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2018-07-08 22:00:54 UTC

I might troll on occassion, but its still in the context of the debate

2018-07-08 22:01:13 UTC

I don't throw the entire debate off its rails and change the topic on the channel

2018-07-08 22:01:49 UTC

And it is debating,

When you debate, you try to persuade your audience, not the other person,
And nothing makes your side look better, than to get the other side to stumble and quiet down

2018-07-08 22:02:05 UTC

its why SJW's shame and yell

2018-07-08 22:02:12 UTC

"But its a tactic, it throws people off" .... not an argument ๐Ÿ˜‰

2018-07-08 22:02:32 UTC

It doesn't have to be, if it works to get your point across

2018-07-08 22:02:50 UTC

so you dont have to present arguments in a debate?

2018-07-08 22:02:55 UTC

then its not a debate

2018-07-08 22:03:01 UTC

And if you see it in someone and call them on it,

It makes THEM look foolish ๐Ÿ˜‰ which promotes your side

2018-07-08 22:03:15 UTC

so thats still not a debate LOL

2018-07-08 22:03:34 UTC

"It makes THEM look foolish ๐Ÿ˜‰ which promotes your side" ๐Ÿ˜น

2018-07-08 22:04:02 UTC

๐Ÿ‘Œ ๐Ÿธ

2018-07-08 22:04:07 UTC

hey mate, i don't make the rules,

If debating was all about who presents the truest facts, the Right-wing would be ruling the world

2018-07-08 22:04:36 UTC

If you present facts, but are a dick, people will still pick the other side, because they simply don't want to give you the win

2018-07-08 22:04:56 UTC

Debating is as much a game of wits as it is about presenting truth

2018-07-08 22:05:12 UTC

otherwise, all politicians would be scientists

2018-07-08 22:05:47 UTC

sure, im not even gonna pretend that some of those tacitcs cannot work out in my favor too

2018-07-08 22:06:06 UTC

oh they will, plenty of times

2018-07-08 22:06:35 UTC

but still not even going to pretend like im debating with any sort of arguments.... cuz would just be manipulating ppl subtley in that case ๐Ÿ˜‰

2018-07-08 22:06:42 UTC

If you perform such acts poorly, the audience will realise you're talking shit, and they will side with the other side

2018-07-08 22:07:06 UTC

welcome to debating

2018-07-08 22:07:58 UTC

well Mike Cernovich is effective.... but he plays on THAT front of the battleline where it belongs (trolling, etc)

2018-07-08 22:08:45 UTC

Look at Trump for example, his debate points were

"I'm gonna bring back Jobs,
I'm gonna do great,
You're Wrong,
I'm smart,

He still inspired people to vote for him

2018-07-08 22:09:25 UTC

and its not all "They just hated Hillary more"
Cuz Trump also won in the Republican party

2018-07-08 22:10:15 UTC

yeah, doesnt change the whole idea that debates require arguments... otherwise pure manipulative sophistry fluff

2018-07-08 22:10:23 UTC

well i did bring arguments

2018-07-08 22:10:32 UTC

you can't just discount me trolling on the side as me having no argument at all

2018-07-08 22:10:34 UTC

dirtying the waters with trolling too tho

2018-07-08 22:11:17 UTC

never said that... all i said was that i noticed you have a tendency to regress into trolling after your arguments start to fall apart

2018-07-08 22:11:41 UTC

nah, you don't get to decide my arguments fall appart just because you don't agree with them

2018-07-08 22:11:55 UTC

like today, you accused me of trolling right off the bat

2018-07-08 22:12:16 UTC

My argument cant fall appart if my opening statement is "trolling"

2018-07-08 22:12:25 UTC

lol okay ... that is what i have observed ๐Ÿ˜‰

2018-07-08 22:12:42 UTC

then you're wrong

2018-07-08 22:13:17 UTC

mostly referring to actually the "you would force vaccinate other ppl against their will" comment you made earlier is when i realized that you like to regress into trolling

2018-07-08 22:13:37 UTC

so it was fresh on my mind ๐Ÿ˜‰

2018-07-08 22:14:00 UTC

nah i was trolling when i said i'd strap them on the table personally :P

Since i support mandatory vaccines, i do technically wanna force vaccinate people against their will

2018-07-08 22:14:42 UTC

but its been 30 minutes since you said you had to go, shouldn't we shelve this discussion for another time? ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

2018-07-08 22:15:56 UTC

okay... welll..... we have a physical removal plan for ppl who refuse to abide by the new NAP social contract ๐Ÿ˜‰ i guess youre safe since youre on the other side of the planet tho lol

2018-07-08 22:16:22 UTC

until the terrorists get me ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

2018-07-08 22:16:38 UTC

EU loves inviting them over

2018-07-08 22:18:26 UTC

alrighty, dude. well gg heh

2018-07-08 22:18:37 UTC

yeah, good talk ๐Ÿ˜‰ take care

2018-07-09 00:11:39 UTC

#walkaway is fake. Change my mind.

2018-07-09 02:09:07 UTC

Beucase Trump is president?

2018-07-09 02:09:12 UTC


2018-07-09 02:23:41 UTC

So, heres a discussion I had before. Theres the new strain of rice, that can grow anywhere.

2018-07-09 02:24:03 UTC

Even in salt water, should solve food supply shortages in areas closer to the coastal areas.

2018-07-09 02:24:19 UTC

So my family has always been part of the anti GMO group.

2018-07-09 02:24:34 UTC

So they are saying that this is bad news.

2018-07-09 02:25:11 UTC

The only answers I am getting is stuff like "its unnatural" or that its "healthier" than the organic options.

2018-07-09 02:26:14 UTC

Has it been tested/grown?

2018-07-09 02:26:23 UTC


2018-07-09 02:26:49 UTC

But its been decades since GMOs are around, and I still dont think I got a straight answer as to its health effects.

2018-07-09 02:27:14 UTC

And it felt like the anti gmo crowd were the first to cry foul of it.

2018-07-09 02:28:06 UTC

That just speaks uninformed to me.

2018-07-09 02:30:15 UTC

I think being uninform is okay, but the willingness to listen and accept the 'truth' is more important

2018-07-09 02:31:50 UTC

I mean, its a dirty word as of now, but how much of that is from fearmongers, concerned citizens, or from actual results.

2018-07-09 02:31:56 UTC

We've been genetically modifying our food for as long as we've been growing it. Doing it through artificial selection vs more modern means isn't what matters

2018-07-09 02:32:04 UTC

It's the end result that does

2018-07-09 02:32:04 UTC

They say its different

2018-07-09 02:32:16 UTC

And that splicing is bad because its manmade and unnatural.

2018-07-09 02:32:32 UTC

There's nothing really to argue against there.

2018-07-09 02:32:43 UTC

Lots of stuff is unnatural. Doesn't mean it's bad.

2018-07-09 02:33:01 UTC

Now, the legal practices behind GMOs are something to complain about

2018-07-09 02:33:09 UTC

Isn't curare natural?

2018-07-09 02:34:59 UTC

Thats my only issue with it

2018-07-09 02:35:20 UTC

Mosanto's treatment of farmers does not help with the GMO situation

2018-07-09 02:35:52 UTC

There's also the possibility of weaponizing GMO bacteria/parasites

2018-07-09 02:36:27 UTC

I wouldn't go so far as saying that we GMO our food since we've been growing it, rather we selectively breed most of them

2018-07-09 02:43:48 UTC

All that matters is that the food should go to the people who will need it most. Prompt help will be more useful than delayed help.

2018-07-09 02:46:19 UTC

But the problem with GMO is that we are not sure of it's long term effects to the ecology and to the human body

2018-07-09 02:46:41 UTC

SO heres the thing.

2018-07-09 02:46:48 UTC

I think that's reasons for most people to distrust GMO

2018-07-09 02:46:53 UTC

THe people who are starving now. Which will help them live longer.

2018-07-09 02:47:13 UTC

Some food? Or something that keeps them alive longer but will kill them assuming GMOs do that.

2018-07-09 02:47:37 UTC

Its counting on the GMOs keeping them alive long enough for a better alternative to come along.

2018-07-09 02:47:57 UTC

Or else there will be no one to help when that alternative comes about

2018-07-09 02:48:49 UTC

True, I think it's okay to grow it first, based on the benefits that it helps people, until we have a better alternative

2018-07-09 02:49:36 UTC

But I'm worried for the future where we do have a GMO, but it's long term effect might be hard to reverse or even irreversible

2018-07-09 02:53:00 UTC

There are a actually facilities that archive seeds of all kind in preparation for emergencies.

2018-07-09 02:53:03 UTC

The only thing I can see that is ireversible by then, would be reliance on it.

2018-07-09 02:53:37 UTC

Imagine if all GMOs died, youd have alot of people starving if they fall back to previous seed strains.

2018-07-09 02:54:08 UTC

Like currently?

2018-07-09 02:54:16 UTC


2018-07-09 02:54:29 UTC

Exactly, we have plants that end up getting wiped out by disease.

2018-07-09 02:54:36 UTC

Since all of them are the same.

2018-07-09 02:54:53 UTC

Yeah, biodiversity is important here for sure.

2018-07-09 02:54:58 UTC

Thats why I said, overreliance is the issue here.

2018-07-09 02:55:06 UTC

Learn from the Irish

2018-07-09 02:55:09 UTC

We don't want to replace every crop with one super-rice

2018-07-09 02:56:11 UTC

You see people talking about cocoa possibly going extinct... There's probably a lot of money for whoever can figure out a way to make that grow in new environments

2018-07-09 03:01:24 UTC

there is NO consensus about GMO health safety

2018-07-09 03:03:21 UTC

Because they're NOT necessarily safe. You're changing the organism's DNA to make it a new one. So that means you COULD make something poisonous, but that doesn't mean changing corn to have bigger kernels is going to necessarily be unsafe if that's all that is changed.

2018-07-09 03:04:21 UTC

DNA is a highly complex set of code, and sometimes things are linked in ways we previously didn't understand. That means we should be careful moving forward and not put all our eggs in one basket. It doesn't mean avoiding all change.

2018-07-09 03:04:40 UTC

They're changing the genes in the corn to turn the freaking frogs gay!!

2018-07-09 03:05:02 UTC

Isn't kermit gay?

2018-07-09 03:05:48 UTC

Ok, but really on some level he was right. But the chemicals are actually turning frogs trans.

2018-07-09 03:07:36 UTC

ya, its the atrazine and other indocrine disruptors and estrogen mimickers

2018-07-09 03:08:03 UTC

Sargon did a hilarious video on the "Gay Frog Holocaust" or something liek that

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