Message from @HouseboatMedic
Discord ID: 341444733068902401
Fake beards illegal?
Asking for a friend
> Not having a real beard
I'm coming in juggalo makeup
Who's gonna be cosplaying gimp marx?
I'm coming dressed as Stalin.
>low IQ non-whites
Redundancy wha?
^Might apply if they spray us with our torches.
Got my tiki
I recommend CryptoCat for this.
We were talking about bringing the outer circle/general public people to show up early since Antifa is going to be out by 9am
We have the park secured by our inner circle and the police at this point. Right now we're just tlaking about the composition of the crowd in the streets
I'm going to speak to the police about it tomorrow and see what they think the safest route is
"Wes Bellamy is a Nigger"
Trickle up nigocracy
If we go this route of showing up early to preemptively thwart their preemptive strike, I can easily see things getting messy from there. I think we should let the police do their job. They know the Antifa plan as well as we do and will almost certainly have a plan to prevent it from being successful.
Most of our guys are used to waking up around the anyway, and God knows they won't be able to assemble any meaningful resistance at 6 or 7 in the morning
Welfare pocs and college trannies never see the sun come up
There is a solid system in place for securely transporting attendees into the park. If we stick with that plan, I think we will avoid a lot of unnecessary bloodshed.
Or maybe it is necessary. I'm just saying that the plan that we already have in place is a really good one. @everyone support our people and our artists!
^that album @here
If you don't buy that shit you're not even white imo
Why ping me over that
@Skrrt you don't want to support your people..?
It's 1:30 I want to sleep with my white wife
@Skrrt do that, sleep to the sweet sounds of Byron
right-wing friendship squad
What can be done with this fucking nigger? Smh
*the deep rumble of a woodchipper echoes in the distance*