Message from @The Eternal Anglo

Discord ID: 484901897376104449

2018-08-31 01:41:01 UTC  

@Tanner - SC Good point.

2018-08-31 01:41:27 UTC  

@Tanner - SC True, but the civnats we need to win over deny it

2018-08-31 01:42:21 UTC  

I bet you would be surprised how many people would now consider literally anyone "American".

2018-08-31 01:42:35 UTC  

muh magic soil

2018-08-31 01:42:47 UTC  

I love the current name and logo

2018-08-31 01:44:06 UTC  

my only point of disagreement is this: having been to Europe, I don't "feel" European. I feel... well, American.

2018-08-31 01:44:08 UTC  

@Asatru Artist - MD Same with good/bad neighborhoods and school districts. Too bad the dirt loses its magic when blacks move in

2018-08-31 01:44:18 UTC  

@Asatru Artist - MD that’s why calling a pro-white group something like “American Identity” is so great, it forces the conversation of how to define American identity.

2018-08-31 01:44:20 UTC  

Europeans don’t look at us like Europeans

2018-08-31 01:44:26 UTC  

We are “white” in their eyes

2018-08-31 01:44:35 UTC  

American to me has at this point become its own ethnic 'thing'. or at least, it's a nascent ethnic identity

2018-08-31 01:44:50 UTC  

The head of GI Austria just got engaged to an American

2018-08-31 01:44:56 UTC  

And they don’t look at themselves as white they look at themselves as their nationality. White is a purely American thing

2018-08-31 01:45:06 UTC  

Identity Nomelanin? <:teehee:381917632359563264>

2018-08-31 01:45:08 UTC  

We are the mitts of Europeans

2018-08-31 01:45:19 UTC  


2018-08-31 01:45:22 UTC  

I mean, sure, but America's whole "white = American" is nothing new. it's the exact same idea that's carried across most places with a mixed race population

2018-08-31 01:45:40 UTC  

it was the same principle in places like French Algeria or South Africa

2018-08-31 01:46:19 UTC  


2018-08-31 01:46:28 UTC  

@Caboose Objectively false. While they may be, for example, Hungarian first, they absolutely have white identity. That's why groups like GI can be multinational

2018-08-31 01:47:01 UTC  

I would say that the American White is mostly Anglo and German. The world, when they hear, "American" visualise either a blonde tall man with his family, or the little rascals

2018-08-31 01:47:40 UTC  

True because if you have olive skin you aren’t white but you can still be european. DRIVES ME CRAZY

2018-08-31 01:47:42 UTC  

Farage is married to a German. Regardless of what they may say to be PC, we all know Europeans consider other Europeans more similar than nonwhites (at least the nationalists do)

2018-08-31 01:47:51 UTC  
2018-08-31 01:48:07 UTC  

oh yeah, all that money and attention and sponsorship deals

2018-08-31 01:48:18 UTC  

definitely how we treat zoo animals

2018-08-31 01:48:46 UTC  

OBJ better not let me down on my fantasy team this year

2018-08-31 01:48:52 UTC  

Here is a thought for growing the symbology: teal is a combo of green and blue, green often used to symbolize renewal and blue used for heaven, or truth. Renewal, and truth. I think I like those.

2018-08-31 01:49:00 UTC  

@hbutzer0511 Black athletes that make MILLIONS of dollars, live in mostly white areas and drive Lamborghinis are treated like zoo animals?
Sign me up for that zoo!

2018-08-31 01:49:12 UTC  

Teal just looks nice, and it's rather unique to us

2018-08-31 01:49:18 UTC  

@Caboose if you ever called me non white to my face id put your head through a fucking wall you faggot

2018-08-31 01:49:39 UTC  

Let's plan and think

What can we do to make the average White American/our target demographic feel welcomed under an identity?

1.How could we make, "American" a White specific word?
2. Are there other words we could hijack and become ours

2018-08-31 01:49:56 UTC  

Unless we lose the C-Ville lawsuit (which we shouldn't), I don't see a reason to rebrand

2018-08-31 01:49:59 UTC  

Uh oh, med rage incoming?

2018-08-31 01:50:15 UTC  

@Asatru Artist - MD They want to escape from their own skin and can't find a way out so they say things like this and chimp out.

2018-08-31 01:50:16 UTC  

@Zyzz I’m sowwy for triggering you

2018-08-31 01:50:30 UTC  

American _is_ white specific. Minority groups say that America is a white country

2018-08-31 01:50:39 UTC

2018-08-31 01:50:42 UTC  

ironically listening to the POC is the solution

2018-08-31 01:51:06 UTC  

Its disgusting how her family cucked. TRAITORS, the lot of them.

2018-08-31 01:51:07 UTC  

Just use Clint Eastwood in _The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly_ as a symbol