Message from @Clarion -FL
Discord ID: 486924967557070849
@Deleted User animals
those who know can not sleep.
@Asatru Artist - MD -- my family just watched "V" the original miniseries. Like a month ago. lol. It was still excellent. The framework of discussion was fantastic.
I think every red pilled family should watch it, actually 😉
Nice, maybe I'll check it out again.
@Deleted User I worked on a documentary filmed in South Africa many years ago about child traffickers. The entire idea and reality of child trafficking is disgusting and appalling.
Jesus ran the money changers out of of the temple. They were in the outer area of the temple. Pilgrims came from all over to sacrifice and the temple bureaucrats decided that they were only going to take local money. But, no worries, we'll change that out for you "for a small fee". So, people were essentially being barred from worshiping God by their money making scheme. Additionally, only Jews were allowed into the temple to worship. Gentiles who worshipped God were made to stay outside in this area. So, the Jews had created this marketplace area in a holy space wherein people were trying to worship God. Jesus came in and turned over all their tables and drove them from God's house with a whip. That was just the beginning of his setting things to right with this "brood of vipers".
So Jesus was the first one woke to the JQ? Based.
Good Morning my fellow Identitarians. Have a great productive day for our people. Also stay whitepilled.
I loved the original V miniseries and the following TV series in the 80s. I watched religiously on my little black and white TV in my room. Lizard people indeed.
Read (or listen to) The Jews and Their Lies by Luther. Best book on the JQ ever.
That sounds unbiased. 😂
What sounds unbiased?
(that book...)
@Deleted User as in Martin Luther?
@Clarion -FL Matin Luther Kang Jr
Simon Roche from suidlanders on One America News
One year, there was a massive run on Lego figures of Martin Luther. They were like "whoa! who knew this little religious figure woudl be so popular?!" The run was followed by a flood of complaints that Lego was racist adn had made "Martin Luther King white!" 😆
@Asatru Artist - MD -- unironically-- yes. That's a simplistic answer to a complex series of events -- but, put simply, Jesus made clear that the time of the Jews had come to an end.
@Clarion -FL Yes, not the Kang
@Clarion -FL
> The time of the Jews had come to an end
> Jews own/control literally everything now
I'm speaking from a spiritual, not a material, perspective.
Still doesn't seem to jive though.
Sorry, there are two versus that look alike. Revelation 2:9 " I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."
@Clarion -FL not just racist, but also anti-semitic
Alex Jones is a national treasure.
@Asatru Artist - MD -- in brief -- God called Abraham to follow Him when everyone had given up on worshiping God. From Abraham onward, there were people who worshiped God. God made the descendants of Abraham (the Jews) His chosen people. For a number of reasons (including humanity's inability to follow law perfectly), Jesus came. Jesus made clear over and over how the Jewish leaders had done much evil, abused people, twisted God's words, disobeyed, etc., etc., etc. -- and now Jesus was here to provide a way to God that was not being a descendant of Abraham. The time of the Jews being the spiritually chosen of God was done.
@unclefesterr "Playmobil: Shut It Down" 😆 Playmobil will have to the be the Official Toymaker of the Ethnostate
Sounds about right with the way modern women act.
The modern woman just wears different clothes
And fewer of them
Having been to one or two muslim countries... I vastly prefer our way of doing things
fewer acid attacks
@Salo Saloson fewer acid attacks = white privilege, shitlord
Excuse me, sir, no white privilege on my LGBT minecraft server!
@Steve - NJ That's a red-pill if I ever saw one, imagine that play being replicated today!
Excellent video by Way Of The World today! A MUST watch
IE baby update: Still snug in my belly with not much room left. If he's not out here amongst the living by this time next week I'll be a bit miffed.