Message from @SamanthaM
Discord ID: 384400823620337695
@Zyzz that sounds a bit high but I'm not 100% sure
@Juan Carlos it's about my parents. my student loans that they co-signed were messing up their ability to get a mortgage
sheeeeiiiitttttt, this is out of my lane. Do they have enough money to talk to a fee-only financial advisor? A competent advisor could find some solutions for them.
@Zyzz @cannoliqueen - NY#4073
I donate to goodwill.
-My Mom is a ninja at this, she goes to yard sales at the end of the day.... and asks to buy all the clothes for say $50. People generally agree, because yard sales are typically people getting rid of stuff.
-She then takes a huge pile of clothes, itemizes, folds, and takes pics of them. Then she donates them to Goodwill and gets the tax deduction for my business owner Dad.
-She secures between $10-20k deduction annually doing only this.
@Tyler0317 wow your mom is smart
There's lots of ways for we men to organize the contribution of our women.
By doing this my Dad gets:
1) A wife who gets her 'shopping fix' at inexpensive yard sales
2) Tax deductions which raise the standard of living of his family
3) This income justifies having a wife who can stay at home and be caretaker to his 5 kids and coming brood of grandkids 😃
Every server in the IE network needs a Chad react
@Tyler0317 so awesome
This series on critical business skills looks great :)
@SamanthaM#6505 Very interesting. Are you going to take the course?
@DCViking No. Just putting it out there as an opportunity. :) I'm taking the Series 7 in December and the 66 in January, so there won't be spare time for much else.
@SamanthaM Thanks for sharing. Let us know when you pass your tests 👌🏻
Thanks so much! :)
@SamanthaM I have my series 7 and 66 so let me know if you have any questions about the tests.
Make sure you have the Options portion down pat. Both tests have lots of options questions. They are duplicative in that way. Also, make sure to study bond pricing. Neither of them are hard, it just takes a little practice. I am a former attorney but have been working in Finance for about 5 years now.
Thank you! Yes, could definitely use some help with options. Keep getting stops and limits mixed up. Also, are there any tricks to remembering when to use the federal funds rate?
Yeah, the options part can be tricky until you get the hang out it. I just memorized "Up, Down, Down, Up" and that helped to keep my thinking organized.
As for the Federal Funds Rate, I have to be honest and say that is not something I have looked at in awhile. But if memory servers, it is the rate that the Fed lends money overnight to banks.
Whoops, got that one HAS been awhile. Federal Funds Rate is the rate that banks lend deposit reserves to other banks overnight when the receiving bank won't have the deposit requirement. When the Fed wants to reduce the rates, they increase the money supply and buy government bonds. When they want to increase the rates, they sell. Lower the rates to spur the economy, raise them to cool it.
@Darth Thanks, I always forget that FFR is the interbank loan and not based on FRB. The name is seriously misleading. By the way, what study program did you use? I've got both the finra workbook and passperfect.
back when i took the 7 there was a lot on munis as well
Is the "Ruin a company with our endorsement, invest, then withdraw endorsement" a viable investment strategy, or was Papa Johns on the way down anyway?
Well, their product isn't the best. It probably doesn't have anything to do with us.
i think they had a bad earnings number which is what prompted them to criticize the NFL which is why Anglin endorsed them which prompted them to disavow us
@SamanthaM what do you do for work?
@Zyzz Recently graduated. Just signed on to a firm as a junior financial advisor. And yourself?
nice i work in RE, previously worked at an ibank where i needed my 7 and 63
Interesting. What were your experiences with the ibank? What prompted your decision to switch to RE?
Here's my plan.
1) Borrow a shit load of Bitcoin from p2p lending
2) Convert to cash
3) Bubble pops, you have cash, Bitcoin is worthless
4) Pay debnts
Question is, when will Bitcoin pop?
That's the age old question of when will x pop. If you knew, you'd be the richest man alive
I had a wallet when Bitcoin was 10$. I tried to buy 100$ worth but the payment didn't go through for some reason.
i wouldn't touch that shit @John O - it is pure speculation with (to my knowledge) no underlying demand drivers
@SamanthaM DM'ed you
@Zyzz yeah, of course. I've been saying that for years. Just kind of bullshiting
I work in home mortgage if anyone needs advice on how to get approved for a loan.
So, people really shouldn’t mess with crypto unless they already have a 401k and some slow growth safe investments, right? Do we need an advisor for things like IRAs or can we do all that through TD Ameritrade?
@this_that5553 Check out the convo on IE general