Some Guy
Discord ID: 193883060431880202
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Hello, world
Thanks fam
Wait, we have other Auburn Goys?
Shiiiet nice
It's a tacit admission that Hollywood and the Jew York Times are run by Jews
I can confirm everything Lucilimar said about the Florida pool party except for the IE shenanigans.
What about this flag? ๐ฎ๐ฑ
pls no bully
But I thought that Pedophilia was ok. Salon said so!
Confirmed + 1
purging ~~voters~~ illegals
Nah. It's during the day so no torches are necessary
@MadDimension do we have a standardized torch to use?
Dindus don't understand that
Got vote #2
I sell stun guns, tasers, pepper spray, batons, and other self-defense stuff at Use the coupon code **UNITETHERIGHT2017** at checkout and get **14.88%** off! Free shipping on orders of $35 or more.
*Please help support fascist small businesses.*
Not that I think any of us are felons, but:
It is **illegal** for felons in Virginia to concealed carry stun guns **except** within their own homes or after having their rights restored by a judge.
Please add me as anticom too <@&321389548984729600>
But seriously, don't wear masks. You're big guys.
inb4 "You have to vote for the first transexual politician! Not doing so is transphobic!"
Holy shit this nigga is woke:
Wait until ~30 seconds in when the HOTEP goes ham
At the very end - "Hitler told the truth"
@Azzmador YR3 is the new meme?
Holy shit, he actually has the meme Trump Pence button
@The Inquisitor [โง] The "T" is fucking the "P". At least that's what I interpreted it as. Don't know how that got past PR.
Ayo fam. Welcome
Thots be gone
I don't think Spencer suppresses us. He doesn't even countersignal us.
He's a SWPL nationalist and a stepping stone to the more hardcore groups like VanAm
@The Inquisitor [โง] I am going need more context, not just a 9 second snippet.
I agree he doesn't go far enough, but he's still a decent ally. He brings people to our side and that's great.
Moreover, a near-natsoc (Caerulus Rex) runs Spencer's PSD for events. So, I'm not sure where this anti-Natsoc nonsense comes from.
>preppy skinheads
We frat boy fascism now!
Flaming fag spray when?
"Wes Bellamy is a Nigger"
@Real Human Being the case is actually Padgett vs Auburn University. IIRC they settled out of court too.
And yes. No masks = antifa aren't big guys
Welcome, Florida fam!
WTF, I love Jews now!
<@&321389309162815488> (not exactly a question, but a comment)
I have no idea if anybody else has brought this up, but AirBnB denying us service for a pro-White rally is analogous to businesses not being open during Black Bike Week in Myrtle Beach.
"1/5 stars. After my I finished my meal and ordered dessert, the waiter shoved a dragon dildo in my face." @Kevin FL
Here is a map of the barricades for tomorrow that I made.
Vehicle Barricade = People can walk past
Oathkeepers? Cucks!
>Zimmerman Did Nothing Wrong
I can print out 100 copies of the lyrics of our version of *Dixie* if the lyrics are posted in here before midnight tonight
Currently en route to C'Ville
Probably not from me, but we'll see
I know a few groups are doing live streams though
e.g. @Azzmador will be doing a ๐ฅ livestream
Fug. This is going to be big
How about the people in South Florida just go?
I had a lot of fun tonight. Can't wait for the big event tomorrow.
Wes Bell-a-my
Is a chimpanzee!
We should go for a *code red* scenario tonight for a rally
We have to leave City limits now
Let's come back tonight and run a *code red* style demonstration
Yes, I'm currently leaving and heading to my hotel
<@&314230207307579402> let's go back tonight and demonstrate. We should practice civil disobedience if necessary
If you come across a Troy Richards, then please contact me
We are going to come down so fucking hard on the City of Charlottesville and the State of Virginia for infringing our civil Rights
And we're going to get so fucking rich from this that it's not even funny
I have no connections with him
Check out @TheMadDimension's Tweet:
Do we need to go assemble an extraction team?
People are stuck in Lee park and can't get out because they're surrounded by Antifa. Anyone interested in creating an extraction team?
I need a point of contact for the stuck probe
Please DM Me or post in chat
**I need a point of contact.** Please get me one <@&321389548984729600> please signal boost this
@Tyrone you're referring to Kurt - VA, right?
The Lee park folks have been evacuated safely
The Lee park folks have been evacuated safely
This is fucking rich
**Signal boost this shit!**
@here What do you boys think of scheduling a demonstration tonight on the Virginia Capital steps?
Would be a great demonstration
<@&314230207307579402> could we organize a demonstration in Richmond for tonight? It would show a strong message
@Andrew-- he may have been arrested and released because he acted in self defense
The Ohio tag matches his Michigan address
He also appears to have a rich Daddy so he could have quickly been bailed out
His dad is VP of business development at a large Detroit area corporation
I can't really do much research because I'm mobile, but I'm sure another autist can corroborate this
<@301398207781666816> Fake news, that doesn't prove his innocence please spread this
What is it?
Let's hope they do so we can fuck them up
Fuck. Is this true?
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