Message from @wayne peek

Discord ID: 501940598513729546

2018-10-17 02:10:05 UTC  

That was the last 2 days,now this with utube

2018-10-17 02:10:08 UTC  

I saw power was being shut off in cali

2018-10-17 02:10:09 UTC  

Please pardon the Momiji posting.

2018-10-17 02:10:27 UTC  

Yes they shut it off on Purpose

2018-10-17 02:10:43 UTC  

I heard. Any explanation? Ive heard malice intent.

2018-10-17 02:10:44 UTC  

For past 3 days manybwithout power

2018-10-17 02:10:48 UTC  

shut it down

2018-10-17 02:11:01 UTC  

are they deleting right wing channels?

2018-10-17 02:11:03 UTC  

My youtube is still working 🤔

2018-10-17 02:11:14 UTC  

Atlanta To Pay Out $1.2 Million To Christian Fire Chief After Violating His First Amendment Rights

2018-10-17 02:11:15 UTC  

O wait just the video I had up already

2018-10-17 02:11:21 UTC  

Supposedly some bs about trying to protect same burn areas from winds over 40mph,but its total bs

2018-10-17 02:11:24 UTC  

People say China blew up a bunch of surver banks on the west coast, but I'm almost sure that's a lie.

2018-10-17 02:11:28 UTC  

This is important everyone

2018-10-17 02:11:45 UTC  

@Campbell4732 Awesome. Can you post a link?

2018-10-17 02:11:51 UTC  

Megamillion jackpot up to 667million tonight too

2018-10-17 02:11:54 UTC  

Thats big news

2018-10-17 02:12:00 UTC  

Atlanta To Pay Out $1.2 Million To Christian Fire Chief After Violating His First Amendment Rights

2018-10-17 02:12:15 UTC  

Damn it idk why it's not posting

2018-10-17 02:12:30 UTC  

@micbwillirrally wouldn't surprise some kind of mega play

2018-10-17 02:12:44 UTC  

Especially in Atlanta. Its a chocolate city. The same rules don't apply here as the rest of the country. So this is fantastic news.

2018-10-17 02:12:50 UTC  

Its a lefty strong hold.

2018-10-17 02:12:57 UTC  

So this may be it? Wonder what mass event they are staging to set up?

2018-10-17 02:13:11 UTC  

We have already had a strong antifa presence since the latest flyering.

2018-10-17 02:13:28 UTC  

Oy that's never good

2018-10-17 02:13:42 UTC  

What like 30 showed up?

2018-10-17 02:14:12 UTC  

They were just tearing everything down and making post about it on twitter.

2018-10-17 02:15:03 UTC  

So flyer it again, that's what I did up here in NY

2018-10-17 02:15:08 UTC  

So flyer it again, that's what I did up here in NY

2018-10-17 02:15:10 UTC  

Saw in Oregon they have gotten way huge its nasty.

2018-10-17 02:15:17 UTC  

@Wood-Ape - OK/MN Let's wait until Silicon Valley has their forced women CEOs first...

2018-10-17 02:15:21 UTC  

Great we can trigger them into playing hide and seek

2018-10-17 02:15:26 UTC  
2018-10-17 02:15:55 UTC  

They lose their shit when they realize we're not intimidated

2018-10-17 02:16:04 UTC  

So true

2018-10-17 02:16:20 UTC  

That's the easiest way to demoralize antifa, hurt keep doing what we're doing

2018-10-17 02:16:45 UTC  

Remember they think with emotion, not reason

2018-10-17 02:16:55 UTC  

For sure. We wont stop. We had people see the flyers while we were putting them up and they were tearing them down and tried to chase us. We just drove back and put them up. They ended up staking out a spot we were at waiting for us to come back so they could follow us. They were latino.

2018-10-17 02:17:15 UTC  

Oh man not good

2018-10-17 02:17:40 UTC  

We wont stop though. Our messages are spot on the money. People can get mad but thats about it. They are very well done and the message packs the truth and they hate it.

2018-10-17 02:17:53 UTC  

Illegals first is exactly what our mayor wants