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it isnt perfect, but its as good as we can get, and the utopian's think they have solutions for the problems democracy brings

2019-09-09 00:59:48 UTC

you are aware that this is a non-argument right?

such as corruption of some form or another

2019-09-09 01:00:15 UTC

I can insert any other political system in there instead of democracy, and the statement would be unchanged in its meaning

2019-09-09 01:00:19 UTC

it's just a statement of faith

and its no surprise that the people that are on the left of the spectrum are younger people, who dont know enough about the world because they have yet to get the oppertunities to learn it

2019-09-09 01:00:58 UTC

I'm pretty sure medieval peasants thought the same thing about the particullar kind of monarchy they were living under

but also, without them, we arent so easily able to solve problems that they might have fresh takes on because they havent built that mental box

2019-09-09 01:01:32 UTC

you're just stating vapid platitudes...

so to be opposed to democracy and by extention free markets, is to be misinformed or yet-to-be-informed about political history, philosophy, and technically speaking 'god' in the sense of 'what seems to be the best ways to live in the world that minimizes suffering'

2019-09-09 01:03:21 UTC

democracy has pretty much nothing to do with free markets

and also you have those that want to see the system break down because there are psychopaths in humanity that want to achieve power or thrive in destabalisation

aka, the trope of Raiders in fallout universes

2019-09-09 01:03:56 UTC

God this is depressing

2019-09-09 01:05:06 UTC

you're just making statements and ignoring all the criticism

and also some people have delusions that they are way more powerful than they really are, because if they realise through learning and objective comparisons to others, then they will break down and be mentally defenseless

2019-09-09 01:05:42 UTC

and the statements are basically the most vanilla shit possible in the modern western status quo

which is why Nihilism is so prevailent

and those people are called 'useful idiots' who think theyll be the next Jesus, when really theyll be another skull of the next dictator to step on to climb their throne

2019-09-09 01:06:27 UTC

your internal monologue is literally mainstream opinions

2019-09-09 01:06:37 UTC

that is kinda depressing in and of itself

just look at Hong Kong and their love of america compared to Americans and their love of china apparently

HK people know tyranny and oppression very well

and in fact, many people want to escape to america because their country is restrictive and it sucks

whereas the americans dont seem to want to leave their 'borderline fascist country' because they dont REALLY believe it

they do it cuz its the trendy new cult theyve been told is the right thing to do by the people they respect who show up in their bedrooms via a screen

who are equally clueless, useful idiots, or propagandized

cant underestimate the prey instinct and the safety in numbers and tribalism thats deep down in humans

mostly, people either dont realise how good they have it, or they do realise and they take pleasure in being part of a movement, or they have been propagandised and tribalised and taken in to a religion that profession to care for them (even though it results in massive death if taken too far), or they are dark sadistic people that just want to watch the world burn, or believe they can take it over and control people

2019-09-09 01:11:31 UTC

dude, just get a wordpress blog

to these people that think the system is broken and wrong and evil, which it is in part, democracy is a barrier to what they 'KNOW' to be utopia

theres also a reason why fascist states remove the image of god and instead promote the leader as the ultimate highest entity. if a man is the highest power, they dont have to 'answer to anyone' and can justify anything

2019-09-09 01:13:50 UTC

yes, all who criticize democracy are utopian, like Bismarck, Metternich and basically any pre-WWI politician. All revolutionary utopian lunatics

but again, thats using my interpretation of the definition of 'god'

hence the reason why i dont capitalise it

2019-09-09 01:14:26 UTC

this is not a gay straw man ur building to reinforce your ~~ideas~~ faith

2019-09-10 03:43:45 UTC

Best Movies

2019-09-10 03:44:31 UTC

2019-09-10 15:59:51 UTC


2019-09-11 22:19:37 UTC


2019-09-12 02:50:56 UTC

Is this no longer a debates channel. Okay I am moving from politics to social media. Obviously, Snowdon just did an interview with France 24. But yeah, another celebrity also, decides they're not a Kardashian but a real life person. Corey Taylor s fiance. Says goodbye to social media. It's best . The more the merrier. Little bit of reality, away from the drama.

People need private lives, but ultimately, if you do have a difference of opinion, it can turn into a shitfest

2019-09-12 09:45:59 UTC

I donโ€™t think anyone knows who these people are.

2019-09-12 12:18:50 UTC

I know Slipknot.

2019-09-12 12:19:00 UTC

This blonde girl in 8th grade listened to them

2019-09-12 12:28:23 UTC

Slipknot is legit the best metal band of the last 20 years

2019-09-12 12:28:48 UTC

objectively speaking

2019-09-12 16:00:32 UTC

any wiggerz wanna debate about whether you a nigger or not?

2019-09-12 17:09:43 UTC

imma nigger
he's a nigger
she's a nigger
wouldn't you like to be a nigger too?

2019-09-12 18:45:21 UTC

I mean... does it come with a movement speed bonus?

2019-09-12 18:55:57 UTC

Yeah, but you get penalties to intelligence and wisdom.

2019-09-12 20:30:00 UTC

@wotmaniac No this was about Slipknot. And if you're a heretic the number is 666

2019-09-12 20:32:19 UTC

Everyone is falling out with social media. It has become a bit of a shit show to be honest with you. Especially, when it came down to some celebrities. They just would not stop posting crap. However, I do like Trump tweets. I think they get really dumb responses back, which makes me hope to goodness, they are not legitametly serious about what they are saying.

2019-09-12 20:33:29 UTC

2019-09-12 20:33:57 UTC

I bet you any money Jim Witkins is wishing that he never said it.

2019-09-12 20:34:18 UTC

the fuck?

2019-09-12 20:35:11 UTC

I do not care how hold this is... it is comedy gold and should be framed as, the most irrational people in the world, bar, reaminers!

2019-09-12 20:43:11 UTC

@SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck I do not even know if people wrote this when they were high or drunk, but boy--- they must have found it hard to live with themselves afterwards.

2019-09-12 20:43:18 UTC

2019-09-12 20:44:25 UTC

"The drugs don't work they just make you worse, but I know I'll see your face again!"- The verve

2019-09-12 20:45:16 UTC

2019-09-12 20:46:15 UTC

Poor Jordan could not even score with a pretty lady like Ivanka Trump, definately has no chance now.

2019-09-12 20:51:59 UTC

Then he asked the elected president to retire. I mean, you cannot make it up! It is really, amazing how these people have been able to dictate to people how they want it when people voted for the man.

2019-09-12 20:52:06 UTC

2019-09-12 20:53:56 UTC

who the fuck cares?

2019-09-12 20:54:00 UTC

like, actually

2019-09-12 20:54:10 UTC

why is this person supposed to be important to you?

2019-09-12 21:53:34 UTC

@Coolitic no, I just like laughing at the fact that they don't understand what democracy is!

2019-09-12 21:55:07 UTC

Snowdon was right, this is like a whole different way of control . It all started with Obama. Then, it spread to Europe. Like a big dark nasty cloud.

2019-09-12 21:56:23 UTC

laughing at random retards doing things we've all seen plenty of times already is dumb

2019-09-12 21:56:32 UTC

I'd lay off of it if I were you

2019-09-12 22:46:21 UTC


2019-09-13 04:45:55 UTC

I love it when people think that they could change the way people think democratically by bullying people in the UK. It has seriously backfired as well. So, by the end of the day. If Grimsby are ignoring Corbyn, you can guarantee that the rest of the North are not going to vote Labour. It is probably time to hang the hat and just call this next election a Liberal democrats vs Cons vote.

2019-09-13 04:46:33 UTC

This is like watching places that were prodominantely democrats vote Republican.

2019-09-13 04:50:45 UTC

Watch the former Mayor of London answer the questions of the people.

2019-09-13 05:31:48 UTC

@TEABAG!!! wtf are you even going on about wigger? because someone tweeted "RETIRE" at trimp you are preaching about how democracy works?

2019-09-13 05:32:27 UTC

they angry at trirmp and they rage trolling him, they think every tweet is him pissing on the world and they'd be half right

2019-09-13 05:34:18 UTC

comments should be disabled if an office as high as the presidency is pushing out information to the people

2019-09-13 05:34:46 UTC

dumb fuck uses twitter . dumb fuck deals with twitter slime

2019-09-13 05:42:28 UTC

By the love of kek @juts kill nme this is what it's all about! Free speech. I let them continue because, you know - : deep down, he puts information out there and then he gets dumb responses back, it's because they genuinely are not really following the news properly. Hence, why he attacked the media. It's logic and I am saying that we were heading in this direction as well in Europe. Everyone, was going for the hearsay, rather than reading the source properly or the sources links on twitter. I mean, Twitter and Facebook just show, how misinformed people can be even though the internet is there.

2019-09-13 05:44:28 UTC

twiiter should be investigated and tortured for good measure

2019-09-13 05:44:34 UTC

its all a scam

2019-09-13 05:44:50 UTC

al gore rhythms

2019-09-13 05:55:25 UTC

Hahah Al Gore rhythms. Because he didn't become president. Right!

2019-09-13 07:34:05 UTC

manbearpig was real!

2019-09-13 07:34:13 UTC

and its here, now!

2019-09-13 09:57:58 UTC

Itโ€™s super cereal

2019-09-14 18:12:27 UTC

Liberal mother stalks white son to prevent "alt right radicalization"

2019-09-14 18:12:47 UTC

While simultaneously shaming him for not accepting woke leftist narrative

2019-09-14 18:12:52 UTC

Boomercide when?

2019-09-14 18:17:35 UTC

2019-09-14 18:37:30 UTC

dad actually got a fucking trump 2020 hat

noice, is it made in china like many of the old ones?๐Ÿ˜†

2019-09-14 19:31:51 UTC

actually let me check

2019-09-14 19:32:30 UTC

can't find a makers mark

2019-09-14 22:54:43 UTC

In the uncodified Constitution of the United Kingdom, the monarch (otherwise referred to as the sovereign or "His/Her Majesty", abbreviated H.M.) is the head of state. The Queen's image is used to signify British sovereignty and government authorityโ€”her profile, for instance, appearing on currency, and her portrait in government buildings. The sovereign is further both mentioned in and the subject of songs, loyal toasts, and salutes. "God Save the Queen" (or, alternatively, "God Save the King") is the British national anthem. Oaths of allegiance are made to the Queen and her lawful successors.
The monarch takes little direct part in government. The decisions to exercise sovereign powers are delegated from the monarch, either by statute or by convention, to ministers or officers of the Crown, or other public bodies, exclusive of the monarch personally. Thus the acts of state done in the name of the Crown, such as Crown Appointments,[5] even if personally performed by the monarch, such as the Queen's Speech and the State Opening of Parliament, depend upon decisions made elsewhere:
Legislative power is exercised by the Queen-in-Parliament, by and with the advice and consent of Parliament, the House of Lords and the House of Commons.
Executive power is exercised by Her Majesty's Government, which comprises ministers, primarily the prime minister and the Cabinet, which is technically a committee of the Privy Council. They have the direction of the Armed Forces of the Crown, the Civil Service and other Crown Servants such as the Diplomatic and Secret Services (the Queen receives certain foreign intelligence reports before the prime minister does).

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