Message from @fgtveassassin
Discord ID: 483704088341512202
He's making more enemies though.
Spencer will probably drop off the face of the earth if he’s smart
Reasons to live your life above reproach, #312
My management class has stuff on the syllabus about diversity, does AmRen or anything have articles on diversity in the workplace or anyone have anything off the tops of their heads?
@EverlastingTuck actually picked that book up last week. Haven't gotten the chance to read it yet.
It’ll make you feel like a sissy boy compared to our cavemen ancestors but it’s interesting
@fgtveassassin are you looking for stats or just arguments against diversity?
Gave culture of critique another read. Really good stuff and I recommend anyone who hasn't read it give it a try.
Pretty much everywhere i search, diversity in the workplace is "good" (for the "diverse" of course).
@TV arguments against, decreased motivation/productivity etc. Thanks @Asatru Artist - MD , mind DMing so I can check it out later and doesn't get lost ?
@fgtveassassin read Jared Taylor's book White Identity if you haven't already. It gives many examples of diversity making things worse.
Will do
I've been fighting the diversity gustapo at work. I don't attack diversity directly, the brainwashing is too deep and just causes knee jerk reactions. Every time diversity is brought up I drive home that it is what we hold in common that strengthens the organization (in my case patient care)
I then incorporate buzz words in a negative context.
And our terminology in a positive one.
Is that an L or an i before the 1
So "we need a homogeneous culture of patient care"
You can hold on the message and select copy text. Might them need to paste it somewhere to get rid of the extra stuff other than the email address.
and "diverse approaches will increase confusion and lead to an increase in mistakes"
"One culture of care, don't let our diversity tear us down"
Actual quotes lol
Using their own terms against them. 👌
I suspect all the admins hate me, but using the right approach everyone is forced to be on board.
Everyone please welcome our newest member @Rabbidsith!
It may be small, but it is therapeutic for me and I hope it plants seeds for later. I take every opportunity I can to frame the language of "the narrative" in a negative context and ours in a positive.
Utah is getting a lot of new members lately. HuWhite bastion of good people confirmed.
Indeed. This state is mostly white and I don't want to see that end.
People here are unfathomably polite to a degree that I have never seen in more "diverse" areas.
I have a lot of good memories in Utah, peak Implicity
Perhaps. I am not a Mormon. However, just so that you know, the church's influence is in considerable decline as of late.
Utah also has unparalleled natural beauty. National parks for days
Indeed. I went into the mountains about a month ago and I was stunned at the natural beauty. You know the 1950's advertisements about camping? The trees are perfectly triangular in that same fashion.
Fields of flowers as far as the eye can see, nearly vertical rock faces, and waterfalls just off the trail.
@Bjorn - MD It is very nice. If you've never been, I would recommend going there.