Message from @Ryan -NJ

Discord ID: 537464382171381760

2019-01-22 22:04:02 UTC  

2019-01-22 22:04:12 UTC  


2019-01-22 22:05:53 UTC  

Ultimately, you want to push the window right, slowly, like you would with anyone else. Don't tell her you're in IE right away because she might look it up and get the wrong impression. Teach her about what the left does to white people who stand up for their rights. Tell her about the people you know who were unfairly doxed, and how it affected their families. Explain that's why you don't have social media, and why she needs to be cautious with hers. Don't be a sperg who rants about jews for two hours and then expect her to be on your level. Talk about any relevant news stories that come up, when they come up. This stuff takes time. Little bits of exposure here and there, and eventually she'll show you that she understands. It shouldn't really be your main priority. If she understands why IE is needed, and how the media slanders any pro white organization, it will make it easier to tell her. When she sees that the group is a positive influence on your life and everyone involved are good people that will help as well.

It's not important to find a girl with perfectly aligning political views. I would never quiz a girl on the subject before we started dating. If she's from a good family, with a strong father, and demonstrates a maternal instinct, she's more than likely a good candidate. If you're older you can also look into her past relationships. If she has a history dating low quality guys, she's not a good choice, and vice versa. You won't know until you spend time with her because (don't ban me for this) women are good at presenting themselves differently than they actually are. Ultimately, a good girlfriend will follow your lead, and trust your judgement, while throwing a few tests your way to make sure you're capable of leading.

2019-01-22 22:07:03 UTC  

Or just don't tell her about IE at all.

2019-01-22 22:09:34 UTC  

Also add... women skew right as they age and have families (as do young men). This is particularly the case with white women. Shape the Overton Window in your house be being the ideal representation of our higher goals and ideals. Lead by example and the family follows.

2019-01-23 01:46:16 UTC  

@Ryan -NJ @TV I think that just finding a woman from a healthy family with a strong dominant father to be a challenge in and of itself for most men. I find it immensely hard simply keeping my mouth shut day in and day out in public/work, I have trouble fathoming doing so in my own home. So like in public and she's telling your friends or hers about her love of feminism or equality you just keep quiet? Also what if she is not changing her mind? Is there a point where you bail? Or do you marry anyway and just trust in your leadership to overwhelm her? Go ahead get her pregnant, maybe put a ring on it too, hope for the best?

2019-01-23 01:52:48 UTC  

@Jonaltright I agree that it’s harder and harder for young men to find decent women, but they do exist. Finding a suitable mate comes by being the thing that she doesn’t have and can’t get in the current beta feminist cuck world. Real men are better than fake men any day. The foundational premise is historical and scientific, not merely culturally relative. Young women are told who they should like, but biological evolutionary drive make YOU and other strong men the person she’s actually attracted to.

2019-01-23 01:56:27 UTC  

Draw clear lines at acceptable and unacceptable behavior and etiquette in a potential mate. As long as you aren’t asking someone to be something that you aren’t, you are in the clear. All in all, it’s not about overwhelming someone or being manipulative. It’s about being the best man you can be and challenging her to follow. This isn’t a short game. This is a long play. It may or may not work with a particular lady in a particular context, but it will work. History tells the story.

2019-01-23 01:59:53 UTC  

As far as when to speak about politics... that’s about using wisdom and tact. Stick to issues relevant to her and speak truth to her life. Issues of morality and familial ties are issues that young ladies resonate with. Do more listening than talking. Speak to her heart in teachable moments that matter.

2019-01-23 02:27:52 UTC  

"I won't date a woman who isn't already at least a trump supporter, or who at least just doesn't care in general"

To be honest, I would rather be with an apolitical woman than a civnat

2019-01-23 02:28:07 UTC  

Some civnats are really deep into the "skin color doesn't matter" stuff, but apolitical people can really go either way

2019-01-23 02:28:17 UTC  

Though I'm not really qualified to give dating advice lol

2019-01-23 02:31:34 UTC  

@Ryan -NJ so you were explicitly identitarian, found a left of center or moderate woman, and walked her to our camp? How long did this take you?

2019-01-23 02:44:18 UTC  

In the process you were able to keep her into you while stifiling your true thoughts and feelings in intimate settings? See, for me, all I really have is what I believe, it is my hobby and my passion. I don't even know what I'd talk about without it being informed by or drawing from my beliefs. How I comment on a national news story. How I interpret or judge a film. How I decide what to do with my time. Financially I am largely locked out economically, and can only pull from the bottom of the barrel, on average.

2019-01-23 02:49:00 UTC  

I've had the same problem to some extent, but it's definitely not healthy and something that should be worked on

2019-01-23 02:49:28 UTC  

I kinda try to force myself to have friends outside my political community

2019-01-23 02:49:44 UTC  

But everything your saying I think applies if you've got the resources, familial connections, and so on to trust that in time she comes around. Gotta be a pretty powerful guy to do so I think.

2019-01-23 02:49:55 UTC  

Just do *something* outside of politics

2019-01-23 02:50:20 UTC  

work out, do keto, learn a language, etc

2019-01-23 02:50:40 UTC  

*something* that you can focus your mind on so it's not constantly "this is why diversity sucks"

2019-01-23 02:51:34 UTC  

I’m reading books to the fam. I’ll get back to you guys ASAP.

2019-01-23 02:52:20 UTC  

I do those things. But all of them I do in order to have a family and advance my race. It is my religion, I don't believe in God or anything like that.

2019-01-23 03:06:28 UTC  

This stuff really belongs in <#436337973001322508> . <#436337800405581824> is for engaged and married people

2019-01-23 03:07:03 UTC  

not a big deal, maybe I'll merge some of the channels since it's confusing

2019-01-23 03:29:59 UTC  

@Jonaltright Both my wife and I came from center right families. NYC type Republicans. I’ve always been pro white and conservative. Both of us have been involved in right leaning churches and social circles for most of our adult lives. She has remained socially center right. I’ve remained right / dissident right. She cares about politics where rubber meets the road. In matters of familial importance, schooling, taxation, and freedom of religion. We’ve been together 15+ years. She knows me. I don’t need to preach idenitarian beliefs because I run a campaign of attraction and not promotion. I feel that this method of social capital influence is the best take when we want to enact real change within our small sphere of influence.

2019-01-23 03:35:23 UTC  

@Jonaltright @Jacob Some of the issues you present surround presenting yourself, your ideas, and attracting a mate. I suggest reading something by Roosh V. Start with Game. NOTE: I am NOT promoting pickup culture and degenerate behavior. I suggest reading this book because it’ll give you a framework of alpha mannerisms by which to help you step up your stature. The outline of personal and cosmetic betterment can bring you up multiple notches in the food chain.

2019-01-23 03:36:36 UTC  

what is this in response to?

2019-01-23 03:38:58 UTC  

I’m adding to what you mentioned earlier Having the issue with knowing how or when to talk to a woman and about what things.

2019-01-23 04:01:52 UTC  

ah okay makes sense

2019-01-23 04:14:33 UTC  

I think Roosh is trying to reform to a degree now. His past was so seedy

2019-01-23 04:15:52 UTC  

@VinceChaos Yeah. I don’t support any of that element, but his chad 101 stuff is an excellent tool for young men who need it.

2019-01-23 04:16:50 UTC  

I watched his stream a couple weeks ago I might look into that thanks

2019-01-23 12:53:47 UTC  

@Ryan -NJ love Rooshs work, also Chateau Heartiste, etc. Came through that scene as early as 2012 when I was in college. Improved my interactions with women immensely. A man can, to a great degree, improve his interactions/relationships with women by adopting more alpha behavior. There are limits to this though. Looks matter. A man with the best game and best looks al.ways beats the man with the same game but no looks/muscles/height. The same is true for wealth. Bottom line is that for those of us who are suffering significantly in one of these areas, their are very few opportunities where a woman is BOTH moderately right wing and at the same time willing to consider us as a marriage partner. It is of course not impossible, but for many men they are effectively locked out. For those who successfully land such a woman have to consider luck as a very real ingredient in how they ended up where they did. For the rest of the men, key laws will simply have to change. The culture will need to change. Sadly, this likely will not happen anytime soon. Myself I consider myself extremely lucky to be in the current relationship I'm in, despite it not at all being ideal, she makes much more money than me and I hold no power in that aspect of the relationship.

2019-01-23 14:17:09 UTC  

@Jonaltright Very well. How long of you been in the relationship? The main issue seems to be that you can’t discuss your passion of politics with her. Is that the case? Have you been trying? Does she have a lukewarm response or she respond receptive to the idea of discussing politics?

2019-01-24 05:56:41 UTC  

@Ryan -NJ already was red pilled, just not on Jews and women's lib. The woman's lib stuff was hard and their were several nasty fights before she came around. The reason she is red pilled is due to her age mostly. I think that she was turned on initially by my doxxing when she did a back ground check on me, like it had a bad boy appeal to her. I am extremely relaxed around her and can speak my mind and not feel like I'm hiding who I am from her. When it comes to game, my politics as a lifestyle is who I am. I wouldn't have much to say, either serious or in trivial matters, that doesn't come from my politics. How I perceive a film, decide what to for fun, explain my source of motivation to get up in the morning- it all revolves around politics. With her, it actually drew her to me. I can't imagine converting one of the many women I've dated since college in the past to me, with these ideas in my head. It's a curse, that's cost me much in terms of career chances, but for her it gave me a narrative at least she likes

2019-01-24 05:57:17 UTC  
2019-01-24 15:27:33 UTC  

@Jonaltright She’s of the idenitarian mindset?

2019-01-24 17:00:29 UTC  

My girlfriend and her brother are home schooled Australians who have never had Facebook before. As a matter of fact they have very little experience with the internet in general. After I visited just recently they both made Facebook pages. I did not encourage them to do so. As a matter of fact I initially told them that they shouldn't, but my girlfriend, in particular, wanted to make one so we could communicate better while we're apart. We settled on me helping them with their security settings and me giving them advice on what to do. I have a Facebook page but it's extremely carefully curated. I deleted my old profile from 2007 and made a new one last year because people and employers think you're weird if you don't have one but I wanted to eliminate some of the political stuff that I said in the past.

Do you guys think that I should try harder to make them get off Facebook or am I worrying too much? I know that they are both adults but I still feel bad for introducing them to it. So far they both only have 3 or 4 friends and I was extremely explicit on telling them not to add anyone who they haven't met in person.

2019-01-24 18:37:18 UTC  

@Ryan -NJ yes. I pushed her the rest of the way though. So I take credit on that. Gender was the tough one though

2019-01-25 03:54:33 UTC  

@Der Seeteufel - SD I think that like anything all you can do is offer advice and that's it, besides the occasional reminder for things that you feel very strongly about. They should be ok if they keep a close circle of friends.