Message from @Gumbo - AZ
Discord ID: 504707989077360680
Maybe even" the AltRight."
It seems extremely convenient that they are all showing up at the exact same time and yet nothing has happened, like a detonation
also 2 weeks before midterms
@reactionarytree This is all to plant the "violent right" narrative just before midterms to distract from Antifa and everything else.
Patrick's interview and Trump's response to the Caravan had to be countered by false flag and tactical release of Spencer's domestic misbehavior.
Maybe we'll never get a clear picture, like the boomer Vegas shooter with the sketchy Flip wife.
I doubt they will find the sender of these packages - they will remain a mystery that will be explained as right wing terrorism but no terrorists will be found
@reactionarytree That is a good-end.
Best end is reveal of false flag
We haven't heard anything about the Vegas shooter, or the kid from Cville, both huge events in this country, lost to time in such short order? Weird...
worst end is "Alt Right" suspect
they will call the suspect "alt right" or "right wing" even if it isn't true...its not like the media runs on truth anyways.
@StevePines -WA wtf no way. Anyone can put any return address on any package, no?
I'm sure, but there's a miniscule chance it's real
depending on how the packages were sent, they could be sent with some anonymity
Yo how freaking retarded do you have to be to put a return address on a false flag mail bomb
could pay cash, no return address (or a fake one), however, they should be at least able to pinpoint an entry point - like a UPS store or USPS office and surely they would have cameras
Democrat stupid
Nah. Honestly I don't think DWS would be that dumb. The independent leftist or moron right winger who did it probably just did that to further muddle
and also didn't have any postmark over the stamps.. so it wasn't mailed
@Gumbo - AZ ISIS? but targeted CNN, Soros, and Clinton? weird
To me that makes independent actor (left or right) more likely. The globalists don't want to bring attention to ISIS
lmao the return address definitely isn't who actually did it
the return address was so that "it would get through the mail"
Wait thats the bomb? What is that supposed to do? Kill some intern? Do you think these important people open their own mail?
The Postal Service’s forensic branch is huge
but it wasn't even mailed.. there's no postmark over the stamps
it was hand delivered ~_~
probably there as a decoy for when people don't buy it they can just pivot to "oh it was ISIS, nvm" but leftists will still lash out against Trump supporters
oy vey, who wastes money on postage to hand deliver a package?! <:sad:366743316475281408>
Having Debbie Wasserman Shultz connected makes it more likely to be an angry Bernie Bro than a rightist
DWS only ever hurt Bernie, she did a lot to help Trump
@Gumbo - AZ LOL wtf?
illiterate...def a leftist 😃
Or it would convince him to open it out of curiosity. 777 is a holy combination of numbers, is that a real address?