Message from @Nicholas1166 - NY

Discord ID: 495636020411236352

2018-09-20 02:44:56 UTC  

We're probably dipping to deep into a religious discussion for the being single channel.

2018-09-20 02:45:27 UTC  

Yeah we do have an unofficial religious server where most members are IE

2018-09-20 02:45:30 UTC  

It's weird that we want a society where elders are heeded, but our "elders" (boomers) are anomalous sabatague against all tradition, and therefore, a liability.
Care for and honor, sure. But they need to have power taken from them.

2018-09-20 02:46:10 UTC  

@ThisIsChris could you send me an invite?

2018-09-20 02:46:14 UTC  

I think what we want is not neccessarily elders heeded but rather *tradition* heeded

2018-09-20 02:46:19 UTC  

yep just a sec

2018-09-20 02:51:52 UTC  

I'm a voting member of my church and will eventually be an elder. In order to get there though I had to start from the bottom. To try to redirect this back to a conversation about being single I think that sometimes we tend to think more about the ends than the means. You can't introduce yourself to a girl with a marriage proposal. You have to be willing to start small and be patient.

2018-09-20 02:55:36 UTC  

Very true. Putting cart before horse is a problem for the very intelligent as well as the identitarian, i.e. ethnostate speculation when most white people aren't pro-white...

2018-09-22 18:45:00 UTC  

What if you’re 🅱agan

2018-09-22 20:07:25 UTC  

Good luck finding a pagan gf lol

2018-09-22 20:07:58 UTC  

Hard to even find pagan guys to hang out with much less a pagan girl who isn't a whale

2018-09-22 20:56:03 UTC  

@Sherlock Sad but true. For every Blonde Buttermaker there are 33 bluehair, fat, leftist wiccans

2018-09-22 23:51:56 UTC  

Haha yeah the struggle is real

2018-09-29 16:10:42 UTC  

Very good points.

2018-09-29 16:36:43 UTC  

Well put, my big issue is that I have trouble striking up conversations with strangers without feeling like a creep

2018-09-29 16:38:20 UTC  
2018-09-29 16:38:50 UTC  

And I live way out in the sticks. No real activity groups to speak of

2018-09-29 16:40:35 UTC  

Sorry to hear that man. It's already hard for me and I'm near plenty of people, I can't imagine how bad it is in a sparsely populated area

2018-09-29 16:44:50 UTC  

Yeah.. I guess I am just focusing on my classes (I commute an hour one way to college) and lifting. Maybe in the spring...

2018-09-29 16:46:38 UTC  

Yeah, same I guess. It's probably better I spent my efforts on self improvement, but its still a little depressing at times

2018-09-29 16:54:45 UTC  

Striking up conversations just takes practice. You only feel like a creep because so many women complain about "creepy men" bothering them

2018-09-29 16:55:23 UTC  

pro tip: be attractive

2018-09-29 16:56:03 UTC  

I'm not unattractive, just uncomfortable

2018-09-29 16:56:12 UTC  

IMO at least

2018-09-29 16:58:21 UTC  

I kind of have a weak chin. It isn't terrible, but the neck fat that won't disappear doesn't help. I am working on getting contacts to replace glasses though.

2018-09-29 16:59:16 UTC  

You're probably fine

2018-09-29 17:00:26 UTC  

I've taken enough selfies to know now that you can make your chin look stronger just by jutting it out a tiny bit, not ridiculously so it's like underbite though

2018-09-29 17:02:04 UTC  

just like, line up your teeth where they should naturally fit

2018-09-29 17:03:10 UTC  

A girl's body language tells you how she feels about you more than anything else you can pick up in a conversation

2018-09-29 17:06:57 UTC  

What should I look for in particular? Are there any tell-tale body signs that have worked for you guys?

2018-09-29 17:07:12 UTC  

honestly, you'll know

2018-09-29 17:08:13 UTC  

Yeah, pretty much you'll just know, but it something you'll have to start paying attention to.

2018-09-29 17:10:46 UTC  

There used to be some videos on the subject but they all got taken down because it's sexist to recognize micro expressions

2018-09-29 17:11:54 UTC  

For good reason too, readable body language is a tool of male dominance

2018-09-29 17:12:20 UTC  

But thanks for the advice so far, I'll definitely be more aware of it going forward

2018-09-29 17:12:40 UTC  

like, if you're not full on autistic (literaly they're unable to recognize body language and emotion), you're fine lol

2018-09-29 17:26:17 UTC  

oh and experiment with your facial hair

2018-09-29 17:26:42 UTC  

I find for me, a great shave really makes my jaw stronger