Message from @Kooijpolloi
Discord ID: 589365656613552149
😂 I thought I was going nuts for a minute. Since I was staring at my reference images when you said it folds the other way
Yah no im not on the ball lately 😂
No worries man 😉
just have to find some cool things to scan for the mod 😉
That's super cool
i turned it to match the photo to see if it looks real enough. still don't know how this type of content can be used in game (just props or kit...)
There has been some scanning that has been used at least I remember it being talked about on the modding discord. All scanned stuff has to be cleaned up though as the geometry is never perfect
i must still put it through the Blender lol, but will have to download it first (have not really played with blender so should be fun)
crop out every thing that is not boot, fix some bad spots (then it should be good as a prop) but t use it on a players feet :p
Would need to be merged to the player's legs.
@Springbok Any modeling progress?
@PetraCephas Not this week, been a real kak week. But will try to sneak in some in the next few days.
Tried to make some progress on the Eland earlier this week but got nowhere. It's weird how some days you can sit modeling for hours and make significant progress then some you make bugger all 😬 such is life as a 3D modeler I guess.
I dont see R1 SLRs anywhere <:RhodesiaFlagicon:555822462907056139> <:SouthAfricaFlagicon:555822280479866890> 😣
cause its already in
Handguard in Squad looks different though
Wooden stock, flat Polymer handguard
R1 isnt SLR
We were smart enough to keep the full auto
But will you be changing the handguard?
@Deleted User yes handguard will be changed to match the R1 as it was in SADF service.
Thanks alot man, I was unsure to the point of where I wanted to redl Blender and actually edit the FALs model to make it look like the one that we used XD
Got more pics, but I don't know if they are useful. It's something I found in Mozambique, but still looking for better wrecks.
@66Lost99 nice find man! Hows your stay in Moz so far? Those are BTR-152 wrecks. These were used by the Angolans too, early on in the Border War before being supplied with the BTR-60
Hot as hell, but I am cool with that. Two weeks later...
Is the country as big of a shithole as it seems
... And the machine is still on the trucks
We are in Tete , close to Moatize. So it's quite rural. (that red line is how we will be moving through Malawi al the way to the coast)
Long drive, how long you planning to stay?
Just under 1000km, will be here till the end of the year, the we will see what happens after that
Ah alright, so I suppose we won't see you on SQUAD for awhile?
Yip, I would think so, still want to test the lte signal and laptop. (if the game is up to date, I should try before helli update)
Posting this here just for reference later