in the words of bap: Wat does this mean?

2018-09-25 11:28:47 UTC

I always thought Trump looked like Patton ๐Ÿ˜„

2018-09-25 11:31:00 UTC

Morning IE!

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