Message from @GDoctor
Discord ID: 507688112059580426
Maybe fire prevention
that’s useful 👍 we’ll always need those trades
wish I had a skill like that tbh
Yeah me too, I was gonna go to trade school but this sounds better tbh
For the longest time I wanted to be a Foreign Service Officer. I pretty much aced the test but between then and when I took my interview I realized how cucked the state department was.
I followed the advice in this video and got a great job. I walked in cold with no interview set up too.
This is a fantastic discussion about sales, persistence and success.
@Wood-Ape - OK/MN Just took my ASVAB and I scored in the 78th percentile and qualify for basically any job
@Trashboat what branch were you thinking of?
Air force
What civilian world job is your dream job?
Also, with an ASVAB score like that, please tell me you're not going security forces.
Fuck dude idk
Honestly no idea
I like manual jobs
I also like solving problems and having to think
And being outdoors
A combat weatherman perhaps, lol! By manual do you mean just picking things up and putting them down or like a trade?
like a trade
I am pretty good at welding
The Navy is the more "blue-collar tradesman" part of the military. Air Force is the more "I like computers and do calculus for fun" part of the military.
My dad was in the navy and that sounded basically the same
Air force I mean
I've never thought about the navy
Just something to think about...
@Trashboat Excellent work!
@Trashboat if u like picking things up and putting them down, go Marine Corps
Hard no
@Trashboat Something like aviation tech, admin, comm or intel
@Jason - CT Is that a question?
@Trashboat I was in the Navy. Nuclear Electronics Technician. 6 years.
Y’all got any advice on how to pick new hobbies?
I’ve had an enlightening conversation on how dangerous video games are in so much as they are a false sense of accomplishment.
Do you play an instrument? Play an instrument.
I don’t live alone tho
I play guitar with headphones 🤷
You don't need to turn an amp very loud either
Just do lots of different stuff until you find something you like. I pick up a new hobby every couple years, but I'm always picking stuff up and putting it back down