Message from @John O -
Discord ID: 502623337600778260
Wow NFLX popped 11% after the earnings report.
“My biggest threat is the Fed,” Trump said on Tuesday during an interview with FOX Business’ Trish Regan. “Because the Fed is raising rates too fast, and it’s too independent," he complained.
Don’t get my hopes up Mr. President...I’ve been waiting for this since Ron Paul ran years ago.
Interesting talk on high-frequently trading
its so painful to see charts like this when you didn't get it in on it 😩
@Deleted User wow nice. I usually don't even hear of these things until days later, since I'm usually watching indicies. Where do you look for new things?
I don't use scanners or anything, but I'm in a few stock related servers and people usually say when something is moving. Also I have StockBot on my private discord which lets you scan and amalgamates news
its pretty useful @ThisIsChris
$YECO closed at 600%+ yesterday, and opened today at 1,160%+
I'm butthurt
@Deleted User oof
@Deleted User imagine it goes up 10x again tomorrow
And you have options
I'm not so sure
@Deleted User yep honestly sounds like the kind of thing that may revert tomorrow, but I unfortunately know nothing about it so who knows, still cool though
@Deleted User you can't think like that, dude
like what haha?
I mean, opportunities like that aren't exactly every day. And I've gotten in on them before
When I was paper trading, I was able to catch the infamous $LFIN
There's a reason why people don't make money on that stuff. It's anomalous. Don't go chasing waterfalls. Stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used to
I'm not only looking to trade these lol, I'm fine with 3% for the day too
I'm just saying why the hell wouldn't I want to get in, given the opportunity
@Deleted User thoughts for this week?
@ophiuchus here's a page for all european options
@ThisIsChris Nothing in particular, I'm not as wise as I should be here. hopefully the market heads up again from this recent downtrend
There’s a lot of reasons not to trade but if you want some pointers let me know, I’ve been in for quite a while but I’m typically risk off or focused on commodities
pretty, innit
So satisfying
@Deleted User did you buy?
Yeah I'm in it
@Deleted User great job!
>Beginning in October 2019, all Certified Financial Planners will be required to act in the best interests of their clients at all times when providing financial advice. While many CFPs already operate this way, CFPs are currently only required to act as a fiduciary when helping clients with financial planning.