Message from @joe broebbels
Discord ID: 334774359480729600
DC is a different ballgame. The police know how to handle protests. C-Ville isn't as experienced and might get mixed orders from the cuck mayor and Bellamy
Well there were plenty of state police and they don't take orders from them thank god.
The Friday action will be after 9pm
Everyone is crying about the brutality 😂
ok if it's after 9pm we should make it
@MadDimension Nice, late Friday night works.
Also, we drive like dicks here in Illinois, consistently above the speed limit. How should I drive down South?
People in MD drive like retards... so just don't drive like a retard
@AltRightMick go the speed limit. Southern cops need the ticket money
I figured. Get a rental car with a Southern state license plate too?
Especially if they know you're from out of town...
So yeah, may be a good idea
hopefully the police will be this strict with this protest
and hopefully articles like this will deter other protesters
@WASP-VA The Mayor isn't a cuck he's a Jew.
A Jew would only be a cuck if he was actually supporting open borders for Israel and Jewish ethnic displacement.
Duly noted
Keep an eye out for [REDACTED], got it.
@AltRightMick Drive no more than 5 over the speed limit on rural VA highways.
Oh nice, we'll know who to look for and not allow into the protest
Nice, i'll be sure to wear a fat swastika on my shirt.
[REDACTED] is going to break the nap?
Him being at our rally is a gross violation
This tranny is freaking out today! Shitlibs are scared as fuck of our rally
This is what energizes me into going:
If we were allowed to brawl 700 on 1000. I would place bets and lay odds
That would be fun.
I would gladly bet on 300 vs 1000
Those trannys and Lenny's wouldn't stand a chance
Yeah I'm confident we'd come out on top of that
3:10 is a bit rough though lol
Bring shields
Kevlar plate them
Shields are good
You heard the man, everyone bring a shield... I guess smith and Wesson is the official firearm of the alt right now