Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 488459609435275307
This is what it is
hmmm that Cultural Studies class fits really nicely with my schedule
Oh wait. "...and criticism". So then they require people to criticize themselves on their preconceived notions?
Probably depends what the preconceived notions are
Is this how they then say "Trump voters" are uneducated?
Socialism is AWESOME!
welll to be fair civnats usually aren't very bright
Looks how nice that schedule fits
Holy shit.
I'm still waitlisted for some online classes so hopefully I can get into one of drop one of these
@Jacob That's a really nice fit.
Disheartening election results in Sweden. Results 80% in.
Who am I supposed to send my energy to?
SD is the only decent party.
They were the third largest party in 2014 too.
Liberal media is pushing the narrative that this result is a disappointment for us so they can cope. In reality, our parties are growing, while theirs are shrinking.
From what I'm hearing a Hurricane is heading to S.Carolina.
@Jacob True, but SD should have done much better.
From 7 minutes ago
Until the price of this nonsense outweighs comforts and social acceptance and when no one can get away from said price, White people wont be ready to make a change.
I think SD was predicted to come in at 19 percent
@Hakujin - CA I mean, they *should* have gotten 100%, but we have to work with what we have
i had to teach a one time class at the University the other day as a guest speaker and I am looking around the room at this class of about 50 students and i caught myself desperately looking for white students in this sea of asians, indians and hyspanics. I kept looking at the white students the whole time i was speaking. it made me realize how much i want to associate with MY PEOPLE. A lot of these Asian and Indian students have MBAs or PhD's so I am sure they are smart people in their own fields but they still come across so ..... "unintelligent" when they asked me questions. Maybe its their mannerisms, maybe the fact that some of them are not even able to speak English. I don't know.. i wish i could have hugged the white students in the class who were definitely the minority. i felt a sense of brotherhood and kinship with them.
@Grayson That's good, we should show an extra amount of respect and attention to our people.
I’m not sure what’s going on but MSM seems to be suggesting “right wing victory” in Sweden.
i try to be a nice person.... to everyone. but i catch myself being nicer and more friendly to my people when i am standing in line at the cafeteria or when I'm at the gym or if i am sitting on a plane. i am not particularly friendly to non whites. I will smile to white people at the gym, i will let white people go ahead of me when standing in a line. I let white people walk into the elevator first. But i sure as hell don't do that to non-whites.
@Grayson I don't want to go into too much detail for security reasons, but non whites lack the analytical skills of our people. They can sometimes regurgitate material well but with little to no original thought. In my classes I've had some of them literally start reading word for word out of the textbook instead of paraphrasing using their own words to show that they understand. They then also can't explain what those words actually mean when asked.
'Why?' is usually answered with 'ummm...'
Be prepared to run into the anecdotal exception, however.
@Grayson I'm doing the same. I make a point to acknowledge our people even in casual ways. A simple nod and greeting can make a big difference. Older people I make a point to strike up a conversation and let them tell me about their lives.
@Freiheit - CA "b...but...I knew this *one* really smart black guy in high school..." (so they are all smart and capable!)
I try to get their view on the changes our country and people are going through.
@Deleted User It's all so tiresome.
@Asatru Artist - MD lol, yeah, I'm just saying don't get shocked and become mute when you run into a 95 IQ mulatto.