Discord ID: 126725634138439680
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what the everloving shit is cancelling anyway
like all it seems to be is like maybe at least one person disagreeing with another. that's fucking it
so 0000
so why are we accepting this shit instead of tearing it apart and throwing it away like the laughing stock it is
galaxy brain
i just fucking want guns
the us sucks lmao
galaxy brain
america suuuuuuuuuucks
how 'bout we leave, anyway
~~assent*~~ <:GWmiyanoSip:398867239895433226>
someone living on the mainland could just start a new country and join the eu, just to veto our extension
maybe you should tell them the good news that nazis aren't being voted for
`witness the power of this fully operational death star` -- boris johnson, 2020
can't we just not follow the rules of the EU, like usually membership-based clubs kick you out when you piss about
what? lmao
remaining would be a phyrric victory for the remainers
france has an island?
lmao my guy ate the onion
that is true, we are at peak poe right now
that being said, undoomed is just ad hominem: the youtube channel, so
that being said, my undoomed take is based on like the 10 videos i watched maybe 4 or so years ago
so i am most probably definitely wrong
so they can try and rejoin <:GWnonAiSmug:373159826525519872>
galaxy brain
now this is requiem
"despite brexit"
as though it had an inherent nature
'political' activist*
apparently "god" personally came to his house and said, quote, 'guacamole nigga penis'
so i believe it
how did the so-called 'cancelling' change them
if at all
who would pretend to be contrapoints <:thunk:462282216467333140>
isn't the independent just lib dems: the rags-with-some-vaguely-cobbled-together-set-of-words-on-them
ah yes, the naz-dees
> ``[11:04] Weez: Donโt forget the BBC do not write opinion pieces, they only post fact.``
<:GWchadMEGATHINK:366999806343774218> boi
fucking volcano take
right after dank's video on their obvious-as-fuck hit-docu on him, too
the bbc have no reputation here to begin with
but it's plainly obvious as to why they did it
extremely. again, this is known
like the only thing these people are actually competent at are being the mafia
that's it
who the fuck even is pep
so literally who
ah cuck in life and on the internet
if it's not trending on twitter, people aren't talking about it <:GWchadMEGATHINK:366999806343774218>
here's a pretty cool example of a non-objective article
see all the slanting and fanciful wording? sure, everything written here is true when you look at it... but it's written fairly disingenuously, don't you think? it's also interesting how all of their quotes are from people opposed to the topic in question. no pro- or even neutral parties
it is a pretty volcano take
and then there's also omission
@LmaoMoni lupusregina beta from overlord
i doubt either cuk or ukip would be running MPs the next GE or at the very least, enough to snap up whatever share of the vote they have. i'd put it past cuk to do it because they're dumb, but i don't think ukip will see it as being worth it and focus more on building up their campaigning, policies, etc.
...because the voter base is kinda... ehhhh...
i mean, did you see any of sargon's touring? i feel it's a good sampling of the different types of people in the electorate
did the pope finish undertale yet
galaxy fucking brain
galaxy brain
assault rifle
wait how did that end up in this channel
i posted this in <#613767975614283832>
this is discord propaganda
galaxy brain
i was referring to all of us
of course
what's the difference between europeans and remainers <:cirThink:562505138548375552> didn't know?
gonna need to see some proof of that pal <:hypersmugon:544638648721604608>
also wasn't she literally just unbanned
that's a mighty big cruise missile
african dicks, live
...african dick LOVING.
so kids, what did we learn? preserve history, even if it offends you.
...their squiggly writing is kinda cool tbh
imagine being able to write and read literal spaghetti
the amount of letters in the word race is the amount of digits in your iq
try it
which fucking character is this again
i can never find rule 34 of her
it's time for world war 3
ok pep what is the eu to you
all of the above
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