Message from @Asgardian117
Discord ID: 281238485841477634
wrong chat
@c6%G they'll be another TRStlmania brah
Yeah, but it will probably be main stream next year. We all missedout on the chance to be edgy and hip
@everyone anyone wanna chat?
I'll be home in a bit @Asgardian117 I'll jump in the chat
Good right?
OK, help me understand fam. Why is Flynn out? What exactly did he do or not do
He did nothing wrong, deep state soft coup in real time. If anything he helped to ease tensions with russian despite the sanctions from Obama.
I've heard they are going after Stephen Miller next. Trump cannot capitulate on this.
They want his inner circle gone so they can impeach him, install pence and have their war with Russia
but Miller has that chutzpah I'd love to see his coethnics in the media try him
@everyone i'm up in dis voice channoo if yall wanna come thru n chill son
@Asgardian117 git back in son
I gotta go to sleep lol
what's your skype arminius?
I can ask a goy to get in touch with you
"I didn't know how many they were gonna need, but I knew how many they were gonna use." -Johnny Monoxide as he gets thrown out of a bar
i love that boy
johnny doxxed
johnnys beard is intimidating af i wouldnt fux with him
god I wish I could buy some masks for hotline miami larping
@Freelance Autist we should fight over who is and isnt white and ruin this server too
(jk pls no ban)
delete your account