Message from @ophiuchus
Discord ID: 483583876334092289
I think that is just the name of the website, not sure if I buy the Khazar theory either, but their data is still pretty good.
@Bjorn - MD I believe I've seen genetic studies on the Ashkenazim that say that are of mixed European and Middle-Eastern Semitic decent. Of course that doesn't mean all that much because most Turkic people are only linguistically Turkic and not genetically Turkic.
@Bjorn - MD I have to say I respect the guy does his research, I'm rewatching this because I feel like there is something probably buried in here that we could take away from it
Interesting, not sure where the Italian admixture comes from though, I would thought it would have Slavic and Germanic.
Of course he is mostly arguing against the Neizstchean Richard Spencer and has positive things to say about people we would recognize as identitarian (i.e. RamZPaul) so I'm not sure what he thinks of us, though he is clearly critical of anyone taking part in CVill2
In the Patrick Casey Era our activism entirely incorporates the same conclusions he came to about big rallies
Yeah Nathan gets a mention of someone who mistakenly followed Spencer but then wised up and left him behind
Well there used to be some cross-fertilization between IE and NPI
Before joining IE, most IE guys I had heard of besides Damigo were the IE guys on NPI's Alt Right Politics Podcast
different time for sure
Just finished the entire video.
What a ride
@Doc34 yep
@Bjorn - MD haha idk if I'm even part of the scene *now*
but it's interesting that's where you were at at the time. a real evolution
I kinda went from centrist to understanding all these things I couldn't understand all of a sudden made perfect sense when you realize the media and other powerful institutions are anti-white
good talkin. goodnight guys
That AltHype Spencer rant was loooooooooooooooong Have you done your civic duty yet?
Good morning IE
Waiting for the glorious sunrise
I'm up.
I get up at 6 pretty much every day, even though I work from home.
The habit of getting up then makes me just wake up on the weekends too.
Often five or ten minutes before the alarm goes off during the week, I wake up.
I’m trying to cultivate a “getting up early habitat
I've found it just takes time, consistency.
This is difficult because I just kind of naturally don’t get tired until obscenely late
Just gonna keep trying though
That I think will change.
With time.
I’ve read that eating as soon as you wake up can help to set your circadian rhythm with than time better
if you wake up early and eat breakfast consistently for a bit it can help your body kinda be like “oh ok, this is when it’s time to wake up”
Every time I wake up early I’m amazed by how much I get done. Even if I wake up late and stay up later to compensate, I’m just not nearly as productive as I am when I get up early
Good morning IE! I almost feel guilty, the world is falling apart but I had a fantastic weekend! Let's hope the week gets better for the world and stays on track for me!
A message from a boer.
Rise and grind Kings
Has Fox ever had a boer on their program to talk about what was happening?