Message from @Phillip Wiglesworth - FL
Discord ID: 488454548118306817
Should I take this class?
I don't want to take a class where I constantly have to tip toe around my beliefs
It would be a good exercise in rhetoric building. Learn how to toe the line. No soapbox speeches in class. Perhaps inquisitive questions. Then back up your points with stats from leftie or gov sources on your papers. There are enough of those that confirm our narrative in a tacit and timid way. @Jacob
But of course if there is something easier so you could focus on real classes like math then skip this 400 level bs
I found a class that's specifically on rhetoric. It's a 5 hour 1 day a week class, though
Oh well then do that one. That cultural studies class is probably filled with die hard lefties anyways. The only purpose would have been to build rhetoric. But if you can skip directly to rhetoric do that instead.
dude I'm gonna kill myself sitting in one room for 5 hours
Its not that bad, they have abundant breaks. Plus you can fire up the laptop and shitpost soo.
> Plus you can fire up the laptop and shitpost soo.
Ya that'll just result in me not listening to absolutely anything
Maybe if I had an amazing attention span
In my experience those classes are normally 3 hours in length. Teachers do not wanna be there until 10pm either.
lol I can barely stand 2 hour classes
I don't like sitting still
That's why whenever you guys talk to me on voice I'm always outside.
Rhetorical theory? Is that where they teach people to sit there and ask themselves questions they already know they answer to? How do you grade on a class like that?
This is what it is
hmmm that Cultural Studies class fits really nicely with my schedule
Oh wait. "...and criticism". So then they require people to criticize themselves on their preconceived notions?
Probably depends what the preconceived notions are
Is this how they then say "Trump voters" are uneducated?
Socialism is AWESOME!
welll to be fair civnats usually aren't very bright
Looks how nice that schedule fits
Holy shit.
I'm still waitlisted for some online classes so hopefully I can get into one of drop one of these
@Jacob That's a really nice fit.
Disheartening election results in Sweden. Results 80% in.
Who am I supposed to send my energy to?
SD is the only decent party.
They were the third largest party in 2014 too.
Liberal media is pushing the narrative that this result is a disappointment for us so they can cope. In reality, our parties are growing, while theirs are shrinking.
From what I'm hearing a Hurricane is heading to S.Carolina.
@Jacob True, but SD should have done much better.
From 7 minutes ago
Until the price of this nonsense outweighs comforts and social acceptance and when no one can get away from said price, White people wont be ready to make a change.
I think SD was predicted to come in at 19 percent