Message from @ThisIsChris
Discord ID: 389968239284977666
I'm going to be sleeping. Looking forward to listening tomorrow
Sure thing. I'll just send you a dropbox link so you can grab it whenever. If no one shows up I'll get in touch with you and we'll do it live another time.
@here options seminar starts in five minutes.
hold on
ill brb. just keep going
James' ex has gotta be real salty about now
lmao that's not a real breakup letter
women don't understand finance enough to have that be a reason for the breakup
Guys, Dogecoin is at $.0028
haha I remember buying like a bazillion doge coin when it was first popular
Hope you held onto it, you would have $35 by now
I just wanna let you guys know that I am not bitter that i did not buy bitcoin in 2012 for 15 dollars a coin. No matter how many times I post on this thread every other day for the next 5 years. Trust me, I am not bitter!
There is still ripple
Anybody know anything about the future of ethereum? Trying to figure out if I should sell or hold tight
Have you already withdrawn your initial investment?
@Tron A few Countries are planning to make ETH their official currency backing. Microsoft, and a few other big corporations as well
So I've heard
Ethereum is developing a really cool shared storage system. It's called Swarm. You can use your drives to help store peoples' stuff in a distributed way and earn FileCoin
@this_that5553 is FileCoin going to be an ICO?
By the way reminds me of Storaj
it's still very early. But it gives an idea of the vision they have for the future. Pretty neat
So many uses for ethereum
But transaction speed limits are a problem.
@SamanthaM Grats! good work!
@Deleted User @Zyzz Thanks! Super glad that's done.
@SamanthaM Congratulations!
Is there anything as volatile as crypto to invest in right now?