Message from @Goose
Discord ID: 505415719026950161
Why does his hair look painted on
this guy is exactly what we predicted. White male., obsessed with Trump, supposed example of the "fringe" that trump is violently encouraging, Qtard with quotes of Q posts as stickers on his car
dude is a caricature, 100% predicted
and yet, 50% of America is going to believe every word of the story
^ liberals
Normiecons have not been buying this and I doubt they'll suddenly change their minds
Ok I think he’s Phillipino
i see fewer and fewer people buying into this each passing day
If he's a 56%, he's not *really* anything
But he larps as an Indian
Well he *looks* 56%
Probably benefited
Most certainly
He’s involved with a couple companies with “Native American” in the name
does anyone else find the unmarked escort convoy to be odd?
on the livestream
He's a 56 year old 56% lol
and isn't it odd that this happened in Broward County where Clinton's friend is the sheriff?
The unmarked escort might be standard procedure for chain of evidence. Broward County, definitely suspicious. Occam's razor still on the side of hoax.
Native American
I don't know what you**LIBERALS** see, but I see a God fearing, Consitution loving **AMERICAN!** <:boomer:394308007217070080> <:boomer:394308007217070080> <:boomer:394308007217070080> #MAGA
He's illiterate too ffs
We should seek Elizabeth Warren's guidance...then again, she may have released her results so to take heat off her.
I'll need help later with identifying illegals later guys, there are so many here and I want to call ICE
the van transport looks like a weird GTA mission
I appreciate that pedes have gone from “defend Trump” mode to “defend White males” mode
Hey there Florida Man, welcome
My home is deemed uninhabitable, and the Mexicans who are working on clearing out the carpets of our homes... they can't speak English, and they damaged our expensive wooden bed when they moved it.... still mad about it
They're not in a rush to do anything
@The Eternal Anglo damn dude, is it your place, or you renting?
Trump speaking now
C e s a r S a y o c ----> A c c e s s o r y *cue spoopy music*
@John O - we're getting full money back on all the damage they did, but man their work is shoddy