Message from @Selma
Discord ID: 505147325266657281
truly the rainbow nation is better without apartheid
He look like a man
Paper mache tes
You guys had a cage for your balls? We had a barrel.
yeah we had cages that they kept locked
there were... undesirables one neighborhood over in the same school district
Must have been a lot of blacks at that schools
the district layout went from postcard white town to inner city in 50-100ft once you hit the border of the two neighborhoods
Schools put balls in cages at black schools for some reason.
I hate to be 🚔 but should we shoah this convo?
lol we shouldnt weapon post
not the cages, just the paper mache...tes...
Just noticing patterns...
i still find it hilarious that this made its way onto the reddit front page
even a broken clock is right twice a day
even they cant cover up reality forever
in the Tucker interview I posted earlier with Adam Corolla, they both mention the massive change in demographics (in California specifically), and the rise in violence and social stress...but don't put them together <:really:453005408064241674>
Wew *wipes sweat*
if theyre talking about the two then theyre associated at some level to the people who are listening
**The Psychology of Progressive Hostility**
Drudge rn talking about fake bombs.
>What Google did not make public was that an employee had accused Mr. Rubin of sexual misconduct
of course of course!
then again the women in these companies are usually awful so its 50/50 between jewish predispositions & fake allegations
This is about the craziest "October surprise" the dems could have come up with tbh.
Democrats: fake everything.
Let's just derail that one before it even begins.
Lol. Cali bois smh.
Who should we contact to ask them to stop the caravan?
speaking of the topic of engineered migration...
@Asatru Artist - MD I’m going to stop checking my YouTube subscriptions because you’ll just link them in here. Tag me.
@Asatru Artist - MD you deleted your comment, doubled my perv
Check out @JohnKasich’s Tweet:
"Republican" of Ohio.
Kasich is such a cuck.
If he runs... 😤
He does not represent a large majority of Ohio Republicans...way out of touch.