Tonight at 11 - DOOM

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An elitist group of various Commies just kicked me out of their elite club because they didn't understand the difference between slurs and using the words"faggot" as a conveniently short stand in for a concept that would otherwise take a paragraph to explan everytime I mentionned it. What's new here?

I used to frequent alt-right servers

To listen and learn what they stand for/think'

And I swear to God

the Alt-right is leagues more tolerant and open minded than your run of the mill Commies...

even thou they're avowed racists...

Anyway @everyone , gimme invites to some cool political discussion servers. I'm bored...

@Deleted User Honestly, the sad thing is that lots the alt-righter racists don't even hate the other races, they just have a preferance for their own (could morth into full on hatered over time but for now it ain't that). Commies legitimatley hate everyone who isn't them.

S'like they call everyone a capitalist

it's basically just a slur meaning: person that isn't one of us and is thus morally deficient

because an anarcho-capitalist is, in any essential way that matters in the slightest, simmilar to a 1700s French Legitimist Mercantilist. Sure... All of that can be meaningfully descibed as "capitalist"...

It's not just a term for the out group... Fucking cultists I swear to God...

This is a map from the wikipedia page on Prussia

Why is not ALL of the Empire highlighted?

It was a P A R T of the German State

Are you literally gay?

"The Free State of Prussia (German: Freistaat PreuรŸen) was a German state formed after the abolition of the Kingdom of Prussia in the aftermath of the First World War. It was the major state of the German Reich during the time of the Weimar Republic, comprising almost โ€‹5โ„8 (62.5%) of its territory and population."
@D.kota @Deleted User

Ok, you are a LARPer

Have a nice life

@Liberty's Boot This looks like a sky-nigger to me m8

U ever played stellaris @8th gen Doctor G ?

Eu4 IS better

But check this out:

My government is an oligarchic authoritarian fanatical materialist state called Israel

Toasters are like little jihadists

@8th gen Doctor G Global cooling used to be a thing in which most academics believed back in the 70s

Unsupress me cucks

Now you're talking about your mother's vagina @D.kota

Your mom fucks Jews?

We waz kangz!

Looks like you're white trash

Definatley white trash

Your bird has a very unimpressive ass @D.kota

Most of it was never Hungarian though, just Croatia n Slovenia (+ a small bit of Serbia)

is the answer

All cats are dead under communism

No more fat cats

@Cookies <----------------- Confirmed to be "big boned"

@Glych Just call it "fat" though

Don't beat 'round the bush

@Cookies So you're basically a fat butch lesbian?

@!dammnation3(Liberalist) <-----------------Weirdo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jewish weirdo*

Das a ridiculous statement

silver mirror

Religions are the way you convince morons to follow smart rules without the need for nor the audiance nor the priest to really understand why the rules are a good idea

morons AND people you don't have time to convince

which is most people

You can't run society without them

Your faith in humans is religious

No, not really. That is not actually the point

The point is that it is impractical to the point of impossibility to follow a fully thought through pattern of behavior all the time. You have to trust in preexisting narratives at some point.

And at that point there is a very legitimate point to say that you take things on faith

@D.kota What do you mean? Obama DID destroy the country!

Literally impossible

Unless you ignore all preexisting knowledge and come with everything on your own. OR if you have a comprehensive understanding of all the (vagueley relevant) knowledge ever produced by humanity.

At SOME point you have to trust an authority figure about something. You won't always have the time and energy to verify weather they are telling the truth.

Just think of all the Christians who say that they "just know" God loves them, they "fell it".

I don't see how this is relevant anyway

The point is about having to believe in some things rather than truly understanding that they work a given way.

Do you actually understand how the computer you are using now works?

Every single component of this particular machine

That is a ridiculous claim

You are an expert in computer science, molecular physics, interface design and 9999 other fields?

Das what you'r esaying?

@D.kota "Methalak" is a racist term u sperg

So you have a vague general understanding of what someone told you about how this thing works

But you never actually checked weather that understanding is correct yourself?

@Chรฉpakoi je sens la chatte de ta mere

@!dammnation3(Liberalist) Which is a funky way of saying: "Doggystyle"

You just repeated my question and rephrased it so that it sound slike you know your shit dude

oh, "pussy" is banned? You bunch of pussies...

In depth knowledge

You actually could design this PC and know how to fabricate it from fucking atoms if given the tools necessary?

Clestial went to a "spetial" school

@!dammnation3(Liberalist) I bow before your titanic intellect oh savant. Please, resolve world hunger and war!

Celestial morning light correct?

American schools sound amasingly bad...

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