
Discord ID: 358430171583217664

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2018-05-21 06:05:14 UTC

Attention @everyone:

I wrote an article in which I expound, in simplified terms, our plan. It's relatively short, so please give it a read.

2018-05-22 17:55:57 UTC

Attention @everyone
We are making an effort to grow our social media presence by driving activity on This is an exciting undertaking! There is a huge audience on reddit for us to reach with our uplifting, responsible, and disciplined Identitarian message.
We ask that you participate in this subreddit by:
1) Creating a new reddit account that is not linked to irresponsible or self-indulgent comments/posts before participating and then SUBSCRIBE!
2) Submitting links to identitarian activism, news stories, videos (from the US, Europe, and other parts of the Western world). Self improvement, lifting, and success are also topics we want discussed.
3) Starting/participating in quality discussion via the comments section
4) Spread the word to others to join and VISIT DAILY to upvote the best comments and content.
The goal is to create a place for long time identitarians to interact publicly with each other, and for new people to interact with us and receive a warm welcome and have their questions answered. Ideally, you'll be sending high quality and curious "normie" friends here to grow in their ideas and see that we are a positive community that is worth being a part of.
This a NOT an official IE platform, but rather a subreddit that will cover Identitarianism around the globe. Rules specific to the subreddit and further updates will come in the coming weeks, but for now, follow standards of behavior that we have established in our organization and put your best foot forward as this is a public platform!
Thanks for all of your support and participation!

2018-05-22 18:03:47 UTC

If you have questions, please message me. If you'd like to volunteer to help us moderate, create flair, etc., please send @Prestor John a message

2018-05-22 22:05:51 UTC

Here's the footage from the border demo! Thanks to @Marty ScorchedEarthse for the fine editing work.

Make sure to RT:


2018-05-22 22:06:46 UTC
2018-05-23 01:37:46 UTC

@everyone We now have a business PayPal account set up. Please send payments, and set up recurring payments as appropriate, to [email protected]. You also can use the link

Discontinue payments to Tyrone ([email protected]) and Miguel ([email protected]).

2018-05-23 01:49:39 UTC

@everyone Zelle (to [email protected]) remains a viable, and preferable, payment option.

2018-05-24 00:00:38 UTC

Attention @everyone:

Fireside tonight at 8:30 PM EST. See you there!

2018-05-24 00:35:31 UTC

We'll get started in a few minutes -- I received an important last minute phone call, which I could not ignore. @everyone

2018-05-24 02:25:20 UTC

Great work!


2018-05-24 05:14:26 UTC

Attention @everyone:

I want you all to be on the lookout for an event on the East Coast (Between NYC and DC) that our activists can (peacefully, lawfully) disrupt.

College campuses in particular are good.

2018-05-24 05:38:05 UTC

I've tasked @Deleted User with finding an appropriate event. Please DM him any leads. @everyone

2018-05-24 16:44:43 UTC

Attention @everyone
We are holding our first AMA on this Sunday May 27th at 1PM Eastern Time. We will have an Italian brother who is close to the Identitarian movement in Italy answering our questions. This is a fantastic opportunity so bring your best questions and invite family/friends to take part if they are curious about our ideas. We'll be holding AMAs with bigger Identitarian names as we can book them. Your help and participation is always greatly appreciated!!!

2018-05-24 22:13:37 UTC

Attention @everyone

I hope your week is going well.

This evening, you will all be receiving formal invitations to your member emails for the next major speaking and activism event: **Defend Identity.**

Last weekend of July, North Atlantic. Activism is not a *requirement* in IE, but we are both seeking to provide you with more events and also ask more from each of you. No one has faced adverse consequences for the Parthenon demonstration or for Save The Boer, so donโ€™t miss this event.

Thank you, and I will see you there.

2018-05-25 00:44:10 UTC

Seems like merch is on the mind, @everyone.

As of today, I have all of Identity Evropa's merchandise in my possession. I will be working on making an inventory of our wares this evening and in the near future, redoing our catalogue, expanding our line of products and before too long, hosting an actual online store!

In the meantime, please dm me if you would like to purchase any merch. If anyone asks about merch in the chat, direct them my way until we have an actual online store up and running.

I currently have:
T-Shirts available for $25
Flags (in both colors) for $20
Stickers: 5 pcs $5
25 pcs $20
50 pcs $30
100 pcs $55
250 pcs $115
and IE Lapel Pins: $10

2018-05-26 20:07:31 UTC

I hope that @everyone is having an enjoyable 3 day weekend. If you have not done so, I **HIGHLY** encourage everyone to get out and leave flowers by their local Veterans Memorial in honor of Memorial Day.

Do a google search for โ€œVeterans Memorialโ€ or โ€œWar Memorialโ€ + (your zipcode). There is probably one within a 20 minute drive. If you want an example of how this should look, take a look in <#359086234175275010> at the actions myself, @Argument of Perigee and @Brunswick have already submitted.

This is perhaps the safest, simplest and cheapest activism (mine cost $8.43) that we can do. Doing actions like these might seem trivial, but it is excellent PR and social proof to our communities that Identity Evropa is a positive force in this nation.

We are perhaps the **only** organization in this country who truly care about our historic demographic; Americans of European descent. We are perhaps the **only** group that understands the complex history of America with a nuanced and forthright view, and we are certainly the **only** people addressing the difficult questions about our Nationโ€™s future in a bold and honest manner.

**Letโ€™s โ€œput our money where our mouth isโ€ and demonstrate that this weekend!** ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ <:deye:359010025223618570>

2018-05-26 22:32:23 UTC

The latest episode of *Identitarian Action* is up! Thanks you, @Freiheit - CA, for continuing to do an excellent job of editing these.

I hope you're having a great weekend!


2018-05-27 17:10:44 UTC

Heads up @everyone . We are live with our first Ask Me Anything. We have Alex, a GI activist in Italy answering our questions. Come join us at and ask questions and upvote the questions you want him to answer. He will be live for about an hour. He will also follow up tomorrow and answer any good questions you leave.

2018-05-27 17:21:56 UTC

You'll need to register an account and subscribe to post

2018-05-27 21:20:09 UTC

Congratulations to @whitenessSC, who got married today! @everyone

2018-05-27 21:39:59 UTC

Hello @everyone ! I hope you are all enjoying the weekend. Donโ€™t have IE materials but want to get involved with the Memorial Day activism? No problem! You can follow @ButMomShesA300YearOldLoliVampire 's example in #activism-photos and write handwritten notes signed by Identity Evropa. We just want to stress this is a perfect opportunity for effective, safe, and cheap activism that every member can be involved in. Thanks and keep up the great work! ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ <:deye:359010025223618570>

2018-05-29 00:12:44 UTC

I hope @everyone is having a great holiday weekend. Firstly I would like to thank and congratulate all of our activists who went out this Memorial Day weekend to pay respects to those who served our great nation!

As I mentioned in a previous announcement, I have all of our merchandise in my possession and spent this weekend assembling a shipping station, sorting, storing and taking inventory of our wares. I am now 100% set up and ready to take your orders. Those among you with a keen eye might recognize some, as of yet, unlisted items that will soon be available to membership in limited supply. ๐Ÿ‘€

Our exceptional dev team is hard at work on an online order form for our membership, and a proper online store available to broader internet is on the horizon! For the time being, if you are interested in any of our currently listed merchandise, please DM me. <:deye:359010025223618570>

2018-05-29 00:12:46 UTC

2018-05-29 00:12:47 UTC

2018-05-29 15:35:39 UTC

@everyone Our new business PayPal has, sadly, been deplatformed. A PayPal solution for us is not forthcoming. Please send in any dues payments either via Zelle or mail-in payment.

DM me with any questions for how to pay by these means.

2018-05-29 16:04:06 UTC

Props to @Matthias for creating this memorial at my behest on such short notice. Well done!


2018-05-30 19:18:37 UTC

Fireside tonight at 8:30 PM EST! I'm looking forward to speaking to you all then. @everyone

In the meantime, here's an article for you to enjoy. Much to be learned from this one!

2018-05-30 23:12:20 UTC

Attention @everyone:

I did a Red Ice show with @slavwave. Check it out!

2018-05-31 00:31:47 UTC

We'll get started in five. Reminder, homework is due today -- please leave it on your desk so @Deleted User can collect it.


2018-05-31 00:39:07 UTC

@everyone Fireside now in general voice! Get in here!!

2018-05-31 01:07:03 UTC

2018-05-31 01:07:05 UTC


2018-05-31 03:32:54 UTC

Let's give it up for the WA guys! Well done, and thank you to @ThisIsChris for a very generous donation, which allowed the action to happen.

Let's make this a summer to remember! @everyone

2018-05-31 14:12:31 UTC

Introducing a new item to our store; some new, old stock so to speak - IE Patch for $6. I have around 50 of these and do not plan on producing any more, so get them while the getting's good.

People have been asking me "How much is shipping?"

Well, since I inherited ~150 XL heavy duty pre-paid shipping envelopes, shipping is free.

Now, this may change when we have a permanent payment solution and more inventory, but for now: free shipping. Get it while it's hot.

Our store currently includes:
T-Shirts available for $25
Flags (in both colors) for $20
Stickers: 5 pcs $5
25 pcs $20
50 pcs $30
100 pcs $55
250 pcs $115
IE Lapel Pins: $10
+ IE Patch $6

2018-05-31 14:12:44 UTC

2018-05-31 14:35:27 UTC

Hope @everyone is having a great day
One final note for two recently addressed questions
- the patches are of the sew-on variety.
- shipping is priority and typically sent out the next business day

2018-06-01 04:15:36 UTC

Attention @everyone

I hope you are all having a nice, late evening.

As many of you have seen, weโ€™ve lost our newest paypal that we put a lot of work towards. This was also the paypal to be used for registration for Defend Identity, our next big summer event. As with our discord replacement, this will demonstrate the need to essentially host our own service which we are beginning on right away, but this is a another big task.

In the meantime, I am writing new invitations for the organization for Defend Identity in NYC from July 27th - 29th. We will simply use Zelle for this and membership dues for the time being. Iโ€™m asking for you all to be there at this event.

Weโ€™ve also recorded the latest, weekly episode of our own podcast which will be up on our site soon.

Have a good weekend!

2018-06-02 02:42:41 UTC

Attention @everyone:

I want to commend the fine activists in our Washington chapter for a phenomenal weekend of action, which included a great banner drop and a particularly impressive community service action. Well done!

**Remember: It's up to US to forge a brighter future for our people. No one is coming to save us. What have you done for your people lately?**


2018-06-03 20:49:39 UTC
2018-06-04 05:55:58 UTC

Attention @everyone:

In the upcoming months, we will be relaunching the guardian program.

Whereas previously to be a guardian required passing only a single, relatively easy interview, the revamped guardian program will be very demanding. Applicants will be pledges for a few months before being accepted. As pledges, they will be expected to fulfill a number of tasks, including activism, carrying out assignments, and reading certain key books.

There will likely be multiple tiers of guardianship, and guardians will absolutely be recognized -- formally -- in many ways, in addition to playing a uniquely vital role in not only the success of this organization, but our cause overall.

I wish you all a productive and fulfilling week. As you go through the motions of your daily routine -- work, school, errands, etc. -- make sure to keep our struggle in the back of your mind. Don't let the tedium, comfort, and frivolousness of modern life distract you from what ultimately matters most: the survival of our people, culture, and civilization.

2018-06-04 10:24:42 UTC

@everyone Zelle remains a convenient and generally accessible option for paying dues and the NYC conference registration fee online. DM me if you're having difficulty setting it up or using it.

If you use it for conference registration, mention that in the transaction info so it's not accidentally applied towards dues. Thank you!

2018-06-04 15:40:16 UTC

Attention @everyone

Patrick will be LIVE on JF's The Public Space in about 20 minutes!

2018-06-04 16:23:14 UTC
2018-06-04 17:05:52 UTC

We're live, folks!

2018-06-04 19:36:15 UTC

@everyone I want to thank @ChippedStones. He recruited a new member for us in Arizona, @Conatus . Please welcome Conatus as a new member! He's a very smart guy. ChippedStones bumped into him while gaming and took the initiative to tell him about Identity Evropa. I know dozens of you have recruited members, so thanks to all of you as well. If you have never recruited a member, start reaching into your networks and tell quality people about our organization. Patrick has asked us all to recruit 5 members each, and that requires that we all grow our own personal networks and always strive to be the best version of ourselves we can be to make our ideas and our organization attractive. Think not what IE can do for you, but what you can do for IE!

2018-06-05 00:16:47 UTC

@everyone Further info on Zelle, since I'm convinced it's superior to PayPal and I strongly urge increased participation in it.

Zelle is unlike PayPal, Venmo, et al. since it does not involve a distinct account. There's no Zelle login page where you see how much money is in your 'Zelle account'. Zelle is, instead, a program that links numerous banks together.

Previously, Zelle required both sender and recipient to have accounts at participating banks (, but now all that is required is the *recipient* having such an account -- which IE does. The sender need only have a Visa or Mastercard debit card for his bank account, even if his bank doesn't itself participate in Zelle. Then he downloads the Zelle app (either iOS or Android), enters his email address, and enters his debit card.

If the sender *does* have a participating bank, generally he can directly enroll with Zelle through his own banking app. For instance, I use the USAA app to send in-app Zelle payments.

Once you have Zelle set up, send payments to [email protected] -- or, as a more professional but possibly less opsec-optimal alternative, send to the same account linked to [email protected]. Either way the money goes directly to IE.

Again, if you have any questions at all, even of the most vague and confused variety, I'd be happy to answer them. Onwards and upwards!

2018-06-05 18:01:28 UTC

Good afternoon @everyone

Friendly reminder: Please remember to mark your PO Box contributions appropriately.

Merch order form?
Defend Identity?

We have dedicated people handling each of these, so we have to know where to delegate. Thank you all for your support, and I will see you all in July. Remember, registration goes up $10 after July 1 so make plans and commit early!

2018-06-05 18:53:10 UTC
2018-06-06 21:33:24 UTC

Fireside tonight at 8:30 PM EST. See you there! @everyone

2018-06-06 23:27:43 UTC

Attention @everyone:

What have you done for your people lately? If you can't do activism but still want to contribute to the cause, please consider messaging @Prestor John to get involved with our cyberstrike server.

2018-06-06 23:43:34 UTC

Let's give it up for @Procella Eques, our member of the month for May. Sturm has done a phenomenal job of working with Apollo and setting up Mercury, our Discord replacement, which will be ready in around ten days.

Thanks for everything, @Procella Eques!


2018-06-07 00:03:06 UTC

In addition to that good news, our **online members store** is back!

If you havenโ€™t, you can register with your membership email at and then login to see your dues status and order merch all right there just like before. Shirts, lapels, stickers are all there. BIG thank you to @zsaopx30zc !


2018-06-07 00:33:29 UTC

We'll get started in a few minutes as usual. (I typically join a few minutes after the official start time because everyone tends to join all at once at 8:30, and the beeping sounds can get distracting.)


2018-06-07 00:56:05 UTC

Attention @everyone

Exciting news! Tomorrow (Thursday) at 6pm est, we will be having another IE exclusive webinar, presented by long time conservative activist educator/writer/esoteric slavism luminary @slavwave and hosted by myself.

The topic of this video webinar will be "Confrontational Politics". Clear your schedules and I look forward to seeing you all there!

Can't make it? Working? At the Gym? No worries! The stream will be hosted privately on youtube for about 1 week.

2018-06-07 02:53:31 UTC

Attention @everyone

I hope this note finds you all well. Iโ€™d like to discuss something important with you.

Simply put, NPI is preparing another conference this summer, and, understandably, there is some interest in attendance from IE members. Despite this, weโ€™re going to be tightening our policy regarding NPI involvement.

The FMI/MSU event demonstrated serious legal and safety risks to you. Itโ€™s simply not in our interest to put IE members at risk of arrest, especially during our current lawsuit. Letโ€™s face it โ€“ there is a historically high risk of OpSec leaks at a Spencer-run event. Some of the event details we are already aware of pose a risk on their own, and their event invitations have already admitted the possibility of event collapse. Moreover, NPI has proven their willingness to work with groups that shout "National Socialism or death!" while giving roman salutes in the street, which is nonsense that we cannot allow our members to be remotely associated with.

The success of our movement depends on creating our own future. Our own conference speakers charted this path in March. Weโ€™ve also been intentionally forgiving in the past by allowing a few rare IE-NPI events to occur behind the scenes, even at the height of tensions. We can be grateful for Spencerโ€™s contributions to the cause, but itโ€™s time for us to move on. I know you are all ready for this step. Itโ€™s worth acknowledging the solidarity that our members and coordinators, once brought into the know, demonstrated during the winter transition.

For the health of this organization, and more importantly, your own safety, IE members will not be allowed to attend.

Thank you for your support, and I will see you all at Defend Identity in July. Onwards and upwards!

2018-06-07 20:22:11 UTC

REMINDER: Tonight, @slavwave and @Deleted User will be hosting a webinar at **6 PM EST**. The subject will be confrontational politics. You won't want to miss this one! We'll post a link closer to the time. @everyone

2018-06-07 22:01:50 UTC

Attention @everyone we are beginning our 2nd IE exclusive webinar now!

Click the link, come on in and make yourself comfy! I will be fielding questions at the end, so make sure that you ping me with an @ so that way I see them in the <#358403210618339338> channel on this server (not youtube).

2018-06-08 02:22:44 UTC

I'd also like to invite you all to a smaller event we're holding in southern Virginia on the 16th of this month -- we're getting together at a member's house to give speeches on successful organizations in the past to see what we can learn from them. People are spending the night, so I'm sure there will be festivities. We'll also likely do something the next day -- a small action, hiking, etc.

DM @Matthias to RSVP! I'm going to be there, and it will be a good time.


2018-06-09 16:19:53 UTC

Let's all congratulate @Patient Zero, who is now married! Best wishes. @everyone

2018-06-09 22:25:13 UTC

Here's the latest IA -- it's a good one! Thanks to @Freiheit - CA as always for lending his excellent audio skills to the cause. Also, @Asatru Artist - MD rendered the video versions and created the YT background for the show. We've got the best team!


2018-06-10 00:05:39 UTC

Attention @everyone:

REMINDER: This weekend is our weekend of service! If you're not participating, you had damn well better be retweeting the actions done this weekend. Some of these tweets have *eight* retweets -- I'm sure we have at least one hundred members online. Let's step it up and broadcast our message!

Also, thank you to everyone who participated! Credit to @FlyingDutchmann for coming up with the idea.

2018-06-10 22:52:52 UTC

I'm very impressed with how great the pictures from our weekend of service are looking! Well done, @everyone!

2018-06-11 01:22:31 UTC

BUY MERCH @everyone

2018-06-11 01:32:19 UTC

Attention @everyone:

REMINDER: We have an activism server. Contact @wayne peek for an invite. All IE activism beyond simple flyering requires the submission of an activism proposal and approval from Wayne. Thanks!

2018-06-11 02:44:21 UTC

If you participated in the weekend of service but haven't seen your action posted to Twitter yet, please DM @Brunswick.

Once again, thanks to everyone who participated -- including @Brunswick and the rest of our social media team! We've got the best people.


2018-06-12 01:20:15 UTC

This is yet another great example of why we forbid weapons mixing with activism and why we stay explicitly peaceful.

We want IE to be a network for various levels and methods of involvement while also providing the development & education for our bold activists.

If you are a new member to IE, please take a look at <#371705962224025610>. Essential, brief reading!

Otherwise, have a great Monday night! @everyone

2018-06-12 21:35:54 UTC

Attention @everyone:

By now, most of you have likely read the following article:

I want to let you know that the infiltrator has already been removed from all IE servers, and that we have begun to address the situation with the interview team to ensure this doesn't happen again.

It should also be noted that the article made us come off as normal, well-adjusted people with controversial political views. This is a sign that we're attracting quality people and building a positive sense of community. Despite the infiltrator's attendance at our conference, he didn't manage to obtain any particularly damning quotes or stories.

2018-06-12 23:18:35 UTC

@everyone One of our rules was mentioned in that article. I'm deeply offended I wasn't given the proper credit as its author. Now would be a great time for you all to take time to admire and appreciate my work once again by re-familiarizing yourself with the ---><#405211244023382016><---

2018-06-13 10:56:38 UTC

@everyone Good morning Identitarians. Please note that, when making moderation decisions, we will not take into account the context of the posts around yours. Screenshots do not have to include other posts, so we only consider how yours looks in isolation. Choose your words carefully or don't be surprised when you get moderated. ๐Ÿš”

2018-06-13 21:47:19 UTC

Attention @everyone:

I want to strongly encourage you all to start doing something similar in your area! If you don't have any martial arts training, you guys can always get together to work out at a park. But you should really look into doing combat sports at a gym -- after six months or so, you'll be able to train other IE members.

Successful nationalist groups in Europe are all about this stuff. Why aren't you?


2018-06-13 22:35:59 UTC

Fireside tonight. 8:30 PM EST as usual. See you there. @everyone

2018-06-13 23:31:31 UTC

If you participated in our weekend of service and would like to appear on the next episode of *Identitarian Action*, please DM me. We're recording tomorrow evening at 9 PM EST, so you'll have to be able to make that. You'll also need a semi-decent mic and a semi-decent internet connection.

2018-06-14 00:31:24 UTC

We'll get started in five. @everyone

2018-06-14 01:03:42 UTC

Merch can be ordered on a form in your member's profile! Log into your members profile here: and find the order form in the top right corner. Payment can be made via check or money order to our PO box, or online through Zelle at the address [email protected]

People have been asking me "How much is shipping?"

Well, since I inherited ~150 XL heavy duty pre-paid shipping envelopes, shipping is free.

Now, this may change when we have a permanent payment solution and more inventory, but for now: free shipping. Get it while it's hot.

Our store currently includes:
T-Shirts available for $25
Flags (in both colors) for $20
Stickers: 5 pcs $5
25 pcs $20
50 pcs $30
100 pcs $55
250 pcs $115
IE Lapel Pins: $10
IE Patch $6

2018-06-14 01:04:26 UTC

2018-06-14 08:21:14 UTC

Good morning IE @everyone

In case you're a new member or otherwise haven't seen it, here is the invite for **Defend Identity** in NYC, July 27-29. We need you out there. Registration price goes up a bit after July 1, so commit early!

I should mention again that this isn't a traditional conference like *Leading Our People Forward* was. Instead, it's going to be focused on the activism.

Finally -- we may have some patronage available for those activists in need. Contact me, and I will get you on the list.

See you there.

2018-06-16 01:31:28 UTC

A friend contacted me, looking to fill a few job positions. If you are a talented writer, knowledgeable about politics, and willing relocate to DC, please shoot me an email with a sample of your writing (preferably published somewhere) that I can pass along. The positions will pay relatively well.


2018-06-16 17:23:59 UTC

@everyone If you are a web developer with WordPress experience, please DM @Matthias!

2018-06-17 00:05:35 UTC

@everyone if your initials are JB and you sent $100 via Zelle on June 4 (I know, a while ago), DM me.

Friendly reminder to include identifying info (Discord username, email address) and purpose of payment with any payment.

2018-06-18 02:41:51 UTC

@everyone Tore Rasmussen of Generation Identity will be doing an Ask Me Anything (AMA) on this Wednesday at 6pm Eastern. He's a public activist who's been banned by the Orwellian UK authorities. Come join us and ask Tore a question or two. Here's one of his speeches: Make an account on reddit and subscribe and participate on Wednesday!

2018-06-18 02:44:47 UTC

Attention @everyone:

The Michigan guys created a very tasteful memorial for a White teen slain by an illegal. Well done!

2018-06-19 05:56:28 UTC

Attention @everyone

We're now closing the on-site lodging portion of the NYC event at the end of July. If you have funds in the mail for on-site lodging, we will still get you in and honor that.

**Do not let this discourage you.** We need you at Defend Identity, and registration goes up $10 after July 1, so jump on this now and coordinate with your chapter.

See you there!

2018-06-19 17:03:13 UTC

Attention @everyone:

I hope your week is coming along well!

I wanted to share this article with you -- it contains interesting ideas for projects dissident right-wingers can start. Read the article, and then consider talking with your chapter to see what you can implement locally. It wouldn't necessarily have to be done under the IE name, although that's obviously ideal.

2018-06-19 19:12:03 UTC

Attention @everyone

The basics of our Discord replacement, Mercury, are ready. Mercury is our private alternative and it is under our ownership, not any other 3rd party.

To join, go to and select *Forgot Password*. Enter your membership email to receive the login creation. Once you receive that email and select the link within, you should be immediately directed into the new server.

Mercury was developed from RocketChat, which has Apple, Android, and desktop applications. Once you've downloaded the app, simply enter the URL to join the server.

For voice, log into your members site account at, and there will be an option for the integrated voice channel there.

In the coming days, we'll be adding all local channels onto the server along with nearly everything we had here on Discord.

Thank you all for your patience on this big project, and we will have more news on it shortly.

2018-06-20 15:22:46 UTC

Reminder that the Tore Rasmussen (Generation Identity UK) AMA is 6pm Eastern tonight on I'll send out a reminder when we get started!

2018-06-20 21:07:42 UTC

Fireside tonight at 8:30 PM EST! See you there, @everyone.

2018-06-20 22:08:39 UTC

@everyone come ask a question of Tore Rasmussen, a Norwegian who is a public activist with Generation Identity in the UK.

2018-06-20 22:09:05 UTC

This is a reddit โ€œAsk Me Anythingโ€

2018-06-20 22:09:21 UTC

We are Live right now!

2018-06-20 22:23:21 UTC

Over 100 online and a commie or two to debate with

2018-06-21 00:27:47 UTC

Fireside will begin at 8:45 Eastern.


2018-06-21 04:43:17 UTC

I want to remind you guys that the FBI has, in the past, set up politically inconvenient dissidents.

Take the case of Matt Hale: A federal informant, whom Matt believed to be a good friend, kept suggesting that they murder a federal judge. Matt said "I have to follow the law. I have to do things, make changes by legal means. Whatever you want to do is up to you." This alone was enough to land Matt in federal prison for 40 years.

**This is why we have a zero tolerance policy for talking about violence, even in jest.** If you think "It was just a joke!" constitutes a sufficient legal defense in this context, you are incredibly naรฏve.

Furthermore, many Alt-Righters joked about violence on the Charlottesville 2 Discord server. Now, those quotes are appearing on official legal documents as evidence of this supposed "conspiracy." While there obviously was no conspiracy to harm protesters at UTR, these quotes are extremely inconvenient for us, even though they were not issued by IE members.

If you're a member of this organization, you won't joke about violence. Period. Not on this server, or any server. Nor will you do so offline. **If we create an environment in which jokes about violence are acceptable, it will be easy for a federal informant to do to us what the FBI did to Matt Hale.**

(You can read an interview with Matt Hale's mother about the setup here:


2018-06-22 02:16:08 UTC

@everyone Thank you so much for your merch orders this past week - one point of note: Once you order merch from your member's profile, your order is not complete. As much as I would like to - I cannot ship your order until you pay for it! ๐Ÿ˜†

Right now, payment can be sent to our Zelle account at [email protected] or [email protected]. or to our PO box: Identity Evropa
PO Box 7064
Arlington, VA 22207

If you **have** paid for your order before 6/15 and have **not** yet received it, please dm me.

Thanks! <:deye:359010025223618570> ๐Ÿ‘•

2018-06-27 17:22:32 UTC

Attention @everyone:

Fireside tonight at 8:30 PM EST. See you there!

2018-06-27 21:23:19 UTC

Attention @everyone

@Louis Loire - NY has more lodging set up and ready for Defend Identity, which is a month away! Contact him if youโ€™d like to stay there, and we are just a few days away from the main event registration going to $40. See you at Fireside tonight.

2018-06-27 21:24:15 UTC

@everyone Also, if you cannot go, be sure to send money to the IE Zelle with "Defend Identity Sponsorship" as the note. Help get someone else there to take your place!

2018-06-28 19:28:10 UTC

@everyone Patrick will be hosting an Ask Me Anything (AMA) at 6pm (EST) on . Come ask quality questions and share the link with non IE members to come participate!

2018-06-28 19:35:10 UTC

Also, crossposting the link on friendly subreddits would help us a lot in spreading the word to new people

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