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2019-04-18 22:09:30 UTC [Sparta #general]  

Lib dem is the most sane party

2019-05-08 10:52:47 UTC [Sparta #general]  

Bernie will succeed where others have failed

2019-05-13 23:05:28 UTC [Sparta #general]  

I doubt theyโ€™d want you

Tbh muten you are the most feminine person here, he should stick it in you

Not even your own?

Not licked the tip?

I like that picture

Itโ€™s a ray of light in this dark pit


Ok his mind is very scrambled then

Makes sense

Iโ€™m not sure you can

I think muten is going to implode

Go masturbate

And chill

If bane just said retarded shit

Then yea maybe

Muten no one cares

Muten youโ€™re being deliberately regarded


Regarded as a retard

You are literally the gayest here

Then heโ€™s a gay failure

Literally all he talks about is shafting men lmao

Neither one is bad

I wish I was gay, then i could pick up a muscle dude to meal prep for me

Lol okay

I donโ€™t actually know what to say lol

I think thatโ€™s done

You might be the most edgy person alive

Introvert feeler

And some other stuff

You know who wasnโ€™t of the establishment but brexiteers hated? The UK ambassador

He grew up in a council house and was betrayed by Boris, Nigel etc

Privately educated establishment figures

He did his job

His job was to report to the govt the state of the US

Itโ€™s not supposed to be leaked

You expect honest reports from your diplomats

Otherwise whatโ€™s the point

Yea he got fucked over

He did his job, worked hard from his background

Way more respect than some ex criminal who went back to jail

I am cleansing this place

Bit by bit

Iโ€™ve obliterated templeofiron, which one of you degenerates is next on my hitlist

Oh I replied at the wrong point

He left after I defended the UK ambassador

Accused me of hating trump and then left

He really did

Search his last message

He just gave up and left

Now muten is next

I will cleanse this filth

Wtf search isnโ€™t working

Oh shit

I should have acreenshottes



Tommy went to jail

But that doesnโ€™t mean

The rapists are going free

It means Tommy just broke the law as well

I donโ€™t get why everyone is planting their flag on the hill that is Stephen yaxley lennon

Heโ€™s a stupid criminal lmao

You have other more reputable people who say the same things but

Tommy is a thug

Him and his goons tried to kick the shit out of a teen because of a milkshake

Grown men lmao

Like get a grip

He didnโ€™t lmao

They were hassling him

The teen was trying to walk away

But a bunch of bald goons kept hassling him

And real normal people donโ€™t flip out

Garage and corbyn and miliband had eggs slapped on their heads

They didnโ€™t ducking lose it


And try to beat up teenagers

Yea Farage is garbage

You might give a push

Or something I get it

But Tommy ducking lost his cool

And his goons tried to hold the teenager lmao

Whilst tommy lunches


So pathetic

Not really

Whatโ€™s wronging with reading about the holocaust

Jews have faced more hardship than any group of people in history

Imagine thinking that leaving the EU is a good idea

If someone is a holocaust denier, then they are too retarded to have enough brain space for a different view

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