Message from @Jonaltright

Discord ID: 513003173905039362

2018-11-16 14:12:09 UTC  

@TV It's whip topping on the sundae I guess? I want her to understand exactly what men and women are. Men are the place that power comes from, women wish to submit to this. She needs to understand her own nature fully in order to understand her future daughter and son's. Our relationship is very unorthodox and like I said we both expect that I will move onto another woman in the future. I will have very little power over any issues that we truly disagree on. She is in the supernova stage, the strong desire to have a child., unlike her ex wants a man who wants to be involved with the children. I agreed to that provided that she understands that I must be able to have authority over the child, as that is really what makes fathers want to be around in the first place.

2018-11-16 14:14:18 UTC  

I am effectively courting someone I'd never have a chance with if she were my age, sexual market value would be way to high, she denies this of course. Only reason she accepts me over a older more established man is that I am young and will give her a better shot at viable offspring

2018-11-16 14:15:00 UTC  

We love one another now, but know the age difference is too vast to last forever, and I can only get one kid from her,

2018-11-16 14:18:12 UTC  

@NateDahl76 yeah good idea. I didn't mean anything that outlandish, it's more just a mindset that actions mean a lot more than words.

2018-11-16 14:22:56 UTC  

hol up

2018-11-16 14:23:09 UTC  

I think the more interesting question is how did you end up with a 44 year old at 27

2018-11-16 14:23:33 UTC  

I mean I'm not trying to judge you I'm just interested. If it's personal and you don't want to explain it's fine

2018-11-16 14:29:03 UTC  

I am very alpha, but have very little economic power, owing to a head concussion that resulted in narcolepsy, on top of being doxxed with a very recognizable name in Charlottesville. I can pretty much land an 7-9 woman every other time I go to a bar, and have done that since I was 21. But it's not a fulfilling life. I want a family, or at least children. Problem is I have nothing to offer financially. I'd give anything for a good job, but I am just plain not really good at anything. I planned to be a cop, I even have a criminal justice degree. So my girl was at a bar a year after her divorce, I guess he had a drug issue and wasn't showing any interest in his kids, so she split. I hope that is the real reason, don't have any reason to see it otherwise. But she loves how I interact with her kids, and loves me for my paternal ideas, but just has a small amount of disagreement on the real hardcore stuff

2018-11-16 14:31:50 UTC  

*Not that she expects me to father her boys, but I will be around them as long as her and I have a kid, so I do my best to give them the redpill, and she and I agree that their eyes really do light up when I'm "Telling to em' like a man".

2018-11-16 14:32:12 UTC  

huh, I guess that makes sense

2018-11-16 14:32:28 UTC  


2018-11-16 14:34:16 UTC  

All I can say is a "small amount of disagreement" doesn't seem like a cause for concern.

2018-11-16 14:34:20 UTC  

Be aware that at 44 pregnancy risks exist.

2018-11-16 14:34:50 UTC  

Probably offsets the purported "good genes."

2018-11-16 14:35:33 UTC  

@Wood-Ape - OK/MN it does, but is still a very remote possibility, even so. She also has no problem with having it aborted if it has anything screenable.

2018-11-16 14:36:37 UTC  

Why not focus on getting a girl your age or younger? At 27 you're not even at your prime yet. The financial thing seems like an excuse.

2018-11-16 14:40:27 UTC  

But all the more so. I'm getting the arguments out of the way early. She has a much higher IQ than me, though she denies it. @TV I'd love one. But I really have very limited earning potential, and they absolutely shy away once they realize this. I don't blame them. Physically I am in my prime, it's all decline after 26. What you mean is earning prime, of which I have absolutely no sign of an upward trend in that direction. Further, it is my intention to be with another woman, and we both agree that there really isn't another way.

2018-11-16 14:44:03 UTC  

i have height, good looks, and just a natural alpha vibe/mindset. This works for getting laid, not for holding down a woman. Also younger woman are even more at odds with my ideas, and less easily reasoned with about any kind of disagreement, let alone the nature of the sexes and white civilization. I don't know how one removes their ideas and involvement with IE from their spouse. I am proud, and no female is going to take that away from ne

2018-11-16 14:44:06 UTC  


2018-11-16 14:44:58 UTC  

*Proud of my ideas and involvement in IE, and no woman is going to take that away from me.

2018-11-16 14:51:27 UTC  

* so yes their are younger woman that I could have pursued a kid with despite my financial status, but are not down with my thinking at all. And women that were on board, but once they saw I couldn't provide to a great extent, they shied away.

2018-11-16 14:53:44 UTC  

*also their have been women below my league that I'd sleep with, but am not going to reproduce and have a child that isn't going to be high quality. The future will be harsh, and many of us, including our offspring- will not be making it.

2018-11-16 14:57:29 UTC  

They see it in my apartment and where it is located. The clothes I wear. The car I drive. The lifestyle I live. The way I refrain from vacations, or expensive hobbies like skiing or boating. My other friends do these things. I cannot. I don't have women looking at over my financial spreadsheets of course. It is a fact women find men who show signs of wealth to be more attractive.

2018-11-16 14:59:56 UTC  

Women want men who have power. A good looking man is a man who looks like he has power. Wealth is a type of power. Wisdom and knowledge are a type of power (women can't always see wisdom as such however).

2018-11-16 15:08:09 UTC  

Frame is also important. I'm sure you understand that. It's how you present yourself. Hide the bad and showcase the good and by the time you show some of the negatives she'll be too in love with you to care. That doesn't always happen obviously. Some girls won't even speak to you without seeing the emblem on your keychain first, but that's some other guys probelm, not yours.

2018-11-16 15:52:11 UTC  

@Jonaltright have you ever looked into donating sperm or co-parenting?

2018-11-16 16:07:11 UTC  

Yeah I was thinking the same thing. @missliterallywho seems like it would be better to raise a child in a traditional setting, especially considering how much he cares about the child's success.

2018-11-16 16:08:02 UTC  

@missliterallywho consider posting that second to last thing you said in general as well as here, as the topic of doxing just came up

2018-11-16 23:25:30 UTC  

>I really have very limited earning potential, and they absolutely shy away once they realize this. I don't blame them.

This reeks of low self-esteem.

2018-11-16 23:25:42 UTC  

The problem is not the income.

2018-11-16 23:27:04 UTC  

It is certainly not decline after 26 at all.

2018-11-16 23:28:00 UTC  

Men who take care of their health get more attractive into their 40s and 50s

2018-11-16 23:28:52 UTC  

@TV I also am not willing to have a kid because I simply can't afford one. With her I will not need to pay child support. As in, if the girls don't see i have an issue, I do! I would be willing to have a child with a girl if one of the higher value one's that I have dated in the past would have been willing but...obviously those were the females that once they realized my situation they became uninterested. I could therefore "marry down", but I refuse to do so. I won't have a kid that doesn't have good genes, at least I will always try to have the best I can. With this woman, I get the shot at the best potential genes, and the only investment she expects of me is to be willing and able to father the child.

2018-11-16 23:36:42 UTC  

@missliterallywho I never said anything about you having a worthless opinion. I appreciate it as much as anyone else. I'd consider buying an egg and surrogate, if I had the money and someone to play mom afterward. But obviously I don't have that money. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to have a child with someone far outside my class/status (men date down mostly, not up). I feel the genetic potential and financial power are worth the trade off. I've never been tested, but my IQ is likely about 100-105 at most. My GF is 147. I won't throw around $ numbers but it's more than enough, much more than I ever had growing up. She understands that my biggest agenda will be keeping my son or daughter as traditional as possible.

2018-11-16 23:39:49 UTC  

@missliterallywho What "women" in the movement? We outnumber them at least 11-1? Hoping for that kind of woman seems to extremely unlikely. I'd have to get a woman who is willing to live borderline poor in a low income white neighborhood and homeschool. The quality women around me just won't accept this.

2018-11-16 23:47:19 UTC  

@Tanner - SC I absolutely have low self-esteem because of my financial situtation. Because I genuinely cannot afford children right now, and have 0 career options, a combination of having been doxxed, having narcolepsy, and on top of that just am not that smart overall. I think you are implying I can make up for all that by just being "more confident"? Sure, if my goal is getting laid. That works. But mathematically, I cannot afford more children. That is the issue. @Alexander Pechorin Men do become more attractive in women's eyes, but biologically, our genes are always better younger. Generally men do become wiser, better educated, and tend to earn more. Biologically it is downhill for every man after 26, but again some athletes continue to perform well long after, because their skills tend to improve with training overtime, despite their bodies slowly beginning to decline after 26. The fact women find us more attractive doesn't deny that we are physically rotting just like they are, but in fact women's biology has them see our older selves as more attractive anyway. So yes, the "distinguished look" will make them feel more attracted to us, but that does not mean I will definitely be earning more, or that it will compensate for the physical prowness I will be losing

2018-11-16 23:59:29 UTC  

@missliterallywho We do love each other. If I could freeze her age wise until I was 44 myself, I would be more than happy with her.

2018-11-17 00:01:49 UTC  

Also as far as job "within the movement" this is also extremely unlikely. Also, to the extent that it is, I am limited by the same conditions that affect me in the general workforce.

2018-11-17 00:16:26 UTC  

What's your annual income?

Is the narcolepsy bad enough that you cannot operate a motor vehicle?

Loads of women have 4 children with drug dealers who make $20,000 a year. You can find a woman. Likely she won't be as intelligent nor as wealthy, but I think 4 children raised by a 100 IQ women in a financially rough household with 2 loving parents who stay together forever is better than 1 child with a very high likelihood of genetic defects raised by a dysfunctional broken household and a mother that's way older than any other mom in the child's peer group.

Loads of women are persuaded enough by feminism these days to not only tolerate, but be excited at the idea of a stay-at-home dad while she is the breadwinner. I wouldn't normally suggest this as an option, but since you had a life-altering injury, this scenario can make sense. Just find you a normal girl who is your age and raise a big family together. Average women can make plenty of money these days, we men have refined the workplace to be so efficient. Live in a smaller house with one car and boom, you can easily live on a single income from a woman.

2018-11-17 00:17:08 UTC  

@missliterallywho While this would be highly desirable, I don't have anything to market/sell/service to them. I mean, that would be great, but I still have to have some way to provide that service. I am still at square one. As far as trades go, the narcolepsy makes that difficult, especially really going far in a field to really be able to afford multiple children to a high quality woman.

2018-11-17 00:17:14 UTC  

IQ and money are not the end-all be-all.