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2019-07-12 07:23:39 UTC

so can't argue there

2019-07-12 07:25:12 UTC


2019-07-12 07:25:33 UTC

Nah I mean fuck most of the other countries let's get pre world war America back, no intervention, strong trade relationships, will only go to war for very close allies like the UK or for actual US interests

2019-07-12 07:26:18 UTC

Well the thing is, that's basically surrendering the whole rest of the world to be China's hegemon

2019-07-12 07:26:23 UTC

is the us not still the world hegemon? or are we simply saying it isn't because their grip on the world is not as strong as it was immediately following the death of their rival geopolitical bloc?

2019-07-12 07:26:51 UTC


2019-07-12 07:26:56 UTC


2019-07-12 07:27:01 UTC

the eastern bloc died

2019-07-12 07:27:05 UTC

the soviet empire

2019-07-12 07:27:11 UTC

lol, it morphed, not died

2019-07-12 07:27:13 UTC

US needs to oppose China now or China will "peacefully rise" by gobbling up all of asia and africa and bully europe around, and ultimately start a war with US

2019-07-12 07:27:25 UTC

it morphed into russo-china

2019-07-12 07:27:29 UTC

it did die what exists now is just a product of russia reasserting itself

2019-07-12 07:27:34 UTC

During Trumps WH summit where Tim was at, the media was outside stuck and bitching at everything they could hear.

2019-07-12 07:27:55 UTC


2019-07-12 07:28:05 UTC

2019-07-12 07:28:12 UTC

and funnily despite the fact that russia is quite a bit weaker than the ussr they're managing to expand

2019-07-12 07:28:25 UTC

And we care for the rest of the world why? Trade ties would be enough to keep a lot of the allies, and we could still oppose China without being super involved

2019-07-12 07:28:30 UTC

Cut trade ties

2019-07-12 07:28:36 UTC

Watch China fall

2019-07-12 07:28:47 UTC

It helps the US if the world likes the US

2019-07-12 07:29:16 UTC

and if you surrender the world to China, you're just feeding a bigger monster that will eventually try to eat you too

2019-07-12 07:29:16 UTC

i would be fine with pulling out of the most the world and focusing on building a sphere around the anglosphere and western hemisphere

2019-07-12 07:30:02 UTC

China has initiated huge wars every single time it "rose", which is like 4 or 5 times

2019-07-12 07:30:29 UTC

they started with aggression towards neighbors, gobbled everything up they could, they found the biggest target, started a war, lost, and fell apart

2019-07-12 07:30:44 UTC

it's an enormous mistake to let them do that again

2019-07-12 07:31:02 UTC

China is a non threat rn if the US stops trade with China China's whole economy crashes when America feels slight shockwaves at most

2019-07-12 07:31:45 UTC

I think that's an exaggeration. there is a risk of China leapfrogging the US with different military tech. and china's economy is super self sufficient, way more than the US

2019-07-12 07:32:16 UTC

if china and US cut ties tomorrow, china would be fine, US would have lots of major shocks as the cheap chinese crap isn't available anymore

2019-07-12 07:32:24 UTC

it would adjust of course, which is good, but it would take time

2019-07-12 07:32:58 UTC

And we'd still trade with the world if we need to and have actual allies that would fight for US, like the UK would sail to the US mainland to protect the US but most of our "allies" wouldn't

2019-07-12 07:33:06 UTC

Fuck the ones that wouldn't

2019-07-12 07:33:21 UTC

only if you hadn't already sold the world down the river

2019-07-12 07:34:02 UTC

they certainly wouldn't sail to help trump. they hate him with every bone in their body

2019-07-12 07:34:09 UTC

even the UK I think literally couldn't help

2019-07-12 07:34:31 UTC

their own defense department has warned that their own multiculturalism may prevent them from taking military action in certain parts of the world

2019-07-12 07:35:26 UTC

US would feel pretty big Short term effects if they cut ties with China but the Chinese economy is only strong at the moment because it uses the US as a foundation

2019-07-12 07:35:36 UTC

ie: imagine the UK decided to join the US in some war. basically most of the UK would riot. left wingers, muslims, young people, pretty much all immigrants of any kind, etc, have no investment in helping the UK help the US. only the old generation would

2019-07-12 07:35:48 UTC

Remove that and China is still economically strong

2019-07-12 07:35:55 UTC

I think we're past the point of no return with China's self sufficiency

2019-07-12 07:35:57 UTC

But not superpower level

2019-07-12 07:36:13 UTC

yes continuing to feed into it is a bad idea and the US needs to foster self sufficiency again

2019-07-12 07:36:18 UTC

dunno i've found WGAP side-splitting the second i heard him talk about them politicians

2019-07-12 07:36:23 UTC

which is why trump's tarrif strategy is a good one

2019-07-12 07:37:06 UTC

The other thing I mentioned was military tech. US seems to be a bit stuck in the 20th century. China is leapfrogging straight to space weapons and hypersonic rail guns.

2019-07-12 07:37:33 UTC

If china can develop effective anti-ship railguns, that pretty much counters the whole strategy of the US military. If they can railgun the aircraft carriers, what's the US gonna do?

2019-07-12 07:38:02 UTC

The us could easily be almost entirely self sufficient in a few years if our leaders had any clue what to do

2019-07-12 07:38:05 UTC

the US also has little will to fight, though that might be changing

2019-07-12 07:38:20 UTC

yes agree, US is well poised, but it would be a big effort

2019-07-12 07:38:38 UTC

and even a 0.1% GDP cost would have the corporate media howling at trump's anti-market agenda blah blah

2019-07-12 07:38:59 UTC

look at brexit -> hey we can have sovereignty again but it will cost us a couple percent of GDP

2019-07-12 07:39:07 UTC

oh heavens tebetsy

2019-07-12 07:39:18 UTC

I think the us populace in some level realize like there's was no reason to be in Vietnam or other similar wars

2019-07-12 07:39:33 UTC

well, there was a reason. communism

2019-07-12 07:39:41 UTC

it's not a reason for them to be involved

2019-07-12 07:39:44 UTC

and the US successfully stopped communism from spreading around the world

2019-07-12 07:39:51 UTC

But like Japan and 9/11 no one was against it

2019-07-12 07:39:52 UTC

this only matters to the ruling class

2019-07-12 07:40:07 UTC

that's why vietnam was continued and escelated by 5 different presidents from both republicans and democrats

2019-07-12 07:40:25 UTC

they thought it was important to do, and we don't know how it would have turned out if the US didn't do that

2019-07-12 07:41:01 UTC

Why is it our job to save you dumbasses when you all fuck up, if we remove the safety net you'll have to learn

2019-07-12 07:41:09 UTC

communism is an inherently violent, expansionist and seditious ideology. the US was right to vociferously oppose it's spread

2019-07-12 07:41:24 UTC

and look now how cultural marxism finally has a foothold in the US and the west

2019-07-12 07:41:29 UTC


2019-07-12 07:41:36 UTC

what you're calling "cultural marxism" is the product of liberalism

2019-07-12 07:41:42 UTC


2019-07-12 07:41:44 UTC

totally disagree

2019-07-12 07:41:48 UTC

So much this

2019-07-12 07:42:13 UTC

the key difference is marxist power dynamics (oppressed/oppressor) and identitarianism

2019-07-12 07:42:29 UTC

liberalism without those 2 things is very different from what we have today

2019-07-12 07:42:37 UTC

the oppressed/oppressor dynamic is a feature of liberalism and has been since before marxism even existed

2019-07-12 07:42:46 UTC

don't agree

2019-07-12 07:42:52 UTC

think sargon but left of centre

2019-07-12 07:43:00 UTC

marx's class analysis was influenced by liberal philosophy

2019-07-12 07:43:13 UTC

influenced maybe, but it's not the same

2019-07-12 07:43:40 UTC

of course it's not the same

2019-07-12 07:43:45 UTC

to me, liberalism is basically the opposite of those 2 things

2019-07-12 07:43:58 UTC

Also for the record there's a middle ground between the US being world police and the US being Switzerland and the world getting fucked without us

2019-07-12 07:44:34 UTC

liberalism is there to enforce equal treatment under the law, and to compensate for being dealt a bad hand

2019-07-12 07:45:16 UTC

compensating for being dealt a bad hand means that you are not limiting egalitarianism to equal treatment under the law

2019-07-12 07:45:34 UTC

I mean in terms of universal health care and that kind of thing

2019-07-12 07:46:28 UTC

In the semi modern age like mid 1900s liberalism and marxism have been driven by the same 2 things profit and some sort of freedom or equality

2019-07-12 07:46:28 UTC

social liberalism already opened the door to the sort of egalitarianism we see from progressives by prescribing political action to rectify inequalities that transcend legal inequalities

2019-07-12 07:46:42 UTC

They are strongly related

2019-07-12 07:46:43 UTC

one thing that truly baffles me is how identitarianism became synonomous with liberalism. why can't people see that's a backslide?

2019-07-12 07:46:59 UTC

that isn't to say that progressivism is entirely liberal, but it mostly is, and the illiberal strands carry the power they due by virtue of their proximity to ruling class ideology

2019-07-12 07:47:45 UTC

well that's still an identitarian idea. if everybody is equal under the law, black/white/gay/etc then we don't need these grand scales-on-thumb actions like affirmative action etc

2019-07-12 07:47:51 UTC

Also for the record calling yourself a classic liberals is a special way to say literally conservative

2019-07-12 07:47:57 UTC

if you're for striving for equality of opportunity and you recognize that inequality of opportunity stems from an idententarian basis then doesn't it logically follow

2019-07-12 07:48:00 UTC

but if everybody is equally entitled to universal healthcare, free education, etc, then there's nothing to fix

2019-07-12 07:48:14 UTC

I don't call myself a classic liberal

2019-07-12 07:48:33 UTC

because the idea is that these groups still face inequalities of opportunity by virtue of their identity

2019-07-12 07:48:36 UTC

social liberal maybe? anti-identitarian liberal?

2019-07-12 07:48:46 UTC

Yeah but I just wanted to say class liberal as a term is retarded

2019-07-12 07:49:00 UTC

Phone autocorrect is too

2019-07-12 07:49:34 UTC

I don't think identity should play literally any role in politics

2019-07-12 07:49:47 UTC


2019-07-12 07:50:02 UTC

because skin color doesn't matter

2019-07-12 07:50:23 UTC

Well identity isn't just race

2019-07-12 07:50:26 UTC

"conservatives" are just the centrist libs of your parent's generation and the progressives of your grandparent's generation

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