Message from @NuclearReactionary
Discord ID: 416339552500842506
What is the FFL? @BigBadSaxon - ID
French Foreign Legion
Just got the best parking spot at the gym I've ever had
We're all gonna make it lads
Took a rest day after skipping the last 12. Weights moving amazing rn lads
Mirin rest day
By rest I guess only lifted once yesterday in the am lol. Also @Nick-NJ I made sure to fix my softish knees today with 430 dl triples and no issues. Thanks for the heads up tho
Good stuff m8
You compete right Nick?
Finally starting to figure out the snatch. That lift has been giving me trouble for weeks
It's taking forever to get it to "click"
I’m having trouble getting gains. How much should I be hoping for in a month? I seem to be stuck at 150 lbs no matter what I do
Nuclear, I’m kinda stuck between 160-165 and I’m 5’7. Just get strong as fuck then go into bodybuilding training and force feeds yourself
@NuclearReactionary gib more info. How much do you weigh? How much are you lifting? What program are you following if any
You gotta eat big.
If you aren't putting on ANY weight, you are not eating enough. It's that simple
If you are 150 and fat, that's a different situation.
Not fat, just not really gaining weight.
@Nick-NJ I weigh 153 right now. I’m not following a program. I just have a set of adjustable dumbbells and a bench right now. I lift 3 times a week, rotating between muscle groups.
@NuclearReactionary Start recording your daily calories and weigh yourself to find your basline, then add approx. 300 calorie surplus to gain weight. If you are eating a caloric surplus you will gain weight. Track in an app like fitday. You also need to be following a program and recording your sets/weight so you can see that your progressing.
If you arent tracking your weight numbers and calorie numbers so you can adjust them and doing it by "feel" you likely wont make the progress you want.
@NuclearReactionary For reference, I'm a naturally slender guy too.
I gained 20 solid lbs after following the Starting Strength program.
Like @Brandon Ironside- ND said, you need a REAL program, one you can keep track of, and chart your improvements, and you need to eat more than you presently do.
Ok. I am keeping track of my weight numbers, but I will look into a program.
I will also look into tracking my caloric intake.
@NuclearReactionary This is the program I used/still use
I don’t have a barbell 😩
Gyms do. ;)
I got 2 barbells and freeweights from Craigslist, for alot less than you'd expect.
Maybe I’ll get a barbell this summer, but for now I have to make do with what I got.
called a gym membership, nibba
Mark Rippetoe is the shit
And also funny as hell
Ok, dumb question. Is there a right time of day to weigh yourself or does it only matter that you do the same time every day?
Best time is probably right when you wake up
But mostly it's about doing it same time every day
Some people say once a week, in the morning
Weighing everyday is not only not a good gauge (weight naturally fluctuates from day to day which is not a reflection of your long-term progress) but is also a recipe for an unhealthy obsession with your weight, if you are prone to such things as body dysmorphia.