Message from @Myndrian
Discord ID: 528694562856763442
So far it’s talking about . . . . even if we are separated for 3,000 years from other populations sometimes the selective pressure can be 100x stronger so effectively it can be 300,000 years of evolution compared to other rates of change.
@Myndrian sounds interesting. I'll have to add that to my list. Have you checked out the revolutionary phenotype from JFG?
@AidanGillen What app is that?
@AidanGillen I saw him announce it and have been following JFG. Is it good? I haven’t bought it yet
@AidanGillen apparently it’s pretty bold right. A solid theory of the origins of life etc
@Hakujin - CA its goodreads dot com
@Myndrian so far I've only read the first chapter but I'm very compelled by the premise. And I bought some as gifts to support /ourfrenchman/ lol its shorter than I would have thought at like 150pages but its denser than most popsci books
The idea of RNA being hijacked by DNA is such a premise on it's own that deserves some sort of award.
@AidanGillen I’ll have to definitely pick it up soon, JFG is awesome
So that’s the theory right? The first origin of life was RNA?
Or some primitive form. I watched him explain it but it went over my head
Well the book is more focused on replicator self interest rather than all cells as self interest. I'd also watch his debate with Vegangains(iirc) about vegetarianism. It's actually a good primer to his way of thinking
Ya I love JFG cause he really is a scientist
He bases his thinking primarily off biological sciences and gives it a lot of rigor
I saw him critique the hell out of Richard Dawkin’s talk with Bret Weinstein
I really want to get the Evolution channel popping with more discussion
I'll have to find that Dawkins talk. Sounds interesting
@Myndrian check out some of the papers posted in <#393251982258995201>
All set! Welcome to the ILC server! Let me know if you have any questions!
Just saw the announcement. That's amazing. I'll be sure to schedule an off day at work to attend.
It's a Sunday, so hopefully you don't usually work those days anyway.
You guys are all set!
@Volkmom @Deleted User @Nicolas Meski
When amazon finally realizes what you’re really interested in lol
They are on to you
@Johnny B. Populus verified
Hello all, glad to be here.
good, just eatin' lunch
@Mick nice quote! what's the book?