Message from @Deejay from Earth
Discord ID: 471987189392343050
I've come back to christianity through comparative religious study and direct gnostic experience, I don't really understand writing people off due to some text or preacher, especially in light of the alterations made to the text (looking at you Matthew). I see the only important difference being a personal god vs ideology.
@Sheamus You are right. You have shown me the error of my ways. Please breed with the black christians and expand the english culture. Long life, prosperity and many babies to you sir.
Lol you really think that's going to achieve much? I'm curious what you actually think that will achieve other than really expose your immaturity, what you think it will bring out of me?
@Sheamus No really. You are right. Clearly I am in error and you are correct. You should definitely be blessed with as many caramel christian babies as you can provide for. Children are afterall the future of the english culture. That is afterall the most important thing for the expansion of the English nation. Please let me know if I can help with your nationalist ideals. I think you can do much good for Great Britain and I wholeheartedly support the equality and love you aspire to.
So you are going misrepresent me as Brittish just because I can speak English, in spite of explicitly telling you that i have no Brittish or any European citizenship or passport, or bloodlines? Really, and then the rest of your drivel is to achieve what exactly?
You are clearly trying to insult and hurt my feelings, and the only weakness you know is your own, so you attempt to project your insecurity unto me, but it's your own insecurity, clearly not mine. What do you think you will achieve with this immaturity? Hurt my feelings?
If the shoe fits, I'll wear it. But this is clearly your shoe bud, it clearly fits you. You ain't going to win any wars with insults, Hitler liked to insult too, and he didn't win either, dunno what makes you think following a loser is any good, it's evident that God was not on his side, but you can continue to live out the delusion he did.
Good night
@Sheamus But I agree with you dude. I was wrong!
Christians unite!
@$P!KY\/!k!NG @Sheamus Friends? It's ok to disagree.
@KoninginTanja No ofcourse not. I don't mix with racemixers, but since he isn't one of mine I will gladly support his efforts in expanding his english/south african nation/culture or whatever he defines it as. 😬 I just won't destroy my own nation.
@$P!KY\/!k!NG I didn't read through it all, so I'll stop butting in.
@KoninginTanja interesting read I reckon. Controversial. Make up your own mind I guess.
@KoninginTanja yes no problem with disagreement, it's part of the discourse/logos that is Christ. the principle of divine reason and creative order. Embrace it, read it, and judge righteous judgement.
Take a moment to reflect on the persecution of Christ for being "politically incorrect" according the politics of the pharisees and scribes, who reason as this character reasons with his preferred politics. The truth is laid bare before you, Christians will always be persecuted like this when confronting such lies.
I'm out now, really need the sleep. Cheers
night dude
@Malcolm the Seceder did you have a look at Justin Peters?
@KoninginTanja Yeah just watched it now. Excellent video! Prosperity "Gospel" is just plain satanic.
The Tao Te Ching - A modern interpretation of Lao Tzu perpetrated by Ron Hogan
@Malcolm the Seceder yeah that false gospel is straight from the pits of hell
Ditsem! @TruthCanary, you just advanced to level 3!
Why are some cultures better than other ones? @Willem Petzer @TruthCanary
"Christianity has profoundly changed the societies to which it has come, their institutions, beliefs, and cultures. What has emerged can only be described as a new civilization."
Hoekom het daar soveel jong mense die gereformeerde kerk verlaat?
Why did so many young people leave the reformed church?
@Willem Petzer
@Daniel van Straaten Want ons het self die bybel begin lees en agter gekom die kerk preek antichris.
@TruthCanary I think @Willem Petzer would not approve this video, a professing Calvinist.
@Daniel van Straaten "Once saved always saved" is a distortion of the perseverance of the saints doctrine. It tends to emphasise a lack of perseverance on behalf of the believer. Whereas the correct Calvinist doctrine emphasises the need for the believer to be working out his own salvation with fear and trembling and to be endeavouring to live after holiness every day of his walk here on earth @TruthCanary
@Daniel van Straaten Willem is entitled to his beliefs, and if he disagrees with the above sermon, he is free to point out scripturally where he thinks Pastor Joe Schimmel is wrong.
Isn't this emphasis on the importance of high IQ and boasting in ones ethnicity carnally mindedness? I'd rather be holy than intelligent or Afrikaans. @Malcolm the Seceder
Who's emphasis?
I think the whole high/low IQ thing is to point out that there are these differences between the races and to ignore these indeed to act as if they don't exist is detrimental to all involved
And to remind people what we're actually dealing with with black Africans
But you are right that godliness is absolutely paramount and at the end of the day it's one's relationship with Christ that matters
Isn't it unproductive generalizing about IQ when talking about ethnic groups in the context of political discussions? What's the end game here? I suppose some could interpret you proposing that European's are smarter and therefore should be in government. How's that suppose to help us in this situation?
Well I think the differences are real and it affects things like affirmative action policies
I think in the SA context the point is that it's the whites' country
Ernst Roets seems to want to avoid IQ in political discussions. See his interview with Willem. @Willem Petzer I am trying to understand your reasoning behind your use of IQ.
Ernst is right to do that. Too much of a hot potato. Would just be a distraction from what he's trying to do