Message from @The Eternal Anglo
Discord ID: 505419162147880960
the tarp blew off <:really:453005408064241674>
such professionals
Native American
I don't know what you**LIBERALS** see, but I see a God fearing, Consitution loving **AMERICAN!** <:boomer:394308007217070080> <:boomer:394308007217070080> <:boomer:394308007217070080> #MAGA
He's illiterate too ffs
We should seek Elizabeth Warren's guidance...then again, she may have released her results so to take heat off her.
I'll need help later with identifying illegals later guys, there are so many here and I want to call ICE
the van transport looks like a weird GTA mission
I appreciate that pedes have gone from “defend Trump” mode to “defend White males” mode
Hey there Florida Man, welcome
My home is deemed uninhabitable, and the Mexicans who are working on clearing out the carpets of our homes... they can't speak English, and they damaged our expensive wooden bed when they moved it.... still mad about it
They're not in a rush to do anything
@The Eternal Anglo damn dude, is it your place, or you renting?
Trump speaking now
C e s a r S a y o c ----> A c c e s s o r y *cue spoopy music*
YBLS but muh idpol
Hell yeah
BREAKING: Trump believes 3 or 4 black youths will one day be POTUS
There will be troops on the border, I’m not worried. They were violent with Mexican and Guatemalan police, force is definitely justified
so much chaos going on
That guy they caught is some mexican.
The fake bomb guy
Yea, I don’t know, this whole story is just one bizarre thing after another.
The stickers were not just trump stickers. It was every politician with crosshairs over their faces.
Way over the top stuff.
Like I’m still going with the FF narrative
I think his twitter is still up.
He's a native american
Seminole to be precise
not to sound like a kook, but isn't it weird how those stickers look brand new and only cover the windows?
i see plenty MAGAmobiles but they always have the entire end of the car covered
Yea it’s weird
Native American + Philipino
It’s just some DR3 civnat. Yawn!