Message from @Sam Southern - TN
Discord ID: 509747360562282528
Vote we can't let Islam win
The cucks have to lose before we can win.
@Zilna Jestov all Nationalists won their races, all Globalists in Republican uniform lost.
Now all the Globalist party members are in one Democrat uniform.
It will be entertaining to see Ocasio Cortez speaking to the American people about all the changes she plans to make.
Guys, what we really need is more white babies.
3 days!!! DEFEND THE MF ROCKIES!!!<:deye:359010025223618570>
White people have the best women
It’s true!
Cruz should've won that handily. Texas is fucked
@ThisIsChris I agree with this statement.
I'm very black pilled right now. Florida too
@Max Bianco - NY have you looked at how much money they spent?
@Logan yes and it's going to work next cycle
Florida is always weird, bud. Republicans did well there relatively speaking
@Logan Kobach lost. So did Stewart.
@Logan all Nationalists did not win. Kobach and Stewart
@Wood-Ape - OK/MN damn I got cucked
Stewart was somewhat expected, kobach was not at all.
New Somalia, er, Minnesota shows no sign of flipping. But Florida does.
Minnesota is still huwhite, but we must name the Swede
Nordicists btfo
Nordicists aren’t real
I deny their existence and I bet they’re all Anglos anyway
C o l o n i z e d
@NateDahl76 Ever been on the internet?
Bruh you see traumatized by them
I have been told I am not white many times
And wow dude where does that even happen unironically
>6 years
Might unironically move to Virginia or Pennsylvania to campaign for the 2020 election
Probably temporarily
@Wood-Ape - OK/MN the blackpill has really taken over your organism.
Everyone wants to be a revolutionary and a soldier until they miss a meal
@Logan Just keeping my head out of the sand
@Logan okay I wasn't trying to use war analogies, but in war people can actually do things