Message from @Goose

Discord ID: 504689628272656385

2018-10-24 15:58:32 UTC  

@Nemets funny you mention that, I was just looking at PredictIt

2018-10-24 15:58:35 UTC  

I'm not informed enough to throw money at it

2018-10-24 15:59:00 UTC  

Hard bet given that "genuine threat" could easily be contested.

2018-10-24 15:59:19 UTC  

But let's not bet on the bombs, anything that can be interpreted as a "death market" (a bet where a side can win if someone dies) are highly illegal

2018-10-24 15:59:44 UTC  

@Nemets thanks to you

2018-10-24 15:59:53 UTC

2018-10-24 16:00:36 UTC  

I would place political bets, but I have a knack for losing them lol

2018-10-24 16:02:26 UTC  

@Koba haha yeah I lossed a bit on the Kavanaugh stuff. I thought the Rs might have a show of strength, instead of passing him 50-48 with the absolute bare minimum possible. Lesson learned

2018-10-24 16:02:54 UTC  

yeah I tripled down on my Roy Moore bet as the voting was happening lol

2018-10-24 16:04:27 UTC  

@Koba I feel for you man. PredictIt wasn't on my radar at the time (lucky for me lol) but I would have bet the same way as you

2018-10-24 16:05:48 UTC  

🅱redicIt 🅱osting

2018-10-24 16:06:40 UTC  

i wish we could bet on whether these mailing were false flags or not

2018-10-24 16:06:55 UTC  

^^^ I am in agreement

2018-10-24 16:08:36 UTC  

one thing that irks me, even though i understand why they say it, is the constant disavowing from GOP groups and members about the mailings because it's not the right acting like domestic terrorists.

2018-10-24 16:09:32 UTC  

@Goose Trump said he would find out who did 9/11. Still waiting.

A lot of "bets" are in on that one

2018-10-24 16:09:34 UTC  

@Goose hate to be the fuddy duddy here, but let's not go too deep into betting on the bombs. Betting on possible killings is called a death market and is highly illegal

2018-10-24 16:10:03 UTC  

@Logan count me in

2018-10-24 16:10:35 UTC  

@ThisIsChris gotcha, but i was talking about the odds of them being fake (but i see your point; delete if necessary)

2018-10-24 16:11:45 UTC  

regarding someone's post about the old man and hotel clerk from earlier, normies are aware of the fake hate crimes as well

2018-10-24 16:15:47 UTC  

notice how immediately republicans have come out and condemned the actions while the left is silent

2018-10-24 16:16:24 UTC  

really gets your noodle going...

2018-10-24 16:17:37 UTC  

Drumpf is responsible for everything!

2018-10-24 16:18:09 UTC  

typical yte people and their.... rational fears

2018-10-24 16:20:09 UTC  

Broke: Trump is responsible for everything!
Woke: Trump is responsible for everything!

2018-10-24 16:20:54 UTC  

pretty good read

2018-10-24 16:22:43 UTC  

yte people wanting to move out of dirty and dangerous cities is raysus

2018-10-24 16:23:35 UTC  

anyone else notice how Tuckah and others on Fox are taking the piss out of being called "racist"?

2018-10-24 16:30:10 UTC  

yea that image was not appropriate

2018-10-24 16:30:32 UTC  

also not correct to say something like that

2018-10-24 16:31:14 UTC  

we are a movement of peace

2018-10-24 16:31:44 UTC  

peace and love, man

2018-10-24 16:32:05 UTC  


2018-10-24 16:33:04 UTC  

i somewhat wish cnn would push for more intervention so we could reclaim the anti-war stance

2018-10-24 16:33:56 UTC  

peace is the only means to achieve lasting power

2018-10-24 16:35:13 UTC  

on a lighter and normie note, anyone have any funny costumes planned (especially those with kids)?

2018-10-24 16:35:54 UTC  

Is he our guy??

2018-10-24 16:38:50 UTC  

@Goose my local IE guy and I are going to some college parties dressed as Rick and Rick. AKA super high IQ Rick and Morty

2018-10-24 16:39:13 UTC  


2018-10-24 16:41:06 UTC  

Good morning folks

2018-10-24 16:41:15 UTC  

I don’t believe in funny costumes. Bastardization from commercialism. Holloween should be scary