Message from @ThisIsChris
Discord ID: 495591504362864671
Thank you Charlotesville
I'd be constantly trying to make darwinism fit into the frame, not taking every scripture literally, and for liberal churches counteracting that stuff too
Well then they suck. Like I said my pastor knows I'm in IE and that I was at Charlottesville. He doesn't see any conflict that could affect my faith.
My own step father has studied the scriptures his whole life and said he would compare Identitarianism to a cult or masonry, and therefore incompatible
The comparison with masonry usually stems from the fact that it is a pseudonymous group which aims to acheive power. I see the resemblence.
We're probably dipping to deep into a religious discussion for the being single channel.
Yeah we do have an unofficial religious server where most members are IE
It's weird that we want a society where elders are heeded, but our "elders" (boomers) are anomalous sabatague against all tradition, and therefore, a liability.
Care for and honor, sure. But they need to have power taken from them.
@ThisIsChris could you send me an invite?
I think what we want is not neccessarily elders heeded but rather *tradition* heeded
yep just a sec
I'm a voting member of my church and will eventually be an elder. In order to get there though I had to start from the bottom. To try to redirect this back to a conversation about being single I think that sometimes we tend to think more about the ends than the means. You can't introduce yourself to a girl with a marriage proposal. You have to be willing to start small and be patient.
Very true. Putting cart before horse is a problem for the very intelligent as well as the identitarian, i.e. ethnostate speculation when most white people aren't pro-white...
What if you’re 🅱agan
Good luck finding a pagan gf lol
Hard to even find pagan guys to hang out with much less a pagan girl who isn't a whale
@Sherlock Sad but true. For every Blonde Buttermaker there are 33 bluehair, fat, leftist wiccans
Haha yeah the struggle is real
Very good points.
Well put, my big issue is that I have trouble striking up conversations with strangers without feeling like a creep
@Nicholas1166 - NY Same here.
And I live way out in the sticks. No real activity groups to speak of
Sorry to hear that man. It's already hard for me and I'm near plenty of people, I can't imagine how bad it is in a sparsely populated area
Yeah.. I guess I am just focusing on my classes (I commute an hour one way to college) and lifting. Maybe in the spring...
Yeah, same I guess. It's probably better I spent my efforts on self improvement, but its still a little depressing at times
Striking up conversations just takes practice. You only feel like a creep because so many women complain about "creepy men" bothering them
pro tip: be attractive
I'm not unattractive, just uncomfortable
IMO at least
I kind of have a weak chin. It isn't terrible, but the neck fat that won't disappear doesn't help. I am working on getting contacts to replace glasses though.
You're probably fine
I've taken enough selfies to know now that you can make your chin look stronger just by jutting it out a tiny bit, not ridiculously so it's like underbite though
just like, line up your teeth where they should naturally fit
A girl's body language tells you how she feels about you more than anything else you can pick up in a conversation
What should I look for in particular? Are there any tell-tale body signs that have worked for you guys?
honestly, you'll know
Yeah, pretty much you'll just know, but it something you'll have to start paying attention to.
There used to be some videos on the subject but they all got taken down because it's sexist to recognize micro expressions