Message from @wolfwood
Discord ID: 482110468853596170
We have Researchers at my University from China, or India, who only hire people from China or India to work in their labs. There are entire labs with more than a dozen lab workers, post docs, lab techs and they are all Chinese or Indian. Can you imagine what would happen if a white Professor did that and only hired white students to work in his/her lab?? he/she would go straight to HR. it's hard to see stuff like that.
kind of a coincidence that this thing about the white farmers in South Africa came out because just a few days ago I ran into a white family from South Africa who moved to Utah and when I asked them why they moved, the wife said: "they are killing us over there!!!"
At least they are safe now
beautiful family too; good looking blond haired, blue eyed kids.... I am glad they got out of there. But man... this stuff keeps me up at night.
I can tell!
2:46am there right?
yes lol I actually fell asleep at 11 PM then I woke up and can't go back to sleep reading this stuff...
It's hard to sleep when there is a happening afoot.
where in Cali? I mean, north, south, center?
East of San Fran
Born and raised, leaving soon
oh right on. leaving ? where to ? Utah ?? 😉 SO many people from California moving to Utah!! and when I ask them why they left California, the answer is always the same: "Our Governor is crazy and the whole State has become a "sanctuary State" and we are being invaded"
The thing I'm wondering about, is after the media/twitterati outrage machine dies down, what action, if any, will the Trump admin take? If they do decide to accept refugees, they would need to designate white SA farmers as a persecuted group at risk of genocide. This would establish that yes, in fact, whites can be oppressed by non-whites. If they did something stupid like make it about "farmers" only, colorblind...well, I hope they don't make that mistake.
My goal is Montana, but I need to make a scouting trip.
95% of my stuff is packed, only odds and ends now, garage stuff...
you have a very good point; i hope the people around him will tell him not to be afraid to use the word WHITE
oh geez, so you are really serious about it LOL will you have to find a new job then ?
I read from an anon on 8ch that Tucker never said white, but we know Trump did use white in his tweet, so he must know.
I haven't seen Tucker's segment yet.
oh gotcha.. sorry to hear that brother. that's always touch! i bought some lottery tickets while i was up in Idaho last week, if i win, i swear I am moving too. We couldn't even have a Christmas tree in the office last year because …. well we did not want to force one religion over another.
is it just you relocating or there is a whole family you need to move?
Just me and my bird
"Despite the decline in the number of fatalities there has been a rise in the number of attacks on farms, from 478 in 2016-17 to 561 a year later."
This from the Guardian!
Is it just me, I don’t see the Identity Evropa links in the comments section of Trump’s tweet...just one link to Lauren Southern’s documentary
Can you imagine if Trump gives them the Turkey treatment?
We're going to watch the left openly call for displacement of whites
Amazing times
>illegal entey
>stolen identity
>tax evasion
>no prior criminal activity
^Dreamer, that guy
Saw this ad(?) online, what did they mean by this? Is it supposed to be innocent and I'm just a pessimist?
Or is it about diversity and it's just coincidence they're also pushing for pedos?
@Flint Its pedo stuff. I followed the ad and one of the major sponsors is (((suprise))) the ADL
They are checking all the boxes in that ad. Diversity, two girls, and yes I'd say that is subtle pedo pushing.
This stuff needs to be stopped, ASAP.
I'm suprised that they would feature a cis gendered white woman. How offensive.
She's a little girl, and obviously "lesbian" (for the ad) the sickos on the left will be OK with it.