Message from @Freiheit - CA
Discord ID: 505132838291767316
take 2 of these and call me in the morning @Asatru Artist - MD
<:whitepill:439924104406106113> <:whitepill:439924104406106113>
@Goose haha is that real? I should
Apparently I do not exist according to the government, so I guess it's perma wagecucking for me
@Goose haha that's great
Kind of want to ask someone how their interview went. Been a couple days
Would be unfortunate if he wasn’t accepted
Curious because I have friends that are probably 50/50 likely to be admitted if apply: if an applicant is declined, could they be given another interview after a period of time (6 months to a year) and some evident self-improvement?
I’ve not actually- I’ve heard it’s a thick read though. Audiobook is something like 40 hours.
@Wood-Ape - OK/MN Not sure, but i think people are allowed to reapply if they fix their issues, or at least that’s what one guy I got to apply and was rejected said he was gonna do
oy vey
"The suspect appears to be a white man in his mid to late 30s"
truly the rainbow nation is better without apartheid
He look like a man
Paper mache tes
yeah we had cages that they kept locked
there were... undesirables one neighborhood over in the same school district
Must have been a lot of blacks at that schools
the district layout went from postcard white town to inner city in 50-100ft once you hit the border of the two neighborhoods
Schools put balls in cages at black schools for some reason.
I hate to be 🚔 but should we shoah this convo?
lol we shouldnt weapon post
not the cages, just the paper mache...tes...
Just noticing patterns...
i still find it hilarious that this made its way onto the reddit front page
even a broken clock is right twice a day
even they cant cover up reality forever
in the Tucker interview I posted earlier with Adam Corolla, they both mention the massive change in demographics (in California specifically), and the rise in violence and social stress...but don't put them together <:really:453005408064241674>
Wew *wipes sweat*
if theyre talking about the two then theyre associated at some level to the people who are listening
**The Psychology of Progressive Hostility**
I think it's because we're heretics, but let's see this article...
Drudge rn talking about fake bombs.
>What Google did not make public was that an employee had accused Mr. Rubin of sexual misconduct
of course of course!